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Transfer of Knowledge to a Younger Generation before Retirement – Finding the Right Mix Presentation to CACPUQ Symposium June 13 & 14, 2012 Lynne B. Gervais.

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Presentation on theme: "Transfer of Knowledge to a Younger Generation before Retirement – Finding the Right Mix Presentation to CACPUQ Symposium June 13 & 14, 2012 Lynne B. Gervais."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transfer of Knowledge to a Younger Generation before Retirement – Finding the Right Mix Presentation to CACPUQ Symposium June 13 & 14, 2012 Lynne B. Gervais Associate Vice-Principal, Human Resources CACPUQ Symposium

2 First time 4 generations at McGill CACPUQ Symposium June 13 & 14, 2012 Veterans (ages 67 to 90) : 5% – Value authority and discipline Baby boomers (ages 48 to 66) : 50% – Value social involvement/personal fulfillment Generation X (ages 32 to 47) : 40% – Need challenges, if not they will move on Generation Y (ages 12 to 31) : 5% – Live in “real time”, spontaneous, unpredictable 2

3 CACPUQ Symposium June 13 & 14, 2012 Dealing with major change What managers are now facing: Every day 55,000 baby boomers turn 55 40% of employees have been with their current employer less than 2 years, are prone to move if not motivated by their work Up to 60% of jobs in the 21st century require skills possessed by 20% of the workforce 7 out of the top 10 jobs anticipated in 2010 did not exist 6 years ago 3

4 CACPUQ Symposium June 13 & 14, 2012 How will we manage this change? Talent management is about Hiring the right people with the right skills in the right job at the right cost : - What adds value, not what has been done traditionally - Capture what knowledge is still relevant in today’s context - Devise business processes that are aligned with goals/priorities Most employees are hired with the right credentials and technical skills – that’s no longer enough Being successful over time means managing the soft skills needed to adapt to culture, diversity, sometimes unrealistic expectations, conflicting priorities, teamwork, etc. 4

5 CACPUQ Symposium June 13 & 14, 2012 Behavioural competencies are key Technical AND behavioural competencies become the common language and the measure used to hire, develop, coach, reward and promote people McGill’s behavioural competencies/skillsets are what we look for in our managers: – Change agility – Resourcefulness – Teaming – Managerial courage – Self-awareness – Client service orientation – Performance orientation 5

6 CACPUQ Symposium June 13 & 14, 2012 The good news is … Baby boomers want to work longer, part-time – Want to share their learnings – Want to stay relevant and professionally stimulated – Want to feel they can still make a contribution Question is: are younger managers willing to listen to and learn from those « voices from the past »? The right mix involves sharing experiences that can have a positive impact today while allowing creative minds to thrive … and younger managers to make their mark 6

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