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Monroe Elementary Survey participants. Hoover vs. Choice N= 68 families.

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Presentation on theme: "Monroe Elementary Survey participants. Hoover vs. Choice N= 68 families."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monroe Elementary Survey participants

2 Hoover vs. Choice N= 68 families

3 Bus makes Hoover okay Families with a car N = 32 Families with No car (N = 38) Bus does not make Hoover okay Families Who Want Choice Number of Families With and Without Cars by Language Spanish 2Chinese 3 English 6 Home Language of kids per grade: (N= 32) Home Language of Families with multiple kids per grade (N = 10) Chinese 2 Chinese 1 Spanish 7 Spanish 8 English 9 English 1 English 2 Chinese 0

4 Families Who Want Hoover Number of Families With and Without Cars by Language Bus would make Hoover okay Bus does not make a difference Home Language by number of kids per grade (N = 31) Families with a Car Families with No Car Chinese 2Spanish 1Chinese 17 Spanish 0Chinese 1English 1 English 2 English 1 Home Language of Families with multiple kids per grade (N = 5) Spanish 1 Chinese 1Spanish 2English 0

5 Language Spoken by Family (Car ownership, younger siblings at Monroe, Hoover vs. Choice)

6 Proximity by Zip Code to Hoover

7 Summary More Families prefer Choice of Middle School to being fed to Hoover, with the Chinese families preferring Hoover, and a majority of English and Spanish-speaking families preferring Choice. Most Spanish and English speaking families prefer Choice whether or not they have a car. Most Chinese speaking families prefer Hoover whether or not they have a car. Most families who have more than one sibling (younger one still at Monroe) want a choice of where to send their kids to middle school. Most families who live in the furthest zip codes (more than a 30-minute drive from Hoover) prefer choice. Most families who live more than a 20-minute drive from Hoover want a bus. About 1/3 of those who prefer Choice would be okay with Hoover if there were a bus. Very few of the families who live in the 94112 zip code (<%5) have cars. Most families in the 94112 zip code want a bus to Hoover regardless of language, program, or preference for Hoover or choice.

8 Conclusions Monroe families are split along language lines as to whether we want Hoover or Choice for Middle School A large percentage will need a bus because either: – They do not have a car – They have younger siblings at Monroe and it is a hardship to transport both children to school – Start time for immersion programs are very early in the morning Other potential needs: – After School Programs – Clarification around what happens if families don’t put Hoover first, and if this leads to the risk of being placed in other schools not on their list of choices – Clarification around elective options and how they will be preserved

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