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Synod Lite: Resources for Mission – How do the pieces fit? Revd Roy Lowes.

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Presentation on theme: "Synod Lite: Resources for Mission – How do the pieces fit? Revd Roy Lowes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synod Lite: Resources for Mission – How do the pieces fit? Revd Roy Lowes

2 Vision 2020  Framework to inspire and support mission planning at every level of the URC: local, Synod and Assembly  A tool to help churches plan for mission regularly – where we are going  Spells out the areas of church life to focus on on our journey. – where we are Strengthening our identity Growing in spirituality and prayer Working ecumenically Doing evangelism Engaging in communities Welcoming all Growing the church Participating in global mission Working for justice and peace Caring for creation

3 Vision 2020  Vision 2020 starts with the local church  Maps the areas of church life that we are concentrating on at a particular time.

4 Mission Statements Spirituality and Prayer Identity Christian Ecumenical Partnerships Community Partnerships Hospitality and Diversity Evangelism Church Growth Global Partnerships Justice and Peace The Integrity of Creation

5 Synod Training Team Church of North India Exchange Synod Youth Executive Synod Evangelist Local Mission and Ministry Review Radical Welcome Local Mission and Ministry Review Radical Welcome Synod Training Team Synod Youth Executive Church of North India Exchange Synod Evangelist Radical Welcome Mission Fund Assembly Mission Team

6 Which resources?  Which resources do we use when?  First of all  What are we trying to do?  What are our mission pledges?

7 Mission pledges What churches might pledge

8 Mission Pledges Spirituality and Prayer Identity Christian Ecumenical Partnerships Community Partnerships Hospitality and Diversity Evangelism Church Growth Global Partnerships Justice and Peace The Integrity of Creation

9 Mission Pledges Spirituality and Prayer To provide opportunities for prayer and Bible study in small groups and in a variety of styles. To involve directly children and young people in prayer, Bible study and leading worship.

10 Mission Pledges Spirituality and Prayer Identity Christian Ecumenical Partnerships Community Partnerships Hospitality and Diversity Evangelism Church Growth Global Partnerships Justice and Peace The Integrity of Creation

11 Mission Pledges Spirituality and Prayer Identity Christian Ecumenical Partnerships Community Partnerships To play an active role to run or support a local community project. To lead work with children and young people ‘outside’ the church

12 Mission Pledges Spirituality and Prayer Identity Christian Ecumenical Partnerships Community Partnerships Hospitality and Diversity Evangelism Church Growth Global Partnerships Justice and Peace The Integrity of Creation

13 Mission Pledges Spirituality and Prayer Identity Christian Ecumenical Partnerships Community Partnerships Hospitality and Diversity Evangelism To plan and undertake activities whose primary function is to share the gospel. To develop local church activities that attract and involve children and young people from outside church.

14 What resources are there to help?

15 Wider Church Resources URC ResourcesSynod Resources Resources Synod Training Team Church of North India Exchange Synod Youth Executive Synod Evangelist Local Mission & Ministry Review Radical Welcome Mission Fund Assembly Mission Team

16 How can they help my church?

17 Spirituality and Prayer To provide opportunities for prayer and Bible study in small groups and in a variety of styles. Radical Welcome Synod Youth Exec. LMMR Synod Evangelist Synod Training Team Church of North India Exchange Synod Training Team Prayer Toolkit Gateways Into Prayer Mission Fund Assembly Mission Team

18 Training for Learning and Serving  A spiritual journey  A variety of courses in subjects related to Christian life and Discipleship  A diverse learning experience with opportunities for:  Reflective and practical work  Personal and group study  Local and residential gatherings  Basic to diploma levels of study  A fellowship of friendly people

19 Community Partnerships To lead work with children and young people ‘outside’ the church Radical Welcome Synod Youth Exec. LMMR Synod Evangelist Synod Training Team Church of North India Exchange Mission Fund Assembly Mission Team Mission Fund Synod Youth Executive Synod Training Team

20 Synod Mission Fund  A £1 million fund is now available  Local Churches can apply to the Synod for financial assistance towards the achievement of Mission Pledges.  A Youth Worker, a Development Worker, equipment for a Film Club and support for a Day Care Centre for the Elderly are some of the projects supported so far  Contact: Christine Grace, Synod Office

21 Evangelism To plan and undertake activities whose primary function is to share the gospel. Radical Welcome Synod Youth Exec. LMMR Synod Evangelist Synod Training Team Church of North India Exchange Mission Fund Assembly Mission Team Synod Evangelist Gateways Into Evangelism Year of Evangelism

22 Synod Evangelist  The post is for an Evangelist to serve in the West Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church  The aim of the post is to build confidence, share skills and inspire churches and individuals in evangelism.  When appointed the Synod evangelist will be available to churches and ministers to  proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ  inspire, equip, challenge and support others  work with Synod officers in responding to the opportunities of the Radical Welcome Campaign  develop good practice in evangelism across a range of theological perspectives

23 Many other resources...  Bible Society  Alternative Worship  Roots  Health and Healing  Labyrinth  URC Retreat Group  Christian Aid  HOPE .  etc  See Synod website:

24 Which resources?  Which resources do we use when?  First of all  What are we trying to do?  What are our mission pledges?

25 Synod Training Team Church of North India Exchange Synod Youth Executive Synod Evangelist LMMR Radical Welcome Mission Fund Assembly Mission Team

26 The answers are in the room

27 A Partnership  Synod and local churches operating as a partnership  Synod provides resources – you need us  Synod staffed by people from local churches – we need you  You are us and we are you  Partnership evolves  Hello  Goodbye

28 Your turn  In order for you and your church to work within Vision 2020 and draw on as well as support the Synod in its work,  What do you still urgently need to know?  Whom do you need to contact?  What would you like to say?  Analyse responses over lunch  Key responses in afternoon session


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