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Plate Movements Eric Angat teacher. Copy and answer the following in your notebook 1. What is Superposition? 2.What is mantle convection? 3.What is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Movements Eric Angat teacher. Copy and answer the following in your notebook 1. What is Superposition? 2.What is mantle convection? 3.What is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Movements Eric Angat teacher

2 Copy and answer the following in your notebook 1. What is Superposition? 2.What is mantle convection? 3.What is the Pangaea theory? 4.How do plates move on earth’s surface? 5.What are subduction zones?


4 1. What is Superposition? This states that layers are deposited in a time sequence, with the oldest at the bottom and the youngest on the top.

5 OLDEST Sedimentary Rock Layers on the BOTTOM >>> YOUNGEST Sedimentary Rock Layers on TOP

6 Trilobite an extinct marine arthropod that occurred abundantly during the Paleozoic era, with a carapace over the forepart, and a segmented hind part divided longitudinally into three lobes.

7 OLDEST Sedimentary Rock Layers on the BOTTOM >>> YOUNGEST Sedimentary Rock Layers on TOP

8 National Park / Arizona Grand Canyon

9 2. What is mantle convection? The heat from the core causes mantle materials to rise and sink causing convection.


11 3. What is the Pangaea theory? States that all present continents were once together and collectively known as a 'supercontinent' called a Pangaea, 200 millions years ago before it split up. /

12 4. How do plates move on earth’s surface? Plates at our planet’s surface move because heat in the Earth’s core that causes molten rock in the mantle layer to undergo convection.

13 Earth’s tectonic plates are moving like a conveyor belt. The rollers represent the mantle convection.

14 Conveyor belt

15 5. What are subduction zones? When two oceanic plates collide, the older of the two plates, will sink at the edge of the younger plate. When oceanic and continental plates collide, the oceanic plate sinks at the edge of the continental plate.

16 6. What is normal fault? 7. What is a reverse fault? 8. What is a strike slip fault? 9. What are the three types of plate boundaries? 10. What causes earthquakes? Plate Tectonics

17 Plate Tectonics

18 6. What is normal fault? 7. What is reverse fault? Plate Tectonics tension is occurring on rocks Compression is occurring on rocks

19 Strike-Slip Transform (Lateral) Fault ( Stress: Shearing ) ______________________ Dip-Slip Normal Fault ( Stress: Tension ) ______________________ Dip-Slip Reverse (Thrust) Fault ( Stress: Compression )

20 8. What is a strike slip fault? 9. What are the three types of plate boundaries? Plate Tectonics Faults that have all their motion in the horizontal. Our favorite Strike-Slip fault is of course, the San Andreas Fault in western California. Convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries

21 Los Angeles San Francisco

22 10. What causes earthquakes? Plate Tectonics An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane. The location below the earth’s surface where the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter (focus), and the location directly above it on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter.

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