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Школа - муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

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1 Школа - муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №28 г. Тулы Автор – Батырева Елена Викторовна, учитель английского языка Урок английского языка в 3 классе Тема – PARTS OF THE BODY AND APPEARANCE «Части тела и внешность» Цель: формирование умений говорения по теме. Задачи: Практические: - тренировка произносительных навыков учащихся; - формирование и развитие навыка использования лексических единиц в речи; - закрепление грамматических конструкций «have/has got, to be»; - развитие навыков аудирования; - развитие навыков устной и письменной речи. Воспитательные: - воспитывать культуру общения в разных видах коллективного взаимодействия. Развивающие: - развивать у учащихся языковую догадку, память, внимание; - развивать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка. Тип учебного занятия: урок систематизации и обобщения лексического и грамматического материала.     Оборудование: ноутбук, проектор, экран, учебник Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English», рабочая тетрадь, раздаточный материал. Время урока: 45 минут.

2 What do you think we are going to speak about?
mouth hair head eye ear tooth (teeth) face neck nose shoulder hand finger arm knee leg toe foot (feet)

The subject of the lesson - PARTS OF THE BODY AND APPEARANCE

4 What do they look like? Describe them!
The purpose of the lesson is to learn to describe people.

5 [ ae ] – hands. Our hands can clap. [ e ] – legs. Our legs can run.
Repeat after me, please! [ ae ] – hands. Our hands can clap. [ e ] – legs. Our legs can run. [ aɪ ] – eyes. Our eyes can see. [ ɪə ] - ears. Our ears can hear. [ ɪ: ] – teeth. Our teeth can eat.

6 Repeat after me, please! Show me …, please!
mouth hair head eye ear tooth (teeth) face neck nose shoulder hand finger arm knee leg toe foot (feet)

7 head body nose hair finger leg foot teeth toe arm face hand ear neck
Match the words: nose hair foot finger leg teeth arm toe face hand ear neck shoulder eye knee mouth head body

8 2) We have one head, one nose, one mouth and one neck.
Fill in the gaps: p.99, Ex.3 1) A foot has five toes. 2) We have one head, one nose, one mouth and one neck. 3) We have two eyes, two ears, two shoulders, two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet. 4) A man has thirty-two teeth.

9 It’s time to have a rest!

10 Repeat, please!

11 We use to be when we talk about:
- age (возраст) I am 10.   She is old. - height  (рост) You are tall. She is short. - weight (вес) You are slim.   They are fat. - personality (личность) We are smart. He is lazy. We use to have when we talk about: - hair style (прическа) She has short brown hair. You have long blond hair. - eye color  (цвет глаз) He has small green eyes. - parts of the body (части тела) We have two ears and two eyes.

12 is is is It … big. It … grey. It … a long nose. It … a short tail.
Fill in the gaps and guess the riddle: is is It … big. It … grey. It … a long nose. It … a short tail. It … an … . has got has got is

13 is is is It … little. It … grey. It … a short nose. It … a long tail.
Fill in the gaps and guess the riddle: is is It … little. It … grey. It … a short nose. It … a long tail. It … a … . has got has got is

14 Listening Whom is she talking about? p.99, Ex.1

15 I have got a sister. She is nice and kind. Her name is Rose
I have got a sister. She is nice and kind. Her name is Rose. She is five years old. She has got a lot of toys. She likes to play with her toys. Rose is a smart girl. She can read and draw very well. She likes to read fairy tales. Rose is tall and slim. She has long fair hair and big blue eyes. She has a short nose. Her favourite color is purple. I love my sister very much. Reading Read the text and say what Andrew writes about his sister Rose. Find her on the pictures.

16 What do they look like? Describe them!

Can you name the parts of your body now? CAN YOU DESCRIBE THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR FRIEND NOW?

18 1. WB - p. 2. to describe the appearance of your friend and to draw him(her)

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