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Unit 2 Topic 3 Section B 1. He is tall. He has a round face. He is tall with a round face. 2. She is short. She has a long face. She is short with a.

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2 Unit 2 Topic 3 Section B

3 1. He is tall. He has a round face. He is tall with a round face. 2. She is short. She has a long face. She is short with a long face. 3. Tom is short. He has big eyes. Tom is short with big eyes.

4 1.A:Is he tall or short ? B:He is tall. 2.A:Is her hair long or short ? B:It’s short. 3.A:Are these buses or trucks ? B:They are buses. 4.A:Is the man young or old ? B:He is old.

5 dear 亲爱的(人) go 去 shop 商店 go shopping 去购物 tomorrow 明天 A: Mom, my dress is too short. B: Oh, dear, let’s go shopping tomorrow. A: OK. Thanks, mom.

6 A: Whose dress is this ? B: It’s mine. A: It looks very nice.I like its color. B: Thanks, Dad. whose 谁的 dad ( 口语 ) 爸爸 mine 我的(名词性物主代词 ) its 它的

7 mine 是名词性物主代词,其后不能再加名词。 my 是形容词性物主代词,其后必须加名词。 口诀:单独用来名物代,形物代后接名词。 例如: my school = mine my book=mine 1. A: Whose dress is this ? B: It’s mine./It’s my dress. 2. _____am a student. ______name is Peter. This book is _______. I My mine

8 Her mother gets her father a new shirt. Her father gets her mother a new dress. 练习: 我给妹妹买一件短裙。 妹妹给我买一件恤衫。 她的妈妈给她的爸爸买一件新衬衫。 她的爸爸给她的妈妈买一件新裙子。 I get my sister a skirt. My sister gets me a T-shirt. mother 母亲 father 父亲 get 买 new 新的

9 look,come,get 是动词,当他们的主语 是第三人称单数时, 词尾一般加 “s” 。 例如: 1. She looks like her mother. 2.Jane comes from Canada. 3.My father gets me a new skirt.

10 Maria’s dress is too _____.Her mother gets her a_____one. Her new dress looks very___.Her father likes _____color. short new nice its

11 1.too 太 --- too short /long/tall/wide/nice… 2.Let’s go shopping/go to school/sit down/stand up… 3.look (看起来) very nice/short/long/tall/wide… 4.I like the film star /skirt/pants/T-shirt/… 5.Whose dress/skirt/car is this ?

12 1.This is my book. This book is mine. 2.This is your pencil. This pencil is yours. 3.This is his eraser. This eraser is his. 4. This is her ruler. This ruler hers. 5.These are their clothes. These clothes are theirs. 6. These are our pens. These pens are ours. my ---mine your---yours his---his her---hers its---its our---ours their --- theirs

13 bike toy 玩具 cat 1. A: Whose bike is this ? B: It’s his bike. A: Oh, It’s his. 2. A: Whose toy is this ? B: It’s her toy. A: Oh,it’s hers. 3. A: Whose cat is this ? B: It’s their cat. A: Oh,it’s theirs. bike---bikes toy---toys cat---cats

14 1. Whose toys are these ? They are ours. 2. Whose bikes are these ? They are yours. 3. Whose cats are those ? They are his.

15 1. A: Is this _____eraser ?(your,yours) B: No,it’s not_______.(my,mine) A: Whose eraser is it ? B: It’s Zhang Lan’s. 2.A: Are these _______books ?(her,hers) B: No,they are not _______(her,hers ) A: whose books are they ? B:They’re Li Ming’s. your mine her hers

16 1. This is Jane’s bike. Oh,it’s hers. 2. These are Kangkang’s cats. Oh,they are his. 3. Look at my mum’s car. It’s very nice. 4. My sister’s hair is very long. Oh,she is nice.

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