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Siemens – Local Controller Software with Adaptive Control

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1 Siemens – Local Controller Software with Adaptive Control
Effective traffic control solutions

2 SEPAC 3.52/4.52 Controller Software
New Feature Performance Measurements SPaT Priority Control USB Support 2

3 SEPAC® 3.52/4.52 Performance Measurement
SEPAC Performance Logging is designed to capture internal and external controller events on a 1/10th second basis. It provides the logging abilities required by the Indiana Dept. of Transportation (InDOT). 3

4 SEPAC® 3.52/4.52 SPaT Messaging
SPaT – Signal Phase and Timing Data Messaging Sends a UDP packet to the configured Destination address every tenth of a second Each UDP packet shall include: The minimum time before the phase will change to a different interval The maximum time before the phase will change to a different interval Current red, yellow or green status of each vehicle phase, pedestrian phase, and overlap Intersection Status Plan Number for TBC System Time 4

5 SEPAC® 3.52/4.52 Priority Control
Buses and light rail trains need to stay on schedule to make public transportation an attractive alternative to other means of transportation. At the same time, keeping individual traffic flowing to avoid congestion, which causes a negative impact on the environment, is equally important. Giving high priority to public transportation without interrupting the general traffic flow has been a major challenge for conventional traffic control software in the past. 5

6 SEPAC® 3.51 Enhances Performance of Traffic Signal Control
The latest version of the proven SEPAC traffic control software is focused on enhancing performance of traffic signal control for customers who use Light Rail Transit, Bus Rapid Transit and regular Traffic Signal Priority functionality. A new set of features improves the use of partial and full priority, with minimal impact on pedestrian and vehicle traffic. With more than 25 years of developing and testing, SEPAC is an unparalleled traffic signal priority software that enables mobility, safety and a better environment to help improve the quality of life in cities. 6

7 Increased Functionality to Meet Your Demanding Transportation Needs
4 phase banks Advance warning flashers Flashing left arrow with delay Red protect collision avoidance Bicycle detection and timing Advanced pedestrian functionality 7

8 Features Phases Coordination Detection/Inputs 16 vehicle phases
8 pedestrian phases 4 phase banks 4 timing rings 15 alternate sequences 16 overlaps 6 modes of coordination Locally based traffic responsive routines 250 events 5 modes for transition 3 auxiliary and 8 special functions 99 day and 10 week programs Free / flash / dimming 16 phase function maps 64 vehicle detectors* 8 pedestrian detectors* 8 system detectors* Ethernet detection interface for Sensys Ethernet Access Points (optional) *80 total detectors defaulted to listed configuration but can be programmed as different types, if necessary.

9 Modes of Operation SEPAC’s traffic capabilities include five modes of operation that allow for Time of Day (TOD) operations, week plans, time of year or holiday plans, which include: coordination, free and flash functions. Modes include: Standalone – All functionality is operational as a standalone unit. Time updates available through GPS syncs. Controller can be programmed to use the GPS output for keeping its internal TOD clock accurate. 1 Master Control – In conjunction with a Marc Master Controller, SEPAC will work within a closed loop system. 2 System Control – SEPAC has the ability to communicate to TACTICS® and operate under system control. 3 Manual – SEPAC can be controlled manually to run specific coordination routines when set to manual, including free operation. 4 Adaptive Control – SEPAC can accept commands from SCOOT® for adaptive control, if available. 5 9

10 Compatible with Siemens Controllers
Designed for Siemens “M” series and Caltrans 2070 style controllers as well as ATC (Linux based) controllers 10

11 Siemens Adaptive Control
Effective traffic control solutions

12 Current Traffic Landscape
Annual delay per traveler increasing at a rapid pace Freeway usage is reaching peak capacity and spilling out onto arterials 12

13 Congestion Impacts All of Our Lives
80 billion tons of air pollution 170 billion gallons of excess gas Effects 33% of all accidents Possible delete © Siemens AG 2011 13

14 How Does Adaptive Control Work?
Real time data collected 1 Information input is placed into algorithms 2 Special tuning, weighting and logic is factored 3 New timings are developed 4 Make a simple Block Diagram like Slide 38 14

15 Optimizing Signals Gives Added Benefit in Reducing Stops, Delays and Fuel Usage
Achieves significant reductions in vehicle delay (21%), stops (25%), and fuel consumption (5%) 35% reduction in delays on a section of State Highway 6 in Houston, Texas $787,000 in benefits to the public for one year of operation in Bradenton, Florida 15

16 Siemens has two proven Adaptive Control systems to fit the unique needs of your city: ACS Lite and SCOOT® 16

17 ACS Lite Adaptive Signal Coordination Software 17

18 ACS Lite Overview Adapts and optimizes the splits and offsets of signal control patterns/plans along an arterial application Resulting in reduced delay, stops and fuel consumption Has flexibility to be deployed as an on-street master or as a centralized system

19 Goals of ACS Lite Siemens developed ACS Lite under contract to the Federal Highway Administration as a more accessible way to implement adaptive control Low Cost Design – make it easy Leverage existing infrastructure Standard US-style actuated controllers and logic (rings, phases, splits, barriers, gap-out/extension, etc.) Typical agency detector layouts Typical communications Use NTCIP Promote efficiency

20 What Parameters Does it Adjust?
Controllers use normal timing plans ACS Lite changes splits and offsets based on traffic demands Cycle length is changed by time-of-day (TOD) Actuated logic and sequences are used Still use TOD changes 20

21 Findings An ACS Lite system can help to effectively reduce travel time on main street and queue length on side streets during peak periods, which in turn improves system efficiency, reduces emission and fuel consumption. Up to 32% reduction in travel time on newly time signals Comparing peak time traffic parameters before and after the study, we observed, No significant difference in traffic volume Significant travel time reduction Significant side street queue length reduction Average of 20% reduction in side street queues 21 21

22 Ann Arundel County, Maryland Use Case
Annapolis, Maryland area experienced significant traffic changes Implementation 12 Intersections on Riva Road Project Costs: $141,000 Results Test showed 82% improvement in afternoon peek travel times Overall delays reduced by 26% Expanding system to other corridors From “The Capital” Newspaper article 8/17/2011

23 Use Case A Unique System for Tyler, Texas
Growing traffic delays are ranked as the #1 concern in Tyler, similar to many other towns in the U.S. Signal timing plans do not get updated frequently enough Corridor traffic flows smoothly at peak times, but there are unpredictable off-peak periods due to commercial nature of corridor Traditional timing plans are weak Offsets change during traffic or weather events 23

24 SCOOT® Performance You Can See…
Adaptive Signal Coordination Software 24

25 SCOOT ® is an Adaptive Control engineering TOOL that can handle virtually any type of application
Shrink down and add Leatherman 25

26 SCOOT® Worldwide Adaptive Control
200 systems worldwide Toronto Beijing London Dalian Minneapolis Santa Barbara Arlington County Chengdu Orange County Qingdao Cyprus Anaheim Chongqing Bahrain Cartagena Dubai Sao Paulo Rework and Update------ The Toronto pilot system of 75 intersections has now expanded to 240 intersection on line with the capability of 500. Toronto has over 1800 signals in its network Anaheim was a FHWA Field Operational Test to evaluate SCOOT control using existing UTCS detector- usually mid-block. The results showed improvements, in spite of reduced intersection count and construction However, it was not as good if full SCOOT detectors were implemented. Expansion of the system is currently under discussion. Arlington County is replacing an old UTCS system for its 230 intersection. Approximately 70 intersections will be under SCOOT control. Eagle is the prime contractor for this $2.5M project scheduled to be on line fall of 1999. Durban Santiago Port Elizabeth 26

27 SCOOT® System Architecture
Traffic Control Functions Time-of-day control Traffic responsive control Quick response User interface to TACTICS and SCOOT The SCOOT server, via its scheduler, turns SCOOT on and off for the selected intersections. Once the EPAC controller receives the SCOOT commands over its communication channel, it responds. SCOOT control is dropped after 3 seconds of no SCOOT commands. The ACTRA system provides the normal traffic control functions: TOD control Traffic Responsive control Quick Response User interface to ACTRA and SCOOT The SCOOT server, via its scheduler, turns SCOOT on and Off for the selected intersections. Once the EPAC controller `sees’ the SCOOT commands over its comm.. channel, it responds. SCOOT controls is dropped after 3 seconds of no SCOOT commands. 27

28 Orange County, Florida Use Case
Implementation Phase I – International Drive Phase II – Added intersections toward Disney World Phase III – Corridor approaching University of Central Florida Phase IV – UCF Campus Uses TACTICS® and SCOOT® in parallel Benefits Projected annual savings of $400,000 Convention Center traffic ingress & egress has been cleared efficiently Overall travel times and delays have been reduced Officer control of signals is no longer necessary Regular development and update of timing plans is not necessary Timing adjustment during long or short term lane closures is not necessary Real-time traffic data are monitored and archived

29 University of Minnesota Use Case
Implementation Installed in University Of Minnesota area 39 intersections in grid with extended major corridors Includes traffic circle Adding additional intersections in Phase II Results Study to be completed soon General positive results Siemens added additional detection capability for complex intersection

30 Thank You for Your Attention!
Daniel K. Nelson, P.E. PLM Product Manager Senior Applications Engineer Mobile: +1 (512) Tel.: +1 (512) Siemens Industry, Inc Cameron Rd Austin, TX 78754

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