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Develop and Monitor Teacher Effectiveness and Implementation Kelli Millwood, Tony McGuinness & Chris Morgan 3.5.2012

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Presentation on theme: "Develop and Monitor Teacher Effectiveness and Implementation Kelli Millwood, Tony McGuinness & Chris Morgan 3.5.2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Develop and Monitor Teacher Effectiveness and Implementation Kelli Millwood, Tony McGuinness & Chris Morgan 3.5.2012

2 What We Know: 49 hours PD -> +21percentile points 5-14 hours PD -> NO IMPACT High Quality Professional Development Teacher Knowledge and Skills Classroom Teaching Student Achievement Yoon, K. S., Duncan, T., Lee, S. W.-Y., Scarloss, B., & Shapley, K. (2007). Reviewing the evidence on how teacher professional development affects student achievement (Issues & Answers Report, REL 2007–No. 033). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest. Retrieved from Sustained high quality PD impacts teaching and learning TX Elem AE Breakout l 01/11/121

3 Best Practices of Teacher Effectiveness Pragmatic Rigor Multiple measures / Perspectives Frequency Inclusion / Collaboration Formative Practices Differentiated PD Evolution

4 Educator Effectiveness3 D & R Video Prod.


6 Professional Development Partnerships Connecting Teacher Effectiveness to Leader Effectiveness Balanced, formative assessment strategies Improving student learning Implementing effective elements of teaching Defining the competencies of effective school leadership Using Value Added Analysis Identifying highly effective teachers Jon Saphier - Research for Better Teaching Rick Stiggins – Assessment Training Institute (ATI) Dr. Robert Marzano

7 Online Demonstration

8 Diagnostic and Research Services

9 Pearson Diagnostic & Research Team Provides MEASURABLE CHANGES HIGH-QUALITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (SIOP, WTW, Classroom Technology, Common Core Math, and Common Core ELA)

10 Why is Inter-Rater Reliability Important? Calibrate individual observers with expert rater All observers “see” the same thing and rate the same way Ensure VALID and RELIABLE observations ○ Valid = accurate ○ Reliable = consistent

11 Calibration Process For Valid & Reliable Observations Discussion of Observables for Features Watch & Rate Video Enter Ratings Debrief & Calibrate Ratings

12 7. Concepts explicitly linked to students' background experiences

13 Calibration Process For Valid & Reliable Observations Discussion of Observables for Features Watch & Rate Video Enter Ratings Debrief & Calibrate Ratings

14 Pearson Diagnostic and Research Team Provides HIGH-QUALITY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT MEASURABLE CHANGES (SIOP, WTW, Classroom Technology, Common Core Math, and Common Core ELA)

15 Impacts on Student Performance

16 Localized Video Production Services

17 KCMO Goal Create a library of classroom video segments using district talent which could be used for in- district professional development.

18 Process + Toolbox = Sustainable Solution for PD Process Deliverables

19 Questions?

20 Principal Compass

21 Educator Effectiveness Principal Compass - Why now? Research shows that behind teachers, effective principals have the greatest impact on student achievement. e.g., Mike Schmoker, Results: the Key to Continuous School Improvement Race to the Top language — the four assurances—speak to the leadership need. Adopting rigorous standards that prepare students for success in college and the workforce; Recruiting and retaining effective teachers, especially in classrooms where they’re needed most; Turning around low-performing schools; and Building data systems to track student achievement and teacher effectiveness As a result, states — e.g., IL, NY, TN, IN, OH, DE — are now calling for educator evaluation systems that address both principals and teachers.

22 Educator Effectiveness Principal Compass - Why now? “... if you think we know shockingly little about good teachers, you’ll be thoroughly despondent about how little we know about effective principals, other than that they are relentless and good team builders, and that ed leadership programs don’t produce very good ones.” —The Education Trust © 2009 “You want to build a principal development program? Then please, teach people what they never learned in grad school, which was basically a waste of time and had nothing to do with what this job is really all about.” — From an interview with a high-achieving Massachusetts principal

23 Highlights Full development and sales partnership with ASCD and... Robert Marzano – aligned to his “Growth and Development” framework Includes the exclusive rights to Lyle Kirtman’s “7 Competencies of School Leadership” Will eventually provide 50+ online modules with 24/7 access Optional onsite / virtual coaching and team development Features the voice of the practitioner through a special video component Problem-based approach provides immediate application to the work in the building Educator Effectiveness Principal Compass: Overview An holistic system of analysis and support

24 Educator Effectiveness Principal Compass: The “On Ramps” 5 Domains and 24 Elements (1) a data-driven focus on student achievement (2) continuous improvement of instruction (3) a guaranteed and viable curriculum (4) cooperation and collaboration, and (5) school climate

25 Educator Effectiveness Principal Compass: The “On Ramps” The Workplace Personality Inventory (WPI) is already recognized as a reliable and valid inventory of desired leadership practices. FMS has augmented the WPI to reflect 7 competencies of highly successful principals by cross-matching it to accepted principal leadership frameworks and the data derived from working with more than 1000 principals over the last 25 years. The 7 desirably competencies of successful principals are: Challenges status quo Builds trust through clear communication and expectations Creates a commonly owned plan for success Focuses on team over self Has a high sense of urgency for change and sustainable results Commitment to continuous improvement Builds external networks / partnerships Principals and other leaders taking the augmented WPI will be directed to targeted professional development that will help address perceived weaknesses in one or more of these areas.

26 Educator Effectiveness Principal Compass: On Line Support 10 modules will be ready by the end of March 2012 Featured launch at ASCD’s Annual Conference In Philadelphia

27 Educator Effectiveness Principal Compass: On Line Support All topic modules include: Introductory / stage setting videos with current or former principals Illustrated overviews (Animated PowerPoint) Extended readings “Check for Understanding” Enrichment videos Applications for immediate relevance to the work in the building Quick “ Tips and Tools ”

28 Educator Effectiveness Principal Compass: On Site PD Coaching Team Building

29 Educator Effectiveness Principal Compass: Benefits Practical: Not just an evaluation tool – a leadership team growth and development tool Realistic: Built with the time constraints of the job in mind. Not days out of the office at a workshop training, but rather quick-start modules that principals and their teams can more easily build into their schedules Flexible: Different “on-ramps,” or needs analysis assessments for different purposes Authentic: Includes the wise voice of the building practitioner in every module and real problem-based learning situations Reliable: Features the important authorities — Marzano, Kirtman, Saphier, Stiggins — who are working to improve school leadership where it counts – in the buildings

30 Questions?

31 Agenda – Examples of State Implementations Overview of state practices Kentucky – State wide implementation plan and formative assessment training Wisconsin – State wide implementation through service centers

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