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Tic Tac Toe Architecture CSE 5290 – Artificial Intelligence 06/13/2011 Christopher Hepler.

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Presentation on theme: "Tic Tac Toe Architecture CSE 5290 – Artificial Intelligence 06/13/2011 Christopher Hepler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tic Tac Toe Architecture CSE 5290 – Artificial Intelligence 06/13/2011 Christopher Hepler

2 Processing Steps Generate Search Tree Accept User (X) Input Search branches in current board node Computer (O) Turn Update current board node based on computer’s selection Update GUI Update current board node based on user’s selection Minimax with Alpha Beta Pruning Check For Win

3 Generate Search Tree The search tree is created by recursively filling in a square traversing all the way down each branch. Each level of the search tree alternates between an X and an O.

4 User (X) Steps The user clicks on a button. The user selection is used to find the node in the branch list of the current node. Once the node has been found the current node is updated to the node in the branch list. Accept User (X) Input Search branches in current board node Update current board node based on user’s selection

5 Computer (O) Steps The current board state is run through the minimax alpha beta algorithm to determine the best location for the computer to select. Once the location is found the current node is updated to reflect the new board state. Computer (O) Turn Update current board node based on computer’s selection Minimax with Alpha Beta Pruning

6 Check for winner A check is performed to determine if there was a winner in this state. If so then update the GUI. If there was no winner and not a draw the game continues back at the user (X) input. Update GUI Check For Win Accept User (X) Input

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