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“It’s a program that can help a producer survive a disaster and return to profitability!”

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Presentation on theme: "“It’s a program that can help a producer survive a disaster and return to profitability!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “It’s a program that can help a producer survive a disaster and return to profitability!”


3 PA Helps Producers Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has provided Producers about $ 13,000,000 Crop Insurance Premium Assistance since 2000, to make better coverages more affordable!

4 Effect of Yield Loss on Corn Farm



7 Adjusted Gross Revenue -Lite (AGR-Lite) Individualized whole-farm income protection against loss of gross revenue from natural & many unavoidable causes of loss and market fluctuations. Example: * 5 year avg. revenue = $122,899 * 75% coverage level = $92,147 loss trigger * Revenue produced = $21,000 * Revenue loss = $71,147 * 90% payment = $64,032 loss payment

8 AGR-Lite Improvements Fits larger farms (up to $2 mil. gross income) Broader list of insured causes of loss More producers are eligible for higher amounts of protection March 15 enrollment deadline for new applications (renewals deadline remains @1/31) Usually cost less than other insurance plans

9 PA Producers Benefit From Higher Coverages.

10 Producer’s Report that Crop Ins. Provides a Good Financial Foundation Can Improve Crop Marketing Can Provide Safety-Net at Targeted Cash- Flow Level Can Provide Increased Credit Worthiness Can Provide Peace Of Mind Can Improve Grand-Kids Inheritance Plan for Success – Insure Against Disasters!

11 Information made available by the PDA, PSU and RMA\USDA educational partners.

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