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By Izaak Wright. Winter UniformSummer Uniform School uniform today!

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Presentation on theme: "By Izaak Wright. Winter UniformSummer Uniform School uniform today!"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Izaak Wright

2 Winter UniformSummer Uniform School uniform today!

3 Would no school uniform make your morning easier?

4 Explaining why no school uniform would make your morning easier/ not easier ?

5 Would no school uniform make your morning easier? Analysis About 97% of the students’ parents and around 77% of the teachers think that having no school uniform would not make their morning easier. However about 71% of the students think that it would make their morning easier. The main reason the students’ parents (43% of responses) like to have a school uniform is that they don’t have to think about what their children wear to school. There was a variety of reasons given by the students but the most popular response (35%) was that they want more choice. Few teachers answered the question correctly! Of those who did, the main reason for wearing a school uniform was to reduce bullying and peer pressure.

6 School uniform is a bad idea?

7 Do you think school uniform would be good for only school trips instead of all of the time?

8 There should be more mufti (non-uniform) days?

9 What other solutions do you have to reduce the amount of time we wear uniform?

10 How can we reduce the time we wear school uniform? Analysis 30% gave no response Of the 70% who did answer here are the most popular responses: – 70% of the teachers and 45% of the students’ parents like the uniform and therefore do not want to reduce the time it is worn. – Overwhelmingly 41% of the students wanted to wear uniform only on specific days.

11 If we keep school uniform how could we improve it?

12 How can we improve school uniform? Analysis The main suggestion (31%) from students was no tie, while 15% of responses also put forward the idea of wearing a polo shirt all year, instead of just in Summer. In fact most students (81%) wanted a more casual uniform in some form. The teachers gave a variety of responses, however, the two most popular were to have a better quality uniform (15%) and to re- enforce the existing uniform rules (also 15%). Teachers also suggested introducing a blazer, changing the colour of our uniform or abolishing the tie (each scoring 11.5%). Students’ parents showed a preference for a cheaper uniform (18.5%), although they also agreed with the students, proposing that the polo shirt be worn all year (10%) and suggested too that the uniform be made from better fabrics (10%)

13 Bad Points about school uniform! CategoryStudents’ parentsTeachersStudents Shirt/Blouse  Non-iron  Wear for longer periods  Too expensive  Eliminate from uniform, polo shirt instead  Top buttons done up  Open neck blouses  Needs to be tucked in  Want different colours for boys and girls  Shouldn’t have to have top button done up  Mark easily  Hate  Uncomfortable  Too expensive Trousers/Skirt  Skinny trousers for girls  Not always suitable  More freedom in choice  Hate  Too expensive  Too tight Polo shirt  Poor quality  Too expensive  Too casual  No badges  Gets grubby  Not smart  Too expensive Tie  Easier to clean  Old-fashioned  Untidy  Too expensive  Eliminate from uniform  No-where to write name  Too much time to tie  Tied properly  Eliminate from girls uniform  Causes too many problems  Uncomfortable  Has to be done up precisely  Hate  Scarf instead of tie for girls  Annoying  Too expensive  Better if machine washable  Eliminate from uniform  Uncomfortable

14 Bad Points about school uniform! CategoryStudents’ parentsTeachersStudents Jumper  Non-iron  Not compulsory in Summer  Better if machine washable  Very poor quality  Should be wool  Too expensive  Don’t like girls colour  No badges  Frays easily  Prefer same colours for boys and girls  Torn cuffs  Rolled up sleeves  Can’t roll up sleeves  Too expensive  Too warm  Poor quality Socks  Girls able to wear white socks with trousers  Any socks allowed  Re-enforce one colour rule  Get rid of one colour rule  Too expensive Coat  Brighter coat  Get more children to wear it  Not popular  Blazer instead  Too Casual  Dangerous colour  Have to wear school coat  Too big  Want different colour  Too expensive P.E. Uniform  Advanced notice to avoid bringing all kit  Too expensive  Changes too frequently  Rugby shirt is poor quality  Too much  Bad material for girls top and skort  Needs to be warmer  Too much  Too expensive  Too much Other comments  Blazers would be useful  Too expensive

15 Bad Points about school uniform! Analysis I would like to highlight the main points here: Students – Tie: Don’t like the fact that you get told off if you don’t have your tie done up precisely Teachers – Trousers / Skirt: are not always the appropriate style – Tie: is not worn properly Students’ Parents – P.E. Uniform: there is too much of the P.E. Uniform (to wash, take in, etc) – Shirt/Blouse: they have to be ironed (should be non-iron)

16 Good Points about school uniform! CategoryStudents’ parentsTeachersStudents Shirt/Blouse Sensible Preparing you for what you will wear at work Smart Low cost Easy to iron Smart Good that you can have long or short sleeve Warm Trousers/Skirt Available in most places Smart Low cost Non-iron Smart Polo shirt Good colour Love P.A. one Smart Easy to look after Nice for Spring and summer Comfortable Easy to wear Cool Good colours Cool in summer Comfortable Smart Comfortable Good in Summer Cool No tie Tie Smart

17 Good Points about school uniform! CategoryStudents’ parentsTeachersStudents Jumper Smart Warm Washes well Like colour Good that girls have one colour and boys have another Smart Warm Comfortable Warm Like colour Good that girls have one colour and boys have another Comfortable Socks Available in most places Coat Good quality Warm Nice Fleece Encourages children to keep Warm Good that you can wear your own one Warm P.E. Uniform Skort is a great idea Smart Practical Smart Comfortable Warm Good that rugby top is reversible Smart Comfortable Other comments Smart Well thought out Helps stop bullying Represents the school well Removes pressure on children and parents Well suited to the age group Smart (when worn correctly!) Saves time in the morning Show you belong to a school Something to be proud of Reduces bullying Reduces theft Represents the school You’ve got something to look forward to when you get to 6-form Cuts out the need to be fashionable Good that everyone looks the same

18 Good Points about school uniform! Analysis Again, I would like to highlight the main points: Students – Polo shirt: like to wear it in Summer Teachers – Polo shirt: it’s comfortable – Jumper: it’s smart Students’ Parents – Tie: it’s smart – Other comments: the uniform in general is smart

19 Would school jumper/sweatshirt/Jacket worn over the top of Mufti (non-uniform), be a better idea than full uniform?

20 An improved uniform? Teachers’ perspective Students’ perspective Teachers’ perspective I could not make an image of the parents’ perspective because their answers were too varied!

21 Conclusions Conclusions on the whole presentation – The students, on the whole, would prefer no uniform; however if they had to keep it they would want no tie and polo tops all year round. – Overall, students’ parents want to keep uniform, but they would like the uniform to cost less, for their children to wear polo tops all year round and for the uniform to have better fabrics. – The teachers, all in all, would also like to keep school uniform and would prefer a smarter approach to the uniform with a blazer, they would also like to have a better quality uniform and they want the existing rules for uniform to be re-enforced! My recommendation – From the results, my biggest recommendation for my school uniform is no tie! – But my personal opinion and preference is no uniform! What I learnt from the project – In my research I learnt new skills on PowerPoint and Excel. – I also learnt that researching and doing questionnaires are harder than I thought they were. – I learnt how to do questionnaires correctly – i.e. making sure about the ethics, not having leading questions, getting people’s permission for anything including them etc. – I found out that my strengths are creating the questions and analysing the data Comments on the whole experience from data collection to analysis – I already knew I was nervous face to face but I realised just how nervous I was face to face surveying. – I am also very nervous to present, and therefore nervous right now! – However I feel that I have now gained confidence by facing my fears and doing the research!


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