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Demographic Trends Affecting Cities Engaging the Younger Generations.

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Presentation on theme: "Demographic Trends Affecting Cities Engaging the Younger Generations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demographic Trends Affecting Cities Engaging the Younger Generations

2 Outline  Trends  Generational influences  Implications for cities  Civic engagement  City employment  Checklist for cities  Information resources

3 Trends  Younger generations:  Under 42 years old in 2007  Generation X (born 1965-1976)  Millennial Generation (born 1977-1995)  Present cities with new opportunities and new challenges

4 Generational Influences  Shaped by experiences, societal trends and world events  Economic prosperity  Divorce explosion  Corporate scandal & downsizing  Environmental degradation  International terrorism  Growing federal debt

5 Generational Influences  Experiences shape generational beliefs  Responsible for own economic success & happiness  Mistrust of organizations, including government  Oriented to technology  Want immediate impact  Value a “balanced” lifestyle

6 Implications for Cities  Opportunities & Challenges  Civic Engagement  City Employment

7 Civic Engagement: Connect in different ways  Bring discussions to them – coffee shops, ball games, etc.  Use technology – interactive websites, blogs, on-line discussion forums, etc.  Interactive dialogue – present key points, then open floor for Q & A  Show that city government can get things done –make a difference in community by being involved

8 City Employment: Challenges  Need to replace large number of retiring employees  View of employment in government:  Stodgy  Bureaucratic  See non-profit sector as having impact on community

9 City Employment: Challenges  Younger generations largely uninformed about government as an employer  Not looking for lifetime employment  Align their immediate interests and goals with needs of city

10 City Employment: Challenges 2004 American Community Survey Minnesota Government Has Fewer Young Workers And More Old Workers Than The Private Sector

11 City Employment: Challenges MN labor force growth is expected to slow

12 City Employment: Opportunities  Connect with students to explain city government  Build relationships with institutes of higher learning to develop degree programs in needed skill areas  Tell stories about what city employees do

13 City Employment: Opportunities  Reframe city employment as policy leadership  Recreate job announcements to be exciting & attractive  Ensure employee access to cutting- edge technology

14 City Employment: Flexibility  Attract younger workers with flexible work policies:  Flex time  Part time options  Telecommuting  Options for time off for family events & personal pursuits

15 City Employment: Environment  Adopt supervisory practices that meet the needs of younger workers:  Independence  Periodic feedback  Opportunity for mentoring with senior employees  A fun and stimulating work environment

16 Checklist for Cities  Does our city leadership understand Generation X & the Millennials  Is our leadership willing to make changes necessary to engage these generations  What city amenities or characteristics will retain or attract young people to our community

17 Checklist for Cities: Civic Engagement  How does our city currently interact with citizens  Traditional methods (public hearings) or new ways  Opportunities for public participation  Reach citizens where they’re comfortable – coffee shops, community center, etc.  Youth involvement – youth commissions, advisory boards or task forces  Use Internet to inform public & receive feedback  Show citizens that city actually gets things done  Does behavior convince people that serving in city office is worth their while

18 Checklist for Cities: City Employment  How can we change employment practices to attract the next generation of city workers  Are we reaching out to potential future city workers  Who are job announcements oriented to:  those looking for lifetime civil-service employment; or  those interested in building a personal career, making a difference and living a flexible lifestyle

19 Checklist for Cities: City Employment  Do employees have access to cutting- edge technology  Able to incorporate social networking habits and technologies into how they do work  Are we creating opportunities for career growth  Mentoring  Professional development  Meaningful internships

20 Checklist for Cities: City Employment  Are junior employees:  Given opportunities to work on projects of significance  Allowed to exercise a good deal of independence  Given periodic feedback

21 Resources  Civic Engagement:  Sean Kershaw, Executive Director Citizens League  City Employment:  Susan Arntz, ICMA/MCMA Next Generation Initiative

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