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5 th Grade Science Fair Ms. Melissa Reece Ms. Kelli Saner.

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Presentation on theme: "5 th Grade Science Fair Ms. Melissa Reece Ms. Kelli Saner."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 th Grade Science Fair Ms. Melissa Reece Ms. Kelli Saner

2 Why? Gives the students a chance to apply the scientific method to an actual experiment Experiment vs. Demonstration –Demonstration: A magic trick, how something works –Experiment: Using a variable

3 Scientific Method Question/Purpose: –What is the problem? What do you hope to find out? –Example: What affect does music have on plant growth? Hypothesis: –What do you believe will happen? –Avoid “I think” or “I hope” –Includes Independent and Dependent Variables

4 Variables Independent: What is changing? *You can only have 1 independent variable* Dependent: What are you measuring? Controlled/Constant: What is staying the same?

5 Scientific Method Materials: specific –Provide a specific list Yes:Yes: 15 pound bag of potting soil, 20 half pint milk cartons No:No: soil, milk cartons Procedures: –How did you try to answer your question? –Make sure someone who has no clue what you did can do the same thing again, only using your procedures –Your experiment must be tested 3, 5, or 7 different times – find the mean

6 Scientific Method Graph –Labeled and has a key. Use the mean when graphing results! Results –At least a paragraph summarizing the results –A graphic aid that illustrates those results Conclusion –At least a paragraph –Was your hypothesis correct? –What did you learn? –If you were to do this experiment again, what would you change?

7 Visual Display Attractive & pleasing to the eye Well organized Uses drawings & other graphic aids Sturdy & able to sit on top of a table –Maximum size: 42” long x 42” tall x 25” deep Can buy from us! –$4.00 white and colored tri-folds –Forms due March 20 th Can also include models/prototypes

8 Laying out the Board Question? Purpose Variables Materials Title Procedure Data (paragraph & graphic aids) Data continued (paragraph & graphic aids) Conclusion

9 Judging Wednesday April 16 th (in the morning) Speech should include: –Introduction –Variables –Explain the procedure –Explain the results –Eye Contact Be prepared to answer questions from the judges SEE HANDOUT!

10 Judge’s Rubric (See packet)


12 Teacher’s Rubric (See packet)




16 More Information Internet – – – – Books –ACES Library –Public Library Family

17 KEEP IN MIND…. While this is a project done at home, we will offer some times during recess for students to work if they need assistance.


19 Any Questions?

20 Thank you for joining us… If you are interested in purchasing a trifold tonight please see Mr. Joslin in the front of the library. Please feel free to see previous projects around the library Teachers will be available for questions

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