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Accountability Courts Conference Director, Probation Operations

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1 Accountability Courts Conference Director, Probation Operations
GEORGIA Department of Corrections Probation Operations Probation Updates Presented at: Accountability Courts Conference By: Stan Cooper Director, Probation Operations May 22, 2013 1

Probation Operations Mission: PUBLIC SAFETY SERVE THE COURTS

3 Probation Operations Who We Are
1,445 staff 1100+ Sworn staff (812 POs) 300+ Administrative staff and counselors 158,445 Offenders (as of ) Active Supervision: 107,611 Standard risk offenders: 84,870 (78.9%) High risk offenders: 10,283 (9.6 %) Special Level (SPS,IPS,DRC) 12,458 (11.6 %) 49 Probation Circuits (aligned with judicial circuits) 100+ local Probation Offices 15 Day Reporting Centers (DRC’s) 4 Community Impact Programs (CIP’s) 4 Administrative Areas of Operation (regions) statewide 208 Superior Court Judges $97,180,947 Budget (FY’12)

4 Notice the steep trend line
10-year Growth ( ) 29%! Notice the steep trend line Sentence length is 2x the national average 4 4

5 Probation Population by Crime Type

6 Focus Prior to New Supervision Model Standard High Special

7 New Probation Supervision Model Began September 1, 2011
PURPOSE: Assess offender’s need and risk Supervise high risk offenders / manage low risk offenders Balance surveillance and treatment Promote community supervision Respond swiftly, certainly and proportionately to violations EXPECTATIONS: Effectively identify and mitigate probationer risk and needs Efficiently apply available resources Greater officer presence in the “field” Reduced Recidivism = ENHANCED PUBLIC SAFETY!

8 Active Probation Caseload Sizes (Excludes Unsupervised)
APPA Recommends GDC Target Caseload Actual Caseload Special (Intensive, Sex Offender, DRC) 20:1 40:1 58:1 High 50:1 60:1 Standard 200:1 287:1

9 Supervision Levels/Statuses (April 2013)
High & Std levels are assigned by completion of an automated risk assessment Active Supervision Levels 107,611 offenders Special 12,458 High 10,283 Standard 84,870 Administrative/Unsupervised 812 Total POs 677 - Field Supervision 135 - Court Supervised/Active Probationers 162,140 Actively Supervised Offenders 105,366 Std % 82,393 High 9.5% 10,033 Special (Sex, IPS, DRC) 12.3% 12,940 Status 60,000+ 9

10 Special High Standard Supervision Levels Supervision Types
PROBATION SUPERVISION REQUIREMENTS Supervision Levels Supervision Types Minimum Monthly Interactions Special Mental Health (Chronic Care needed; acting out) 2 Field 1 Field or Office Collateral Total 4 IPS (Remove) DRC Phase 1 DRC Phase 2 SPS Tier 2 SPS Tier 1 1 Field 1 Field or Office 1 Collateral Total 3 Reentry RSAT Aftercare Phase 1 DRC Aftercare Phase 1 MH Reentry (from ITF/Level 3 Releases) High RSAT Aftercare Phase 2 1 Field or Office Collateral DRC Aftercare Phase 2 Regular Mental Health (As Assessed) Standard 1 Interaction/ Compliance Confirmation Total 1 PRCC

11 Intensive Probation (IPS) Evolution:
IPS began 3 phases Length: 9 to 12 months Phase 1 = 5 contacts/week, curfew Phase 2 = 3 contacts/week, curfew Phase 3 = 1 contact/week, curfew opt. Home Confinement component available ( ) 4 contacts per month

12 Intensive Probation (IPS) Evolution:
Two Tiered System (Tiers determined by risk assessment) 2011 – Present 4 interactions/mo. (12/qtr.) Length: Up to 9 months Tier 1: Standard & medium levels Length: 3 to 6 months Contact requirements (8/qtr) Tier 2: High & maximum levels Length: 6 to 9 months Contact requirements (18/qtr)

13 Intensive Probation Program
4,075 IPS cases 3.7% of active cases (107K) 2.5% of all cases (158K) 76 Intensive Probation Officers 10.6% of supervising officers devoted to 3.7% of the cases IPS cases supervised at Special level Not based on risk assessment New Supervision Model (September 1, 2011) IPS (Special Level): 4 required minimum interactions per month High Level: 3 required minimum interactions per month 13

14 Intensive Probation Program
(cont.) IPS Breakdown and Supervision Cost ($3.87/day): 1,306 (32%) IPS cases (high level risk) $5,000 per day/$1.84 million per year 2,769 (68%) IPS cases (standard level risk) $10,700 per day/$3.9 million per year Over supervised based on their known risks Supervision components available to Courts: Curfew Drug Screen Community Service Close field Supervision 14

15 Mental Health Probation Supervision
“People with mental illnesses are twice as likely as others under supervision to have their community sentence revoked — which only deepens their involvement in the criminal justice system.” “10 Essential Elements for Successful Supervision of Mental Health Probationers” The Justice Center

16 32,800 20 % Probation Population Suffers From a Mental Illness
Mental Health Probation Supervision 20 % Probation Population Suffers From a Mental Illness (+/- 160,000 x 20%) 32,800 Note: GDC Mental Health/Health Services provides monthly information from Circuit reported data

17 Mental Health Probation Supervision
“2,400 Mentally Ill Probationers Returned to Prison in 2011” 3500 probationers screened per month at intake for MH issues 13% (455) referred or receiving services June 2012, Process Action Team began the development of a Mental Health Probation Officer Specialist/Mental Health caseload Target date of July 1, 2013 17

18 Target Population Caseload Composition
Based on MH criteria established by GDC MH Caseload Capacity = 40 Identified Regular Supervision Offenders Aftercare – 6 months Integrated Treatment Facility releases DRC Mental Health MH Level III+ prison releases MH Specialty Court probationers 18

19 Recent Initiatives Supervision Technology New Supervision Model
Supervise high risk/Manage standard level Automated Risk Assessment Pre-Sentence Assessment Probation Options Management (POM) Technology Mini Notebooks/Laptops in Courtrooms Rapid ID Fingerprint Machine Field Communications (Radio) Enhancements E-Portal (16,000 sentences submitted since July 2012)

20 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Centers (RSAT)
4 Probation RSATs (1000 beds total) 6 months in length (Return to 9 months currently under review) Male - Bainbridge, Northwest, Turner Female - Arrendale 2 Integrated Treatment Facilities (400 beds total) Focus on Mental Health/Substance Abuse (Dual Diagnosis) 9 months in length Male – Appling Female - West Central Aftercare component – Mental Health Probation Caseloads

21 Day Reporting Centers (DRC)
(15 circuits) 1500 participants statewide Emphasis on Cognitive Thinking Skills Substance Abuse Mental Health Employment Recent Openings Savannah Lookout Mountain

22 DRC Lite Pilot Program Department of Corrections Probation Operations
GEORGIA Department of Corrections Probation Operations DRC Lite Pilot Program Presented at: Accountability Courts Conference By: Betsy Thomas DRC Lite Coordinator, Probation Operations May 22, 2013 22

23 DRC Lite Pilot Program 2012 Legislative Session CY 2013 23 23

24 DRC Lite Pilot Program PROBLEM
Lack of Resources and Treatment Options in the Communities throughout rural Georgia 24 24

25 DRC Lite Pilot Program Concept:
Provide enhanced supervision and programming for identified substance abusing offenders in rural circuits using the $750,000 allocated in FY 13 for pilot programs Program must be Mobile Scalable Repeatable Evidence Based Keyword – Outcomes Monitor and track outcomes by successful completions of program 25 25

26 DRC Lite Pilot Program Key Components: Early ID by Assessment
Enhanced Supervision Circuit Cap of probationers Frequent Random Drug Screens Substance Abuse and Cognitive Programming Swift, Certain, Proportionate Sanctioning Judicial Support Willing to hold monthly status hearings on offenders in programs Willing to assist GDC by diverting appropriate cases from hard beds to community supervision 26 26

27 DRC-Lite Pilot Program
Significant Actions: Phase I 2 hours of programming 4 days per week Orientation and Initial Case Management Drug Screens: 2 x week Phase II Programming 2 days per week Individual Case Management Drug Screens: 4x month random or for cause Phase III SA Aftercare Classes 1day per week, then step down AA/NA and DOL referrals as needed Drug Screens: Random or for cause 1-2 Months 3-6 Months 6-12 Months Conducted by Spectrum Counselor M4C and Reentry Skill building Conducted by Spectrum Counselor Matrix Substance Abuse Classes/MRT Conducted by Spectrum Substance Abuse After Care Services Program Outside Referrals to AA/NA and DOL 27

28 DRC Lite Pilot Program Supervision Components
Phase 1 and 2 4 minimum interactions each month Phase 3 3 minimum interactions each month All Phases Drug Testing 28 28

29 Viva Jr. Drug Testing System by Siemens
DRC Lite Pilot Program Viva Jr. Drug Testing System by Siemens Accurate-Used now in Drug Courts and Accountability Courts Provide flexibility options for testing Up to 60 panels tested per hour Could be used for confirmation testing for other circuits 29 29

30 DRC Lite Pilot Program Tracking
Wash Outs Drug usage Employment Address Changes New Arrests Participants as of May 1, 2013 = 154 30 30

31 DRC Lite Pilot Program Positive Incentives Sanctions
31 31

32 Feedback DRC Lite Pilot Program Judicial – Participant –
Proud of the changes they have seen in repeat offenders Impressed at first status hearing – attitude, appearance, respect Best thing since sliced bread Participant – Want others to have this opportunity Want to impress the Judge and each other Appreciative Officer/Counselor - Amazed at Court Personnel, Public Defenders, Sheriff Office Comments See a difference in posture, appearance, attitude and pride in themselves See the big picture – it really does work 32 32

33 DRC Lite Pilot Program DRC Lite program Sites Alapaha - Appalachian
Atlantic – expanded April 5, 2013 Cordele Middle – expanded April 5, 2013 Mountain – GRADUATION May 23, 2013 Northern Pataula – expanded April 5, 2013 Southwestern – GRADUATION May 2013 Toombs – GRADUATION June 11, 2013 Approximately 154 offenders are currently enrolled in this program in those 10 circuits

34 DRC Lite Pilot Program Warrants issued for technical violations = 61
Early Results Warrants issued for technical violations = 61 Warrants issued for new charges = 15 Drugs Screens obtained = 1105 Positive Drug Screens = 287 Positive rate during Phase 1 = 26% 34 34

35 DRC Lite Pilot Program Transportation Space
Challenges Transportation Space Lack of community resources – AA/NA 35 35

36 Probation Operations Questions

37 Probation Detention Center 180 Day Cap Effect on Jail Backlog
HB 1176 Effective Date 7-1-12 By statute the counties receive no jail subsidy for these cases.

38 Alternative Wait Times As of April 1, 2012
Male PDC – 1 to 2 weeks Female PDC - 5 to 6 months Male RSAT - 2 to 3 months Female RSAT - 6 months ITF (Male & Female) 1 to 2 weeks Boot Camp - 2 months

39 State Sentenced Inmates
Source: Georgia Department of Community Affairs – March 2013

40 Local Jails Bed Space Utilization
Only 19 of 146 jails are above capacity Source: Georgia Department of Community Affairs – March 2013

41 Pre-Sentence Assessment
Concept Objectively identify cases “on the fence” for entry to prison Assess their risk and needs based on: Offender specific information Historical probation/institutional data Inform the Courts, DAs & PDs of available and appropriate options: Community Alternatives (non-custodial) GDC Alternatives (custodial)

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