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PRESENTED BY DR. LINDA K. GRIFFITH JANUARY 14, 2013 Mathematics CIV 8 Implementing CCSS in HS.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTED BY DR. LINDA K. GRIFFITH JANUARY 14, 2013 Mathematics CIV 8 Implementing CCSS in HS."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTED BY DR. LINDA K. GRIFFITH JANUARY 14, 2013 Mathematics CIV 8 Implementing CCSS in HS

2 The goal for students’ mathematics knowledge by the end of high school is virtually the same. Some content moved from one course to another. The Standards for Mathematical Practice represent the biggest change. What Changes?

3 The way we facilitate learning will need to change! What is teaching? What is learning? What does the mean for educators?

4 True Learning? I TAUGHT STRIPE HOW TO WHISTLE Two boys and a dog. One boy is pointing to his dog and saying, “I taught Stripe how to whistle.”

5 I DON’T HEAR HIM WHISTLING While staring at dog, second boy says, “I don’t hear him whistling.”

6 I SAID I TAUGHT HIM. I DIDN’T SAY HE LEARNED IT From Checking for Understanding, King Features Syndicate. First boy, whilst pointing to dog says, “I said I taught him, I didn’t say he learned! The implication is, is this TRUE learning?

7 The Research Jacobs, Lamb, and Philipp on professional noticing and professional responding; Smith, Stein, Hughes, and Engle on orchestrating productive mathematical discussions; Ball, Hill, and Thames on types of teacher mathematical knowledge; Levi and Behrend (Teacher Development Group) on Purposeful Pedagogy Model for Cognitively Guided Instruction.

8 The Article “Purposeful Pedagogy and Discourse Instructional Model: Student Thinking Matters Most” Written by Linda Jaslow in collaboration with Aimee Evans

9 Class Discussion


11 What does this look like in the beginning? Teachers use formative assessment data to set learning goals.


13 The Tasks Identifying Similar Triangles Mathematics Assessment Project (MDC)

14 Next Steps Anticipate what students will do with the task. Decide how the task will be presented. Plan for orchestrating classroom discourse.


16 What did we see? Teacher said little in the beginning. Students talked to each other and the teacher listens. (Student thinking matters most!) Teachers uses student thinking to guide the discourse.

17 Culture of the High School I am an empty vessel fill me up. I need to be quiet and listen. I do as I am told. What I think does not matter. When is she going to show me how to do this. How would I know?

18 Increasing the Rigor of the Task What is the purpose of the second task in this series?


20 What did we see? Teacher said little in the beginning. Students talked to each other and the teacher listens. (Student thinking matters most!) Teachers uses student thinking to guide the discourse.

21 Consider the Rigor of Task 3 Where is this task on Bloom’s Taxonomy? Which of the Standards for Mathematical Practice do students need to bring to bear on this task? Which of the Standards for Mathematical Practice most likely will not be used by students as they work on this task?

22 Where do we go from here? The big cycle starts again. What does our formative assessment data tell us now?


24 How is the planning process different? Next moves are based on student thinking, not a day by day pacing guide. Planning in units and not lessons. Change in the goal of the teacher.

25 USA vs. Japan USA – How do I get my students to get the correct answer? Japan-What is the mathematics my students should learn from engaging in this task?

26 Course Planning Juggling vs. Walking PARCC Model Content Framework


28 Unit Planning Study primary resources. Set of learning goals. Design summative assessments. Select a set of problems and tasks. Decide where to start. Allow for flexibility.

29 Primary Resources Essential Understandings (NCTM) Reasoning and Sense Making (NCTM) Fostering Algebraic Thinking (Driscoll) Fostering Geometric Thinking (Driscoll) Learning Progressions (McCallum)

30 Tasks and Problems MAP (MDC) Illuminations (NCTM) Illustrative Mathematics Project Dan Meyer Blog Other states

31 Professional Development Standards for Mathematical Practice MDC First week of June ADE Courses (Proportional Reasoning, Functions, Geometric Measurement, Geometry)

32 Technical Assistance Thomas Coy Anthony Owens Bill Nielsen Stanley Paul Specialists at Coops and STEM Centers

33 Transition Change is a process and not an event! If you do not move you are not in transition. If students are provided a more rigorous course they will do fine on a less rigorous test.

34 Thanks You Kelli Dougan (Northwest Coop) Aimee Evans and Linda Jaslow ADE Coops and STEM Centers AETN Arkansas Ideas

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