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Introduction to Creative Writing

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1 Introduction to Creative Writing

2 The Human Brain Divided into 2 parts Each half has its own function
Right Brain: Creativity Emotions Left Brain: Logic Reality

3 When you are looking at big puffy clouds . . .
Your right brain tells you, “Hey! That one looks like a bunny.” While your left brain tells you . . .

4 It’s a cloud, Stupid!






10 Left brain vs. right brain
People who rely more heavily on the right half of their brain tend to be more imaginative and intuitive. They see things as a whole and are interested in patterns, shapes and sizes. The right brain is associated with artistic ability like singing, painting, writing poetry, etc. Left-brain dominated people may find their thought processes vague and difficult to follow, for they are quite opposite in the way they think. Left-brain dominated people tend to be more logical and analytical in their thinking and usually excel at mathematics and word skills.




14 Are you Creative or Analytical?
Our brain has two halves – the right and the left. People using left part of the brain are usually logical and analytical. While those who use the right half of the brain are creative, innovative and imaginative. Do you want to know whether you are right or left brained?


16 Which half of your brain do you use in creative writing?

17 both

18 Art of Language What, for you, is “art”? What is “creative writing”? What is the process one goes through on the way to creating fabulous poetry and fiction?

19 Creative Writing The invention of reality
A confrontation with reality; facing reality The invention of reality Note that some types, such as satire, mock or interrogate reality The improvement of reality (art as a hammer Creative Writing An escape from reality; a sedative or distraction Defiance of reality; reality as it ought to be A magnification of reality

20 Art Process… Creative Writing …Product… A commodity
A mysterious inborn talent Something produced solely for others; a means of pleasing an audience A commodity Expression that is shaped and crafted The honoring of tradition A pile of crap; a hoax; excuse for not having a REAL job Creative Writing Art A learnable skill Emotional or psychological therapy The subversion of tradition Expression that is wide-open and free Self-expression; solely for self ; exploration of one’s unique vision …Product…

21 Literal vs. Figurative Language
How do I differentiate between literal and figurative language? 21

22 We all use figures of speech every day.
Know Understand Do Hyperbole Personification Simile Metaphor (Pun) Authors use figurative language to make the reader see familiar things in a new way. We all use figures of speech every day. Figures of speech are not literally true, but are used to elaborate on a subject. Differentiate among the types of figurative language. Write in a variety of modes using figurative language. Analyze the use of figurative language in poetry and prose. Create an extended metaphor. 22

23 Figures of speech Literal Personification Figurative Personify
Simile Anthropomorphism Metaphor Hyperbole 23

24 What does this really mean?
Activator What does this really mean? It’s raining cats and dogs. 24

25 What does this really mean?
Activator What does this really mean? Good luck! Break a leg! 25

26 Literal vs. Figurative Literal means straightforward or factual; the dictionary meaning of a word. (Think denotation!) When someone says “I mean that literally.” They mean “exactly” -- just the facts! 26

27 Figurative meanings encourage us to use our imagination.
Literal vs. Figurative A figurative meaning is far more interesting. It is imaginative, and conveys not just the facts, but an idea. (Think connotation!) Figurative meanings encourage us to use our imagination. 27

28 Marvin runs like a duck. Example of Figurative Language:
Literal vs. Figurative Example of Figurative Language: Marvin runs like a duck. 28

29 We know that Marvin does not run exactly like a water bird.
Literal vs. Figurative We know that Marvin does not run exactly like a water bird. But, it wouldn’t portray quite the same visual if we said “Marvin is awkward and he waddles when he runs.” So, we compare Marvin to a duck to paint a mental picture. 29

30 Puns Puns are also examples of figurative language. A pun is a play on words. Examples: The new smoking laws really burn me up! The Atlanta Lightnings took the field by storm. 30

31 Different figures of speech
Figuring it Out

32 Comparison of two things using “like” or “as.”
Simile Comparison of two things using “like” or “as.” Examples The metal twisted like a ribbon. She is as sweet as candy.

33 A comparison must be made.
Important! Using “like” or “as” doesn’t make a simile. A comparison must be made. Not a Simile: I like pizza. Simile: The moon is like a pizza.

34 Metaphor Two things are compared without using “like” or “as.”
Examples All the world is a stage. Men are dogs. She has a stone heart.

35 Personification Giving human traits to objects or ideas. Examples
The sunlight danced. Water on the lake shivers. The streets are calling me.

36 Exaggerating to show strong feeling or effect.
Hyperbole Exaggerating to show strong feeling or effect. Examples I will love you forever. My house is a million miles from here. She’d kill me.

37 Understatement Expression with less strength than expected.
The opposite of hyperbole. I’ll be there in one second. This won’t hurt a bit.

38 Quiz I will show an example of figurative language.
You will say whether it is an simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, or understatement.

39 He drew a line as straight as an arrow.
1 He drew a line as straight as an arrow.

40 2 Knowledge is a kingdom and all who learn are kings and queens.

41 3 Can I see you for a second?

42 The sun was beating down on me.
4 The sun was beating down on me.

43 5 A flag wags like a fishhook there in the sky.

44 6 I'd rather take baths with a man-eating shark, or wrestle a lion alone in the dark, eat spinach and liver, pet ten porcupines, than tackle the homework, my teacher assigns.

45 7 Ravenous and savage from its long polar journey, the North Wind is searching for food—

46 8 The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

47 Can I have one of your chips?
9 Can I have one of your chips?

48 10 I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear
in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise

49 Answers Simile Metaphor Understatement Personification Hyperbole

50 Practice Kevin ate his dinner quickly. Mandy likes to talk a lot.
Use figurative language to make these sentences more colorful. Kevin ate his dinner quickly. Mandy likes to talk a lot. Jennifer is not intelligent. 50

51 Kevin ate his dinner quickly. Kevin ate like a pig.
Let’s Practice Make these sentences more colorful. Use figurative language. Kevin ate his dinner quickly. Kevin ate like a pig. 51

52 Mandy likes to talk a lot. Mandy talks a mile a minute.
Let’s Practice Make these sentences more colorful. Use figurative language. Mandy likes to talk a lot. Mandy talks a mile a minute. 52

53 Jennifer is not intelligent.
Let’s Practice Make these sentences more colorful. Use figurative language. Jennifer is not intelligent. Jennifer is not the brightest crayon in the box. 53

54 Questions 1. Read the poem below and use the figurative language images to help determine the subject matter of the poem. The Ball Dances A. sun A big flaming ball of fire B. star Prances across the sky each day C. moon But perishes every night D. earth A rebirth occurs the next morning And because of it Life is possible 54

55 Questions 1. Read the poem below and use the figurative language images to help determine the subject matter of the poem. The Ball Dances A. sun A big flaming ball of fire B. star Prances across the sky each day C. moon But perishes every night D. earth A rebirth occurs the next morning And because of it Life is possible 55

56 Questions The saying in our family was, "If Mama drops a biscuit, jump out of the way or risk losing a toe." This is another way of saying Mama is very clumsy. the biscuits she bakes are hard. the biscuits are soft and chewy. if Mama drops a biscuit, she will step on your toe. 56

57 Questions The saying in our family was, "If Mama drops a biscuit, jump out of the way or risk losing a toe." This is another way of saying Mama is very clumsy. the biscuits she bakes are hard. the biscuits are soft and chewy. if Mama drops a biscuit, she will step on your toe. 57

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