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Organizational Direction for 2013 Organizational Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizational Direction for 2013 Organizational Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizational Direction for 2013 Organizational Structure

2 Agenda 1. Organizational Structure and Funding Mechanism 2. Activities for 2013 3. Joint meetings with Energy Huntsville/Mayoral Objectives 4. GEO Huntsville Conference 2013 - Themes and Goals

3 Organizational Structure  Consider establishing GEO Huntsville as a Technology Cluster  Why and What’s a Cluster?  HADTCI -  What’s our focus?  Technology & Innovation  Marketing and Management  Government Technology Transfer

4 Focus Areas - Huntsville Expertise  GEOINT  BIM and GIS  Logistics (e.g. AMC)  UAS  VCSI Initiative w/AMRDEC  ENERGY/GEO Integration Are these the potential focus areas for a Technology cluster?

5 GEO Huntsville Components BIZTECH HASBAT Small Business Program Offices (e.g. AMC, NGA, AMCOM, Army Corp) WBCNA UAH School of Business SBA Business Development VCSI HADTCI AUVSI Technology Development Huntsville/Madison Chamber of Commerce Mayor’s office of economic development Economic Development GEO Huntsville Affiliate Companies GEO Huntsville Affiliate Government Agencies GEO Huntsville Affiliate Universities Corporations and Agencies (the “Product”)

6 Activities 2013  Tour date for the Army Materiel Command’s operation center (I’ve already contacted Keith Dugas at Myra Gray’s office; I am waiting for a reply)  MAPPS Legislative update – this would be a combined MAPPS/GEO Huntsville meeting  USGIF program update for small business – This would be a meeting in conjunction with one or more small business program office directors from NGA, AMC or other  Joint Energy/GEO Huntsville meeting to get update on contract opportunities.  BRAC/Washington Update: Explore invitations to Joe Ritch and or Bud Cramer for more focused update on pending business of federal contracts.  Innovation Forums: The attached email was submitted by Dan Holland of PESA. His idea of asking certain companies to explore innovation in which Huntsville could be a leader is a good one. This might lead to regular innovation forums where we explore the synergies certain technologies and area expertise.  GEO Huntsville 2013 – what’s the theme for this year’s conference and do we combine it with Energy Huntsville.  Database development: Take our existing company/organization database and make certain that it is up-to-date and easily accessible by our members. It should become our reporting mechanism for stakeholders looking for information about GEO Huntsville and even individuals looking for our support (i.e. jobs, contracts, etc.)

7 Focus Areas - Huntsville Expertise  GEOINT  Government  MSIC  Private (e.g.)  SAIC  Northrop Grumman  Boeing  Intergraph  UAS  Geospatial Applications  AUVSI Pathfinder  BIM and GIS  Intergraph  Bentley Systems  AEgis  Logistics  Government  Army Materiel Command Headquarters  Operations Center  Army Mapper  ENERGY/GEO Integration  Government  Army Corp of Engineers  Private (e.g.)  Emerson  CALIBER  Schneider Electric  Bentley Systems

8 GEO Huntsville Champions  City of Huntsville: Mayor Battle/Michelle Jordan  Chamber of Commerce: Technology Committee  Ethan Hadley  John Southerland  Lucia Cape  Political support: Bud Cramer  AMC: Myra Gray  Nancy Small: Small Business Program Manager  MSIC: Pam McCue  NGA: Sandra Broadnax  ARMDEC - SED: Dr. Bill Craig  USACE (need person from SBPO)  Tammy Learned  Bev Richey  NASA: David Brock  VCSI  Marty Kress  Jose Matienzo  Kim Webb  Other key champions  Dr. Glenn Priddy  Steve Hill, AEgis  Barbara Fast, CGI  Mike Griffin

9 GEO Huntsville Core Team Members  At Large  Dale Jobs/Kelli Cole - Magnolia River  Chris Johnson - A Visual Edge  Small Business Liaison  Steve Reed - Go to Market Solutions  NGA Liaison  ?  Business Model  Ignacio Guerrero - Andes Consulting  Programs  ?  MAPPS Liaison  Antonio Montoya - AeroMetric  Redstone Liaison  ?  USGIF Liaison  ?

10 Corporate Targets for new jobs  SAIC  Redstone SED  Gully and having GEO lead invited to HSV  Lockheed

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