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XDSL Technology & GSV Products Victor Zhou 2002.5.24 GT03001V1.

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Presentation on theme: "XDSL Technology & GSV Products Victor Zhou 2002.5.24 GT03001V1."— Presentation transcript:

1 XDSL Technology & GSV Products Victor Zhou 2002.5.24 GT03001V1

2 What are xDSL? Stand for x Digital Subscriber Line Public network access technologies Data,voice,and video can be carried Over twisted-pair copper wire on the last mile Between a network service provider CO and CPE

3 Different Type of xDSL ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line HDSL High Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line Single-Line Digital Subscriber Line VDSL Very High Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line

4 Other Technology Term ADSL Lite R-ADSL Rate-Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line MDSL Moderate Speed Digital Subscriber Line CO Central Office DSLAM DSL Access Multiplexer CPE Customer Premise Equipment

5 Other Technology Term (cont) FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing DLC Digital Loop Carrier CAP Carrierless Amplitude Modulation DMT Discrete Multitone QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

6 Other Technology Term (cont) POTS Plain Old Telephone Service PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network Spiliter

7 Technology&Application Comparison Technology Speed Distance Application ADSL Lite Up to 1Mbps(down) Up to 512kbps(up) 18000 feetInternet access,IP telephony,video telephone ADSL /R-ADSL 1.5- 8 Mbps(down) Up to 1.544Mbps(up) 18000 feet (12000 feet for fastest speeds) Internet access,Remote LAN access,video on- demand,VoIP HDSL 1.544Mbps full duplex(T1) 2.048Mbps full duplex(E1) (uses2-3 wire pairs) 12000-15000 feet PBX interconnection Frame Relay traffic aggregator LAN interconnect SDSL 1.544Mbps full duplex(T1) 2.048Mbps full duplex(E1) (uses 1 wire pairs) 10000 feetPBX interconnection Frame Relay traffic aggregator LAN interconnect VDSL 13- 52 Mbps(down) 1.5-2.3Mbps(up) (UP TO 34Mbps if symmetric) 1000 -4500feet (depending on speed) Multimedia Internet access, HDTV

8 How ADSL Modems Work upstream FDM Echo Cancellation(EC) freq downstream voice Upstream downstream 0-4khz 25khz 200khz1104khz 0-4khz 25khz200khz1104khz

9 DSLAM Structure Other Broadband Equipment DSLAM ATM Server IP Router ATM Server Other Broadband Equipment co PSTN Switch RAM SDSLPC/Telephone HDSL ATU-R PC with NIC RAM: Remote Access Multiplexer ATU-R: ADSL Termination Unit-Remote Set -box PC/Telephone Multi- service Internet

10 GSV Product Market Segments

11 Central Office ADSL Products FourtePlus G16

12 FourtePlus Overview Highest Performance for All Market –ITU G.DMT, G.Lite –ANSI T1.413i2 –Annex A, B, C & H Highest Density –Total Area – 1.4 sq. in./ 9 sq cm Lowest Power –G.DMT: 1.35 W - G.Lite under 1.0 W Fastest Time-to-Market –Using Existing Production Fourte Firmware Highest Functionality Quad DSP Quad AFE Line Drivers GS7266+

13 Titanium G16 Product Features Highest Density, Lowest Power DMT Available Enables Rapid time to Production Lowest Power –G.DMT: 1.2 W - G.Lite under 1.0 W Highest Density –Total Area 7.5 sq cm (1.1 sq. in.) Supports all ADSL Markets and Standards –ITU G.DMT, G.Lite –ANSI T1.413i2 –Annex A, B, C & H Highest Functionality –Higher Speeds (12 Mbps) –Concurrent Voice Support x 4 x 16 GS7866

14 One Solution for all Markets One hardware design supports all Standards and Markets through firmware downloads World Wide ILECs – G.DMT & T1.413i2 CLECS – G.DMT & G.lite GS7266+ Europe (annex B) Japan (annex C/H) Common Hardware Platform Firmware Downloads ADSL over POTS ADSL over ISDN ADSL/SDSL For Japan DMT: 12 Mb/s Down, 1 Mb/s Up Lite: 4.5 Mb/s Down, 1 Mb/s 8 Mb/s Down, 1 Mb/s Up Annex C: 8 Mb/s Down, 1 Mb/s Up Annex H: 192 kb/s to 3 Mb/s Symmetric Application Solutions Best Performance 2B1Q 4B3T

15 VDSL Markets GlobespanVirata provides the only multi-port, multi-service chipset addressing all ADSL/ VDSL markets: –Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) / Optical Network Unit (ONU) –Multi Dwelling Unit (MDU) –Multi Tenant Unit (MTU) –Multi Hospitality Unit (MHU) Central Office MHU MDU MTU FTTB FTTC DLC/ONU

16 GlobespanVirata ADSL/ VDSL Advantage  Fastest Time to Production with lowest system cost Based on field proven ADSL (8 th generation) architecture Enables highest density and lowest power solutions Leverages cost reduced ADSL overhead (e.g. POTS splitters, power supplies, memory, etc) Common API with ADSL for minimal software development  ADSL/ VDSL convergence Maximum connectivity via ADSL for longer reach Configurable spectrum for non-ADSL service compatibility Configurable PSD for ADSL service co-existence

17 Titanium Express Convergence Only Titanium Express supports ADSL and VDSL => 12 times the coverage provided by QAM based solutions ONU- 16/1 Mbps up to 4.5 kft MDU- 22/3 Mbps up to 3 kft DLC- ADSL connectivity up to 16 kft Titanium Express QAM 10 B S Only Titanium Express builds upon ADSL designs => Minimum development effort & risk for fastest time to production

18 Titanium Express Compatibility Only Titanium Express has programmable G.993.1 compliant egress => Minimal impact on existing services Maximum quality of VDSL service HomePNA (4MHz-10MHz) Digital Phone Service (0-100kHz) Amateur Radio Interference (1.8MHz-2MHz) ADSL/VDSL (25kHz-5.2MHz) BRCM non-compatible INFX non-compatible

19 Leader in the SHDSL Market The GlobeSpan Legacy of DSL Convergence ADSL G.DMT, G.Lite, T1.413 Annex A ADSL Annex B ADSL Annex C ADSL Annex A Annex B Annex C Annex H SHDSL ADSL Annex A Annex B Annex C Annex H SHDSL Titanium FourtePlus/G12/G16 G24/Octane Orion ADSL Annex A Annex B Annex C Fourte Annex H

20 GSV CPE Solution

21 GSV New CPE PCI Solution

22 GSV New CPE USB Solution

23 GSV New CPE Ethernet Solution

24 Thank you

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