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Liquefaction, Landslides, and Fault Rupture Tom Holzer Research Engineering Geologist 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Liquefaction, Landslides, and Fault Rupture Tom Holzer Research Engineering Geologist 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liquefaction, Landslides, and Fault Rupture Tom Holzer Research Engineering Geologist 1

2 Liquefaction 2

3 Sunken Houses on Valencia St Settlement at Spear and Market St Compression Lateral Spread Head Scarp Liquefaction Damage San Francisco 1906 3

4 Anatomy of a bad fill 4

5 Filled ground in San Francisco, mostly pre-1906 Prime land in San Francisco is among the most hazardous Marin Ocean Beach SBC Park TransAmerica Pyramid Marina District

6 Landslides 6

7 Landslide Highway 17 – 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake 7

8 San Francisco Seismic Hazard Zone Map – Landslide Zone (blue) and Liquefaction Zone (green) 8

9 Fault Rupture 9

10 Fault Rupture – M6 South Napa Earthquake August 24, 2014 10

11 Bay Area Major faults and probability of EQ with M≥6.7 63% probability of M≥6.7 in next 30 years in Bay Area 7% 31% 21% 6% 3% 1%

12 San Andreas Fault SF Peninsula (Alquist-Priolo Map) San Bruno Mtn 1906 Fault Rupture SF Peninsula Mussel Rock San Francisco 12

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