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Partnerships: Our Foundation & Future Amos Aduroja, MPH, PhD, CHES Kelli McCormack Brown, MPH, PhD, CHES Kathleen Conley, PhD Richard Eberst, PhD, CHES,

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Presentation on theme: "Partnerships: Our Foundation & Future Amos Aduroja, MPH, PhD, CHES Kelli McCormack Brown, MPH, PhD, CHES Kathleen Conley, PhD Richard Eberst, PhD, CHES,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnerships: Our Foundation & Future Amos Aduroja, MPH, PhD, CHES Kelli McCormack Brown, MPH, PhD, CHES Kathleen Conley, PhD Richard Eberst, PhD, CHES, FASHA, FSOPHE, HCF

2 Outcomes Participants will: Identify 1 characteristic of effective leadership, List 2 partnerships that have strengthened the health education discipline, Recognize 1 way Gammans can create partnerships to enhance professional development.

3 What are essential characteristics that make an effective leader and an effective professional partnership?

4 In what strategies can pre-professional students engage to learn to be effective leaders and partners?

5 What are examples or types of partnerships that you’ve created that have strengthened health education?

6 What advice do you have for students just entering the profession of health education for developing and sustaining partnerships?

7 How can Eta Sigma Gamma facilitate the potential role of students in furthering the health education profession?

8 What are some things Eta Sigma Gamma and other professional organizations need to do to enhance the visibility and stature of health education?

9 As a health education professional, what ethical issues are you the most concerned about?

10 What partnerships do you think Eta Sigma Gamma should create to sustain their success as a student-based health education honor society?

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