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Published byEmily Glenn Modified over 10 years ago
TTC ACTIVITY REPORT; FOCUSING ON STRATEGIC TOPICS Yoichi Maeda, CEO & S.V.P TTC Document No: GSC(14)18 _019 Source: TTC Contact: Yoichi MAEDA Agenda Item: 2.9
Agenda TTC Strategy in 2014 Activity on IoT/M2M Activity on SND/NFV Activity on Critical Communication Activity on IMS interconnection Activity on IPR issues Inter/Intra-regional collaboration Supplementary Information on TTC’s organization 2 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC Strategy in 2014 Expansion of business area in order to promote inter-industry innovation and develop new strategies of ICTs: e.g., M2M/IoT, Disaster Relief, ITS, Accessibility Promotion of strategic standardization activities through technical working groups and advisory groups in TTC: e.g., Upstream activities to ITU-T Global collaboration with the related standardization organizations including ITU-T, CJK, GSC, APT/ASTAP and other Fora Promotion of TTC standards and publicity activities, especially by holding seminars on various hot technical topics: e.g., SDN, Big Data, Home networking 3 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
High Interest Subject in 2014 M2M and IoT including e-health Smart grid and next generation Home Networks Networking issues to support Mobile Broadband Cloud computing and SDN ITS New Generation Networks and Photonic based Infrastructure Disaster relief/emergency communications Accessibility BSG Security & Privacy Conformance & Interoperability Testing Patent Policy and Guideline Standardization restructuring and Upstream to ITU-T 4 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC WGs and AGs 5 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 18 Working Groups (WGs) NGN & FNSignalling Optical Transport Networks & EMC DSL Network Management IPTV ICT & Climate Change Numbering Plan Optical Fiber Transmission SecurityoneM2MBSG Media Coding Enterprise Network Next Generation HN System Mobile Network Management 3GPP3GPP2 6 Advisory Groups (AG) Technology Research Global Collaboration InteroperabilityMultimedia Cloud Computing Smart Communication
Standardization Restructuring in ITU-T RevCom was established in WTSA-12 in order to review ITU-T strategic plan and the existing ITU-T SG structure and prepare a strategic restructuring proposal to WTSA-2016 Since ITU-T SG restructuring will impact the future TTC standardization activities, TTC contributes to ITU-T RevCom discussion by expanding mandates of the existing Global Collaboration AG (GCAG) - contribution to ITU-T TSAG and RevCom - global collaboration with CJK, APT ASTAP, GSC, ITU-T etc. 6 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
Agenda TTC Strategy in 2014 Activity on IoT/M2M Activity on SND/NFV Activity on Critical Communication Activity on IMS interconnection Activity on IPR issues Inter/Intra-regional collaboration Supplementary Information on TTC organization 7 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC Activity on IoT/M2M 8Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved TTC WG or AG Target Standard Activity oneM2M WGoneM2M Next Generation Network & Future Network WG ITU-T SG13 Next Generation Home network System WG ITU-T SG15 Smart Com. AG - e-Health WPITU-T FG M2M -> SG11, SG13, SG16 - Smart car WPCITS, ITU-T SG16
TTC oneM2M WG 9 Chairman : Nick YAMASAKI (KDDI) Vice Chair : Akihiro TSUTSUI (NTT) Members : 11 companies as of April 2014 (including 5 oneM2M organization members) ToR of oneM2M WG - oneM2M Steering Committee issues - Information/opinion exchange for oneM2M Technical Plenary & WGs - Information sharing of new movements in other organizations relating to M2M - Transposition activities of Technical Specifications and Reports approved at oneM2M - Promotion activities including seminars Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
oneM2M Activity in Japan 10 oneM2M ARIB IMT Partnership / oneM2M WG TTC oneM2M WG International activity National activity Responsible for wireless access Responsible for other network and service aspects M2M Service Layer Specifications Joint Meeting Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC E-Health WP Established in July 2012 to discuss the contributions to the ITU-T Focus Group on the M2M service layer (FG M2M). The WP collected information related to e-Health through invited talks: Solutions and initiatives of Continua Health Alliance Medical information standardization trend ITU-WHO mHealth for NCDs Initiative Current Status and Issues of Global Health, WHO e-Health initiatives in India The WP held TTC seminar “Standardization of e-Health” in June 2014. The FG M2M was terminated in April 2014 and the deliverables were transferred to the relating ITU-T SGs. The follow-up work will be performed by the corresponding WGs in TTC.
Deliverables of FG-M2M -12- No.Title Editor D0.1 M2M standardization activities and gap analysis: e-health Hideo Himeno (NEC,TTC) D0.2 M2M enabled ecosystems: e-health Marco Carugi(ZTE), Cheng Li (CATR), Jae-young Ahn (ETRI), Hao Chen (CU) D1.1 M2M use cases: e-health Yasuo Ishigure (NTT,TTC), Jun Seob Lee (ETRI) D2.1 M2M service layer: requirements and architectural framework Jun Soeb Lee (ETRI), Jiajia Deng (CT), Yasunobu Akaoka (NICT,TTC), D3.1 M2M service layer: APIs and Protocols overview Hideo Himeno(NEC,TTC), Ali Amer (Saudi Telecom Company) Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
D0.1: M2M standardization activities and gap analysis : e- health D0.2: M2M enabled ecosystems: e- health D1.1: M2M use cases: e-health D2.1: M2M service layer: requirements & architectural framework D3.1: M2M service layer: APIs and Protocols overview SG11 SG13 SG16 Signaling WGNGN & FN WGIPTV, Media Coding WG Q1/11Q1/13Q2/13Q25/16Q28/16Q3/13Q2/11 Relation of FG-M2M deliverables with ITU-T Study Groups and TTC WGs TTC ITU-T FG M2M -13-Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC NGN & FN WG (IoT/M2M Activity) NGN&FN WG studies IoT/M2M for ITU-T standardization: to contribute to the IoT related standardization in ITU-T such as Rec Y.2066 “IoT common requirements” and the regional activity, namely CJK IoT-WG. to consider “Open Data” as an important issue. Open Data: (1) the data format must be machine-readable; and (2) the data should be published under a usage rule that allows secondary use” IoT needs a specific attention in the context of “open data” so that our society is benefitted by a set of globally harmonized standards. Standardization issues: e.g. Architecture, Data Model, Vocabulary, Identifier, API. Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved14
TTC Next GenerationHome Network System WG 15 TTC standards and guidelines ✔ TR-1043 (Implementation guidelines of Home network communication interface) v.4.1 (Nov. 2013) -- Outline of the lower layer communication interfaces for Echonet Lite Echonet Lite is the upper layer protocol to control equipments which make up Home Energy Management System (HEMS) in Japan. TTC Next Generation Home network System WG has been working on establishing standards and guidelines for communication interfaces of the lower layer protocols for Echonet Lite. [Note]Lower layer: Transport layer (L4) through Physical layer Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
Standardization in Home Network 16 Solar Panel Fuel Cell Water Heater Lock Health- care goods Light Air Conditioner PC TV Printer Phone Monitor Sensor Smart Tap Smart Meter EV/PHV Battery Internet Home Network HEMS Controller HGW Service Application Application Platform Power Line Network Smart House HEMS centric Home Network Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
17 Protocol Stack to control HEMS equipments 5-7 ECHONET Lite ECHONET Lite over L2 frame 4 UDP / TCP 3 IPv4 IPv6 6LoWPAN IPv4 IPv6 6LoWPAN 2 IEEE802.3 family G.9961 G.9972 IEEE1901 ITU-T G.9903 IEEE802.11 family IEEE802.15.1 family PAN profile IEEE802.15.4 IEEE802.15.4e ( ※ 1) 1 IEEE802.3 family G.9960 G.9963 G.9964 G.9972 IEEE1901 ITU-T G.9903 IEEE802.11 family IEEE802.15.1 family IEEE802.15.4 IEEE802.15.4g Media UTP cable, Optical Fiber Power Line Radio (2.4/5GHz) Radio (2.4GHz) Radio (920M/2.4GHz) ( ※ 2) EthernetITU-T IEEE1901 JJ-300.20 JJ-300.21 ITU-T G.hnem JJ-300.11 G3-PLC Wi-FiBluetoothIEEE802.15.4/4e/4g JJ.300-10 Wi-SUN ZigBee IP ※ 1: IEEE802.15.4e is only for Wi-SUN. ※ 2: 2.4GHz band is only for ZigBee IP. Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved Standardization in Home Network
18 ✔ JJ-300.10 ( Home network Communication Interface for ECHONET Lite (IEEE802.15.4/4e/4g 920MHz-band Wireless) ) v.2.0 (Feb. 2014) ✔ JJ-300.11 ( Homenetwork Communication Interface for ECHONET Lite) (ITU-T G.9903 Narrow band OFDM PLC) ) v.2.0 (Feb. 2014) ✔ JJ-300.20 ( Home network Communication Interface for ECHONET Lite (Broadband Wavelet OFDM PLC (HD-PLC) ) ) v.1.1 (Dec. 2013) ✔ JJ-300.21 ( Home network Communication Interface for ECHONET Lite (Low Power Extension for Broadband Wavelet OFDM PLC (HD-PLC) ) v.1.0 (Nov. 2013) Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC Smart Car WP 19 Chairman : Yasubumi Chimura (OKI) Vice Chair : Ryotaro Fukui (Keio Univ.) Members : 29 companies as of April 2014 ToR of SmartCar WP - Gap Analysis of Standardization issues for Networked Car - ITS Standardization issues for Disaster Relief - Contribution to International Standardization, CITS etc. Established in April 2012 to discuss the standardization of next generation ITS and contribute to the Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards in ITU-T(CITS). Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC Smart Car WP Focusing areas in 2014 1.ITS Interfaces ISO TC22/TC204 and ITU-T SG16, W3C, other SDOs study ITS interface and Telematics application using Vehicle gateway. We study a gap analysis about ITS Interfaces. 2.ITS Security ITS Security is important in a Diagnosis and Remote maintenance of vehicles. TCG(Trusted Computing Group) and other SDOs study about ITS security. We study ITS Security issues of ITS communications. 3.ITS Applications on Disaster Relief On 11th March 2011, Tohoku region in Japan was hit by a disastrous earthquake. We study a standard of ITS application on Disaster Relief. 4. Other High Interest Items Bicycle and Pedestrians for ITS Communications and Applications Communications Standardization for Automated Driving Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved20
Agenda TTC Strategy in 2014 Activity on IoT/M2M Activity on SND/NFV Activity on Critical Communication Activity on IMS interconnection Activity on IPR issues Inter/Intra-regional collaboration Supplementary Information on TTC’s organization 21 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC Activity on SDN/NFV 22 TTC WG or AGTarget Standard Activity NGN & FN WGITU-T SG13 Cloud Computing AGITU-T SG13 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC Activity on SDN NGN&FN WG is responsible for Future Networks including SDN. Initiate SDN discussion including DPN (Deeply Programmable Network). Contribute to the SDN standardization in ITU-T such as Rec Y.3300, SDN framework. Collaborate with other expert group (New Generation Network Promotion Forum in Japan). Y.3300 – High-level architecture of SDN Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved23
Agenda TTC Strategy in 2014 Activity on IoT/M2M Activity on SND/NFV Activity on Critical Communication Activity on IMS interconnection Activity on IPR issues Inter/Intra-regional collaboration Supplementary Information on TTC’s organization 24 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC Activity on Critical Communication 25 TTC WG or AGTarget Standard Activity Disaster Relief WP ITU-T FG DR- NRR (Terminated) -> SG2, SG15 Emergency Call WITU-T SG16 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
Disaster Relief WP 2011 Japan Earthquake triggered TTC Disaster Relief related activities Objective to review the role and the technologies of ICT in disasters, in particular at earthquakes and tsunamis to disseminate the review results through standards Scope to have workshops to collect information about disaster and ICT in particular, to study cases at 2011 Japan Earthquake, and technologies triggered by the Earthquake to identify necessary standards (in Japan and international ones) ITU-T established Focus Group (FG-DR&NRR) in Jan. 2012, and TTC established Disaster Relief WP in Aug. 2012 FG-DR&NRR was terminated in May 2014 and the deliverables were transferred to the relating SGs TTC will continue the study, and continue to contribute to the SGs
Emergency Call WP 27Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved Started in 2012 and is still ongoing. Members: 25 companies and organizations ToR: Study of emergency call system which enables people with hearing and speaking difficulties to request rescue to appropriate agencies (fire and ambulance) using smart phones A proposal was made in SG16/Q26 in June 2014. An example of a smart phone display transition in requesting a dispatch of an ambulance.
Agenda TTC Strategy in 2014 Activity on IoT/M2M Activity on SND/NFV Activity on Critical Communication Activity on IMS interconnection Activity on IPR issues Inter/Intra-regional collaboration Supplementary Information on TTC’s organization 28 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC Activity on IMS Interconnection 29 TTC WG or AGTarget Standard Activity Signaling WG3GPP SA, CT GSMA [Note] ITU-T SG11, SG13 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved [Note] MoU with GSMA in July 2014.
30 TTC has been working on standardization of the Inter-IMS NNI (II NNI) between future IMS networks of the domestic operations. The specification is based on 3GPP TS 29.165, Inter-IMS Network to Network Interface (NNI), Release 12 and the first release of this specification was published on March 18 th 2014 as TTC TS-1020. The main objectives of this work are: A)to help the operators to reach agreement on their interconnection by selecting the option items listed in 3GPP TS 29.165 Annex C in advance, and B)to clarify the signaling requirement on the basis of the domestic circumstances. IMS interconnection Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
Scope of TTC TS-1020 31 Home IMS network-A (originating side) Home IMS network-B (terminating side) Visited IMS network-X (originating side) Visited IMS network-Y (terminating side) Non-Roaming II NNI Roaming II NNI Current Scope Future Plan II NNI: Inter-IMS NNI Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
Agenda TTC Strategy in 2014 Activity on IoT/M2M Activity on SND/NFV Activity on Critical Communication Activity on IMS interconnection Activity on IPR issues Inter/Intra-regional collaboration Supplementary Information on TTC’s organization 32 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
33 TTC IPR Committee(1) develops and updates "Fundamental and Operational Procedures on TTC IPR Policies" so that they are consistent with - relevant lawful regulations in Japan, such as Patent Act, Copyright Act and Anti-trust Law; - and, ITU/ ISO/IEC Common Patent Policy and guidelines for its implementation develops and updates “Operational Treatment of Copyright for TTC Deliverables“. For more details, see Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
34 TTC IPR Committee(2) Following recent discussion of Injunctive Relief, definition of Reasonable, non- discriminatory in ITU-T TSB Director’s Adhoc on IPR meeting as well as ETSI SC IPR meeting. TTC IPR Committee is attended by network operators and ICT vendors in Japan. Also representatives from MIC, METI, JPO, Japan Fair Trade Commission, and ARIB are participating as observers. Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
Agenda TTC Strategy in 2014 Activity on IoT/M2M Activity on SND/NFV Activity on Critical Communication Activity on IMS interconnection Activity on IPR issues Inter/Intra-regional collaboration Supplementary Information on TTC’s organization 35 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
TTC (Japan) ICU (Russia) ETSI (Europe) CCSA (China) TTA (Korea) APT ISACC (Canada) TIA (USA) ATIS (USA) ITU-T ARIB (Japan) GISFI (India) Inter/intra-regional collaboration IEEE (USA) 3GPPs Types Organizations ParticipationAPT/ASTAP Core memberCJK(ARIB, CCSA, TTA, TTC), GSC, 3GPP/3GPP2, oneM2M MoU/LoIITU, ETSI, IEEE, GISFI, TSDSI, MSTFBI, NBTC, ZigBee Alliance, Wi-SUN Alliance, HD-PLC, GSMA, etc 36 MSTFB (Malaysia) Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
37 MoU & LoI Organizations MoU ITU&CJK, IEEE, ETSI, ATIS, TIA, ICU, NBTC, NECTEC, MSTFB, ZigBee Alliance, Wi-SUN Alliance, HD-PLC Alliance, GSMA*, etc. LoIGISFI, TSDSI (LoIC) *Agreements in 2014 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
Supplementary Information TTC oraganization TTC oraganization TTC documents TTC documents TTC membership TTC membership Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 38
TTC Organization Chart Standards development Administration Strategy General Assembly Councilor's Meeting Councilor's Meeting Award Committee Board of Directors Technical Assembly Inter-Industry Innovation Center ( I3C ) Inter-Industry Innovation Center ( I3C ) IPR Committee 18 Working Groups Strategy Committee 6 Advisory Groups Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 39
Chairman of the Board: Prof. Mitsutoshi HATORI CEO & Senior Vice President: Mr. Yoichi MAEDA Secretary General: Mr. Noriyuki SHIGETA Director General of I3C: Mr. Yukio YAMANAKA Officers Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 40
Working Groups (WGs) NGN & FN (Future Network) WG Optical transport networks and EMC WG DSL WG IPTV WG Network Management WG ICT & Climate Change WG Signaling WG Security WG Next-generation HN System WG Optical Fiber Transmission WG Numbering Plan WG Bridging Standardization Gap WG oneM2M WG 3GPP and 3GPP2 WGs, etc. Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 41
Advisory Groups (AGs) Technology Research AG Global Collaboration AG Interoperability AG Cloud computing AG Multimedia AG Smart Communication AG Smart Car WP Disaster relief/Emergency Communication WP E-health WP Emergency Call WP Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 42
Inter-Industry Innovation Center Step forward of ICT global standardization from intra-industry innovation to inter-industry innovation such as Cloud Computing, M2M/IoT, ITS (Smart Car), Smart Grid (Smart Energy), and Disaster relief and emergency communications, etc. TTC established, in April 2011, "Inter-Industry Innovation Center (I3C)“, which surveys the trends of the inter-industry collaboration, identifies the areas where TTC should play an active role of innovation and develops new strategies of ICTs. Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 43
TTC TTC Standards development ITU-T MiC ICT Council ITU Sectional Meeting Downstream activities Participation/Proposals NW operators, broadcasters, venders, user groups, etc. TTC Working Groups Participation/Proposals Upstream activities ITU-T Recs TTC Stds Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 44
45 TTC Membership CategoryNo. Vendors40 NW operators16 Broadcasters1 CATV Operators 1 Others18 Total 76 [Note] As of March 2014 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved
Categories of TTC Documents CategoryDescriptionRelationship JTTTC Stds based on ITU-T Recommendations ITU-T JPTTC Stds based on deliverables developed by regional SDOs or partnership projects 3GPP, 3GPP2 JFTTC Stds based on the de-facto stds/deliverables developed by fora IETF, IrDA, NMF, IEEE, etc. JJTTC Stds developed originally by Japan/TTC Japan/TTC original JSTTC Stds based on ISO StdsISO TSTechnical Specification3GPP, 3GPP2, RCSS, etc. TRTechnical Report3GPP, 3GPP2, RCSS, etc. Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 46
CategoryNo. increase JT418+9 JP1730 JF145+2 JJ59+5 JS39+1 TS9445NA TR422NA Number of TTC documents [Note] This graph does not include TS or TR. [Note] As of March 2014 Copyright@TTC 2014 All rights reserved 47
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