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American Red Cross 2.0. Lead and Empower. What about you?  Name  Chapter  How do you describe yourself as a Red Cross volunteer?  How many years have.

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Presentation on theme: "American Red Cross 2.0. Lead and Empower. What about you?  Name  Chapter  How do you describe yourself as a Red Cross volunteer?  How many years have."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Red Cross 2.0. Lead and Empower

2 What about you?  Name  Chapter  How do you describe yourself as a Red Cross volunteer?  How many years have you been volunteering for the Red Cross?  What has drawn you to stay connected with the organization?

3 One Red Cross – Our Red Cross

4 One Red Cross The case : The strength of the American Red Cross is its network of chapters and volunteers delivering lifesaving services in communities nationwide. To ensure the chapter network remains strong and vibrant, the Red Cross is working to more closely align operations across the organization—such as service delivery, fundraising, and volunteer recruitment—to be the most efficient and effective.

5 One Red Cross The vision: The goal is an American Red Cross where every chapter has the budget required to deliver vital Red Cross services every day; where it raises more money by speaking to donors with one voice; where it saves time and money by streamlining back- office work across the organization; and where compelling and consistent marketing messages tell the Red Cross story more powerfully.

6 How does the Organization look like?

7 Red Cross Field Governance Structure

8 President and CEO’s Strategic priorities 1. Bring Biomedical Services operations into compliance with the FDA. 2. Achieve financial stability 3. Increase donations 4. Revitalize our brand 5. Overhaul IT 6. Improve teamwork

9 Red Cross Favorability Rating among young people Red Cross support among young people continues to be strong*  Younger Americans have more trust in the Red Cross (83% for 18-44 year olds) –Younger Americans tend to recall very favorable Red Cross stories (45% for 18-34 year olds). –Younger Americans show the highest interest in donating blood (43% for 18-44 year olds).  Younger Americans are most likely to view Red Cross as an organization they want to be a part of (40% for 18-34 year olds). * Results are based on an omnibus telephone survey of 1,004 US adults 18 years and older, conducted by ORC International January 9-12, 2009. Margin of error is +/-3.1%t at the 95% confidence level.

10 Lines of Service  Disaster/Preparedness  International  Blood  Health & Safety  Service to Armed Forces

11 Tell us more  What skills can youth volunteers bring?  What skills can youth develop from volunteering?

12 Your Area of Expertise  Write down on an adhesive 1 to 3 area(s) of expertise that you have –For example: Youth on boards, blood drives, Scrubby Bear, etc  Place the adhesive somewhere visible

13 Find Your Trio  Your piece of paper will have a name on it – this name is part of a trio  Find the rest of your trio! –For example: Bacon, lettuce, tomato  Introduce yourselves and mention your “area(s) of expertise”  If you have similar expertise – trade group members!

14 Consulting Session  Identify one person to be the client (don’t worry, everyone will get a chance )  The other two will be consultants  The client will take 11 minutes to discuss a service project in a line of service at his/her club field unit  Consultants discuss how you can take that project to the next level –Write down challenges, solutions, wish list  Switch until each group member has a chance to be the client  Identify one challenge to share with the rest of the group

15 Report on Challenges

16 Questions?  Facilitators: insert your contact information

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