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USSOCOM Acquisition Overview

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1 USSOCOM Acquisition Overview
UNCLASSIFIED SPECIAL OPERATIONS ACQUISITION AND LOGISTICS CENTER USSOCOM Acquisition Overview LTC(P) Fran Fierko Deputy Director of Management 4 December 2003 Good morning. My name is LTC Fran Fierko, and on behalf of COL Gary Payne, the acting USSOCOM Acquisition Executive, I’d like to welcome you to the United States Special Operations Command. I would also like to express our appreciation for the opportunity to talk to you this morning about the Special Operations Acquisition and Logistics Directorate, commonly referred to as SOAL. UNCLASSIFIED

2 USSOCOM Acquisition & Logistics
The purpose of Acquisition & Logistics First and foremost, we are here for the user. The warfighter must remain our constant focus and we must ensure we include him in every aspect of the acquisition process, striving to do everything possible to meet his needs. Otherwise, we are missing our Reason For Being. is to support SOF Warfighters

3 What Makes USSOCOM Different?
(What Do Our Warfighter’s Expect?) Rapid fielding & deployment requirements Usually demand state-of-the-art capabilities We are perceived as the “Tip of the Spear” for selected battlefield capabilities Often results in special operations peculiar items becoming Service common. What makes Special Operations different, as it relates to acquisition, can be summarized by four major tenets: Be in control – control your own acquisition destiny. Often times, as the individual Services prioritized, Special Operations Forces requirements fell below their Services’ “cut line”; Be Responsive – streamline how you acquire weapon systems, equipment, and supplies for the SOF operator; An 80% solution now is better than a 100% solution two months from now; Seek efficiency – cut out unnecessary bureaucracy and eliminate duplication between the Components. For example, fielding the same small arms weapon systems to both Navy SEALs and Army Rangers; Provide a Solid Basis for decisions – understand the Joint material requirements of the USSOCOM component forces, and provide non-parochial recommendations for equipment and funding resources.

4 Acquisition Authority
COMMANDER USSOCOM’s Authority (10 USC Section 167) Develop and acquire special operations peculiar equipment Acquire special operations peculiar material, supplies, and services Head of agency for acquisition authority United States Code Section 167 of the 10th U.S. Code provides the Commander USSOCOM the unique authority to develop and acquire special operations peculiar equipment, material, supplies, and services. This authority ensures that Special Operations Forces are adequately equipped and allows us to take the lead in research, development, and acquisition of special operations peculiar material. Because the Commander USSOCOM holds Head of Agency acquisition authority, it makes him equivalent to a Service Secretary in regard to acquisition. The Acquisition Executive’s authority is delegated from the Commander USSOCOM. The AE is the Commander USSOCOM’s Principal Acquisition Advisor and is responsible for the overall acquisition management structure, milestone decisions for all USSOCOM managed programs, and management of all investment funding, to include Operations and Maintenance funding. Because of this structure, SOAL practices true “cradle to grave”, or more correctly, “lust to dust” acquisition management.

5 Special Operations Peculiar
Equipment, material, supplies, and services required for Special Operations activities for which there is no Service common requirement. This includes: Items and services initially designed for, or used by, SOF until adapted for Service common use Modifications approved by CDR, USSOCOM for application to standard items and Service use by DOD forces Items and services approved by CDR, USSOCOM as critically urgent for the immediate accomplishment of a special operations activity The key to the definition of “Special Operations Peculiar” is that it refers to materials, supplies, and equipment where there is no broad conventional force requirement. This includes standard Department of Defense items that have been modified for SOF use. It also included SOF developed items that have been adopted for use by DOD conventional forces. Finally, Special Operations Peculiar includes critically urgent SOF items that are not currently available from USSOCOM or the Services. An example would be the procurement of commercial all terrain vehicles for use in Afghanistan.

6 USSOCOM Acquisition Authority Chain
Defense Acquisition Executive (DAE) Streamlined acquisition decision process PMs / SAMs have ready access to decision makers ready access to users, requirements, and resourcing staffs Commander USSOCOM Special Operations Acquisition Executive (SOAE) Program Executive Officer (PEO) USSOCOM has the same Acquisition Chain as any of the Services. Our Acquisition Executive is equivalent to the Services’ Acquisition Executives. One of the primary emphasis in USSOCOM acquisition is streamlining. SOAL has only a single level of management, the PEO, between the PM and the MDA. When the PEO is the MDA, even this layer is eliminated. While our PEOs and PMs have the same responsibilities as their Service equivalents of the same names, this flattened management structure is one way we are able to reduce bureaucracy. We do, however, have a unique position called a System Acquisition Manager (SAM). The SAM serves as a liaison between the Service and USSOCOM. SAMs have different responsibilities than PMs. SAMs monitor multiple programs, and are responsible to the PEO for the management and reporting of all specific MFP-11 programs. Program Manager (PM) System Acquisition Manager (SAM)

7 Special Operations Acquisition & Logistics Center (SOAL)
PDAE AE DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT (SOAL-M) PEO FIXED WING (PEO-FW) INTEL & INFO SYSTEMS (PEO-IIS) MARITIME & ROTARY (PEO-M&R) PROCUREMENT (SOAL-K) SPECIAL PROGRAMS (PEO-SP) DIRECTOR OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY (SOAL-T) DIRECTOR OF LOGISTICS (SOAL-L) This chart reflects the current SOAL organization. As you can see, this is not your typical organization chart, but it emphasizes the importance of our PEOs as the core of our capabilities with all other directorates supporting their efforts. The Acquisition Executive and his Principal Deputy view themselves as the guardians of the core PEO functions whose mission is to directly support the Warfighter’s needs. SOAL is a relatively small organization of approximately 450 military, civilian, and contractor personnel, managing over $2.6 billion in resources annually.

8 The USSOCOM Acquisition Process
SORR SOOP SOAL Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Requirements Validation & Approval Acquisition Management Acquisition at USSOCOM comprises three major decision systems or processes: The requirements validation process, which starts out as broad operational statements and evolves into well defined, program specific requirements, is designed to address our Warfighters’ needs. This is followed by the planning, programming, and budgeting process, which is structured to fund affordable programs. This becomes especially important in today’s environment of budget austerity. Furthermore, using the PPB process, we must focus on ensuring that the programs we start can be sustained, given the projected resource constraints. This methodology is referred to as the Strategic Planning Process. Finally, we mange our programs through effective acquisition planning, improved communications, and quarterly program and budget execution reviews. This process provides a solid basis for decision makers, and ensures we deliver quality products, on time, and at or under budget. Product/Service Requirement Warfighter

9 USSOCOM Acquisition Program Budgets
FY02 FY03 FY04 RDT&E $395M (22%) RDT&E $510M (25%) RDT&E $ 440M (17%) PROC $429M (25%) PROC $849M (42%) PROC $1,817M (68%) O&M $189M (11%) O&M $296M (15%) O&M $ 273M (10%) Our acquisition budget had been relatively steady at approximately $1 billion up until FY02. Due to events of September 11th, and the subsequent campaign in Afghanistan in FY02, we received Defense Emergency Response Funding (DERF) and Supplemental Funding in addition to our originally programmed resources of $1 billion. This allowed us to execute nearly $1.8 billion in total funding in FY02, and $2 billion in FY03 with no increase in manpower. Due to the continuing Global War on Terrorism, our FY04 investment budget has grown to the $2.6 billion that is reflected on the slide. This dramatic increase in FY04 is a continuing reflection both of USSOCOM’s expanded mission as a Supported Command, and our continuing need to modernize and recapitalize our equipment. SUPP $319M (18%) SUPP $376M (18%) * SUPP $ 136M ( 5%) *Projected DERF $413M (24%) Total: $1,745M Total: $2,031M Total: $2,666M FY04 WKG POSITION

10 PEO-Fixed Wing Platforms
AC-130U MC-130P AC-130H MC-130H Commanded by a Air Force Colonel with a Civilian Deputy 21 Programs Over $1B annually Manges one of USSOCOM’s Flagship programs, the CV-22 Other major programs are: AC-130U Spooky (25mm/40mm/105mm-Replacement for AC-130H) AC-130H Spectre (2x20mm/40mm/105mm) MC-130E/H Combat Talon/Talon II MC-130P Combat Shadow SOF Training Systems CASA 212 CV-22 CASA-212 STS

11 PEO-M&R Maritime Platforms
ASDS SDV NSW RIB SDV SAHRV MK V SOC NBOE Commanded by a Navy Captain, with a Civilian Deputy 20 programs Over $680M annually Manages one of USSOCOM’s Flagship programs, The Advanced SEAL Delivery System (ASDS) Other major programs are: Nongasoline-Burning Outboard Engine Special Operations Craft – Riverine Swimmer Transport Device Semi-Autonomous Hydrographic Reconnaissance Vehicle MK V, Special Operations Craft NSW Rigid Inflatable Boat MK8 MOD1 SEAL Delivery Vehicle STD SOCR

12 PEO-M&R Rotary Wing Platforms
MH-53M MH-60K A/MH-6 MH-47E MH-60L DAP Major programs are: Aircraft System A/MH-6 Mods (Little Bird) (Light attack and transport) MH-47 D/E (Primary long distance, heavy lift) MH-60 K/L (Long range, low level penetration of hostile territory) MH-53M Pavelow (Primary mission is low-level, long range, undetected penetration into denied areas)

13 PEO-IIS Programs Multi-Band Multi-Mission Radio (MBMMR) Psychological Operations Broadcast System Deployable Print Center Multi-Band Inter/Intra Team Radio (MBITR) Headed by a member of the Senior Intelligence Executive Service, with a Civilian Deputy 36 programs Over $435M annually Example of programs are as shown on the slide EC-130E/J SOF Signal Intelligence Manpack System Joint Base Station with Variants

14 Family of Special Operations Vehicles (FOSOV)
PEO-SP Programs INOD UAV 7.62 Lightweight Machinegun ALGL Gunfire Detection System PTLD Commanded by a Army Colonel, with a Civilian Deputy 31 programs primarily based on capabilities, vice a commodity area Over $465M annually Example of programs are as shown on the slide MAAWS Family of Special Operations Vehicles (FOSOV) SPEAR - BALCS

15 Technology Programs Special Operations Technology Development
SOF Medical Technology Development Fibrin Bandage Dual Fusion Goggle Special Operations Special Technology Small Business Innovation Research This office was created to rapidly transition and apply critical technologies to Special Operations peculiar requirements to enable special operators to maintain a technological edge over their adversaries. Over $135M annually Special Operations Technology Development (SOTD): Provides a balanced effort of studies and technology applications across the exploratory and advanced development categories. Special Operations Special Technology (SOST): Projects apply advanced technologies to joint, special, or area-specific missions with SOF-unique characteristics. Rapid fabrication and evaluation of prototypes. Provides a quick reaction capability for emerging operational requirements Medical Technology (MEDTECH): Links studies and non-system exploratory Research & Development to SOF-specific medical needs. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR): Conducts exploratory and advanced development research to create innovative technologies for Government and commercial use Advanced Technology Concept Demonstrations (ACTD): Provides the means for integrating, demonstrating, and assessing the military utility of new ideas, concepts, and mature technologies to meet Warfighter needs. Results in a residual or prototype capability that is logistically supported for two years and can be deployed and supported operationally Hummingbird A-160 UAV Man Portable Personal Dual Band Miniature Beacon

16 Summary In summary, our customer, the Warfighter, plays an invaluable role throughout the acquisition process. We in SOAL remain committed to be the absolute best in Acquisition, delivering products that: 1. Meet or exceed our Warfighter’s requirements 2. Are fielded on time or ahead of schedule 3. Are delivered at, or below, budgeted cost We do this by exercising our Title 10 Authority to create the most streamlined acquisition process within the Department of Defense. At this time, I’d like to share with you a short film that highlights some of the specific equipment and weapon systems that SOAL provides to our Components. At the conclusion of the film, I will make myself available for any questions you may have. (Roll SOAL Film, 14 minutes)

17 Questions? Subject to your questions, this concludes my briefing

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