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New Attorney Boot Camp – Part I

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2 New Attorney Boot Camp – Part I
Part I: Law Firm Culture Professor Roxanne Crocket ‘03 Part II: , Social Networks & Events Professor Daniel Kramer ‘08 Part III: Law Firm Mechanics Professor Roxanne Crocket ‘03

3 Law Firm Culture – The Basics
Professor Roxanne Crocket ’03 Graves & King

4 Office Hours Professional Dress Your Work Space First Impressions Confidentiality Relationships – Support Staff Relationships – Junior Attorneys Relationships – Work with more than one Attorney

(best employee behavior) INFORM

6 Professional Dress ASK DRESS like a lawyer OBSERVE EMULATE
(best employee behavior)

7 Dressing for a Court Appearance
Pants/skirt suit, tie, shoes No tight fitting attire Women: Conservative shoes 1– 2 inch heels max Groomed Avoid being flashy if you are appearing before a jury As you would for a job interview

8 Dressing for a Deposition
Pants or skirt suit, tie, appropriate shoes, even if deponent is casual Attorneys may remove their jackets Avoid getting too casual

9 Dressing for a Site Inspection
Includes construction site, vehicle inspection, expert testing Dress appropriately for the occasion Work shoes/sneakers Wear a hard hat if required Dress like an attorney and look professional Be clean, groomed, wear a sport coat or nice jacket Do not dress like a slob!

10 Business Casual Defined
Start Conservative Avoid Denim, T-shirts, short skirts, flip flops, sneakers & too much “bling” Do Wear Men - Khaki pants & collared button down or polo shirt, nice shoes Women – dress pants & nice blouse/sweater, shoes

11 Your Work Space Personalizing Do not make your office another “home”
Telephones Answering Voic

12 First Impressions Avoid being shy Friendly
Conversational / Professional Employers considerations: Clients Court Trust Fit

13 CONFIDENTIALITY Information about the Firm’s Clients . . .
“Do I only know this information because I work here?” Then DO NOT repeat the information!

14 Relationships Support Staff Can Be Your Best Friend Abuse Secretaries
Seniority In “Charge” Don’t become too friendly Keep overly personal matters for friends outside of the work place

15 Working Relationships
Junior Attorneys Evaluating performance “Higher up” Source of advice and samples Good reference

16 Working Relationships
Senior Attorneys Professional relationship Respect their time Ask questions Good reference

17 Working Relationships
Partners The Partner is always right Organize and present information briefly and concisely Never say “Maybe,” “No,” or “No Thank You” to a partner

18 Work with More Than One Attorney
Leave your comfort zone Ask for work Mingle Become known

19 Attitude & Fit Issues Have a Learning Attitude Be a Team Player
Be Confident Be appreciative Smile and if you are happy, look like you are!

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