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Greek Mythology A tour of the gods and goddesses..

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1 Greek Mythology A tour of the gods and goddesses.

2 Genealogy of the Olympians

3 Zeus Son of Cronus and Rhea Was the god of the sky Most powerful god, Ruler of all the gods He married seven times Symbols: thunderbolt, eagle, and oak

4 Hera Wife of Zeus and the sister of Zeus Was the goddess of marriage Symbols: sceptre, peacock

5 Aphrodite/Venus Was the goddess of love and beauty Symbols: myrtle, dove One of the Twelve Olympians

6 Apollo god of the arts, archery, and sun Symbols: bow, chariot, laurel Brother of the goddess Artemis Son of Zeus One of the Twelve Olympians

7 Ares/Mars Was the god of war Symbol: spear One of the Twelve Olympians Son of Zeus and Hera

8 Artemis Was the goddess of the hunt and protector of children Symbols: bow, deer Daughter of Zeus by Leto Twin sister of Apollo

9 Athena Was the goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts Symbols: aegis | a shield, owl, olive tree One of the Twelve Olympians

10 Demeter/Ceres Was the goddess of Agriculture(harvest) and fertility Symbols: scepter, torch, corn (grain) One of the Twelve Olympians

11 Dionysus Youngest of the Twelve great Olympians Was the god of wine, mysteries, and the theatre Symbols: grape vine, ivy, thyrsos | staff upon which ivy or grape vines were wound, panther

12 Hephaestus Was the god of blacksmiths and metal-workers Symbol: axe Cripples by Zeus, married Aphrodite Son of Zeus and Hera

13 Hermes/Mercury Was the god of merchants; messenger of Zeus Symbols: caduceus | staff with two entwined serpents, winged boots

14 Poseidon/Neptune Was the god of the sea and earthquakes Symbols: trident, horse, bull Son of Cronus and Rhea One of the Twelve Olympians Brother of Zeus, Hades, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia

15 Hades God of the Underworld Symbols, - dog, the color black, the cypress Brother of Zeus

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