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Checkers the Poor, Poor Mouse Written and Illustrated by Moana, Rebecca, and Jana Click to continue to next slide.

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2 Checkers the Poor, Poor Mouse Written and Illustrated by Moana, Rebecca, and Jana Click to continue to next slide

3 Once upon a time on an island far, far away there was a small kingdom. This kingdom was known as Checkersville. Click to continue to next slide

4 In the little kingdom of Checkersville there lived a small mouse named Checkers. He had only one problem. It was not that he was small or weak, it was that he couldn’t play checkers, the thing you were judged by in the land of Checkersville. Click to continue to next slide

5 One day, Checkers got tired of being picked on by mice much younger than himself. You leave me alone! I am a lot older than you are you tiny, little weakling! Yeah but I can play checkers and you can’t. HA HA HA! POKE, POKE! Click to continue to next slide

6 Checkers walked slowly into his house, sad that he was always picked on. Oh, if only there was a different game that I COULD play. Click to continue to next slide

7 Then, Checkers had a brilliant idea. Click to continue to next slide

8 He spent hours the next day working on his idea, making a new game that he could play. The game he invented was called chess. I’m BRILLIANT! I’m ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! No one will pick on Checkers the mighty mouse again! Click to continue to next slide

9 So he called his one and only friend, Yahtzee, to share the great news with him. I made up a new game called chess and the knight moves like this and the king moves like this… Ummm… I don’t get it. Yahtzee! Yahtzee! Guess what?! What? Click to continue to next slide

10 Then, after Yahtzee finally got it, Checkers went to present his new game to the King of Checkersville. Click to continue to next slide

11 Oh King of Checkersville! Let me present to you my newly invented game. It is called chess and I really hope that you will consider teaching the mice of the village to play my game! Please. Click to continue to next slide

12 But the king was annoyed. Don’t you come to me with your silly ideas and inventions. You can’t even play checkers. NEVER COME BACK! Click to continue to next slide

13 Checkers stomped out of palace, angry at the king for bringing him down. Click to continue to next slide

14 Then, Checkers decided he would get back at the king. Ooooh! I’ll show everyone how horrible the king really is! Click to continue to next slide

15 So Checkers talked to every mouse in the village and told them about how horrid the king was and also showed them his new game. I just need to warn you that King Sorry is a mean man. He just kicked me out of the palace because he thought that the game I made up was silly nonsense! Doo doo doo dee da doo doo doo doo. Hay! Wait up! Oh! What do you need? (gasp) How could we have such a terrible king? I say we kick him out! Click to continue to next slide

16 Soon there was a crowd outside the palace chanting. Get out! You’re not our king! Yeah! Argh! Click to continue to next slide

17 Finally, the crowd burst through the door and chased the king out the window. Click to continue to next slide

18 Then they made Checkers king. Click to continue to next slide

19 And Yahtzee got to eat dinner with Checkers every evening. Click to continue to next slide

20 THE END!!! Click to continue to next slide

21 Credits Voices Moana Sargent as Checkers Rebecca Kirby as the narrator Emma Kirby as King Sorry, town mice, and Yahtzee Munching Jana Jones, Moana Sargent, Rebecca Kirby, and Emma Kirby Story and Illustrations Moana Sargent Rebecca Kirby Jana Jones Music Freeplay Music

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