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*Course Selection Sheet *Quick Guide to Courses *FISD Course Guide is now online FISD web site  CTE Programs of Study available at CTE Website. 

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2 *Course Selection Sheet *Quick Guide to Courses *FISD Course Guide is now online FISD web site  CTE Programs of Study available at CTE Website. 

3  Known as an A-B block schedule  8 total classes  A days = 4 classes  B days = The other 4 classes  Alternate days (lunch is during 3 rd period and is 30 minutes)  School starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 4:10 p.m.  Each class is 90 minutes with a 7 minute passing period in-between

4 Block Schedule SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Sat urd ay A Day Periods 1-4 B Day Periods1-4 A Day Periods 1-4 B Day Periods 1-4 A Day Periods 1-4 B Day Periods 1-4 A Day Periods 1-4 B Day Periods 1-4 A Day Periods 1-4 B Day Periods 1-4

5  The goal is to earn 26 credits for graduation  Each 1 semester course =.5 credit  Example = Health  Each 2 semester course = 1.0 credit  Example = English 1

6  Recommended Program  Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP)

7 SubjectCreditsRequired Courses English 4English 1, 2, 3, 4 Math 4 Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II, TBD Science 4 IPC, Bio, Chemistry, Physics* Bio, Chemistry, Physics, TBD Social Studies 4W. Geo, W. Hist, U.S. History, Government & Economics Foreign Language 2Spanish, French, American Sign Language P.E. 1P.E., Athletics, Fall Band, Drill, Cheer, Colorguard Health.5Health, Health Science Speech.5Communications Applications Fine Arts 1 Art, Theater Arts, Choir, DGA Band, Dance, Orchestra, Elements of Floral Des. Technology 1BIM, Comp. Sci, DIM, DGA, Web Tech., Comp.Maint., Yearbook 2, Newspaper 2, Broadcast 1 or 2 Electives 4 Electives are classes you choose. Total 26 *Science sequencing determined by individual student. Please see Course Catalog for prerequisites.

8 CORE COURSES  4 English credits  4 Math credits (Alg.1 in MS counts) (MMA*)  4 Science credits (IPC*)  4 Social Studies credits  Plus additional required courses and electives to minimum 26 credits. **IPC and MMA must be taken in particular sequence in order to count for Recommended Plan.(IPC must be taken PRIOR to Chem. MMA must be taken PRIOR to Alg. 2)

9  Need 3 years of LOTE  No IPC, MMA  4 additional measures (any combination)  Original research project  AP scores of 3 or better (1-5)  Tech Prep courses with B or better  Dual Credit courses with B or better  National Merit commended or higher

10  4 Core areas- 3 EOC exams per core  English I, II, III (reading and writing)  Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II  Biology, Chemistry, Physics  W. Geography, W History, US History

11  Must meet Level 2 Satisfactory Score in order to be on track for cumulative score requirement for graduation.  Recommended grad plan= must meet Level 2 on both Algebra II and English III EOC’s  DAP grad plan= must meet Level 3 on both Algebra II and English III EOC’s.

12  Grade points are assigned to each SEMESTER grade  Grade points are then averaged  Example: English 1 = 85 semester average That equals 3.5 grade points in a regular class That equals 4.5*** grade points in a Pre-AP class

13 Rank in Class Policy Rank in class, honor graduate status, valedictorian and salutatorian determination shall be based on a weighted grade point average (GPA) system. Grades will be weighted according to the level of the course. Rank and GPA will be re-run at the end of each semester.(Feb. and Sept) AP/PAP Regular Grade Point 955.5 945.4 935.3 925.2 915.1 901005.0 89994.9 88984.8 87974.7 86964.6 85954.5 84944.4

14  85 percent of selective colleges and universities report that a student’s AP experience favorably impacts admissions decisions  Drop window will be at end of 1 st 6 weeks  Eligibility Waiver available

15 Grades in challenging classes Grades in challenging classes SAT/ACT scores SAT/ACT scores GPA/Rank GPA/Rank Grades in all subjects Grades in all subjects

16  Class Rank and GPA are used to determine if you are in the “Top 10%” of your class.  Students who are in the top 10% of their class are automatically accepted into Texas public colleges. (UT is now top 8% for freshman entering fall of 2013 and top 7% for freshmen entering fall of 2014)  Freshman grades count! Start strong and do your best from your first day of high school. For admissions purposes, rank at the close of junior year dictates the top 10% of the class.

17  Debate- If you are interested, go ahead and put it on your course request. When we return to collect your course requests, we will bring the applications with us.  If you are not selected for the course, we will use one of your alternates.

18 Course Pathways at CTE Center Information Technology Ag Sciences (Horticulture and Landscape Design, Mechanics, Vet Tech) Financial Systems Business Management & Administration Arts, AV Technology, & Communication Education & Training Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security

19 Health science Media Broadcast Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Government & Public Administration Hospitality & Tourism Marketing, Sales, & Service Course Pathways at CTE Center (Cont’d) There is specific information regarding each pathway in your online Academic Catalog at

20  Pre-AP or not (No changes until end of 1 st 6 weeks)  Summer reading assignments for pap English  LOTE now or later- If you completed Spanish I at the ms level- you should consider PAP Spanish II rather than regular Spanish II.  Tryouts for Drill team, cheer, sports  CTE courses and pathway to CTE center  EOC = End of Course exams = core  Summer school? Can earn up to 1.0 credit in summer school. Courses for advancement for incoming 9 th are: Communication Applications, Health, BIM,IPC

21  Beginning with the freshmen entering in the fall of 2013, classes taken in summer school WILL count in GPA.  Classes taken for high school credit at the middle school level DO count in your student’s GPA.

22 Fall Winter Spring Football Basketball Baseball Volleyball SoccerSoftball Cross Country WrestlingTrack Golf GolfGolf Tennis TennisTennis Swim/Dive Swim/Dive Swim/Dive

23 Frisco High School Name:______________________________ ID #______________ DUE Feb. 1 st (HUNT), Feb. 4 th (Staley), Feb. 5 th (Pioneer) Address:____________________________ City ______________ ENGLISH ENGLISH English I English I English Pre-AP English Pre-AP MATH MATH Algebra I Algebra I Algebra I Pre-AP Algebra I Pre-AP Geometry Geometry Geometry Pre-AP Geometry Pre-AP SCIENCE SCIENCE Biology, Biology Pre-AP, IPC, Physics, Physics PreAP Biology, Biology Pre-AP, IPC, Physics, Physics PreAP SOCIAL STUDIES SOCIAL STUDIES World Geography World Geography AP Human Geography Alternate Alternate Each box represents a full year course (both semesters) = 1.0 credit It takes TWO 1 semester courses to complete the year or.5 +.5 = 1.0 Circle the 4 core classes and write in your other choices in the remaining boxes. Consult your Course Guide for prerequisites and/or recommendations. Consult CTE Pathways and prerequisites. Changes in Course Selections will be allowed until May 15, 2013. Choose 2 alternate classes that you would take If you cannot get your first choice. Student Signature_______________ Parent Signature _______________ Contact #’s ____________________

24 Typical Schedule for a Student in P.E. Class A Day B Day Period 1A: Algebra I Period 1B: Biology Period 2A: English I Period 2B: Health/Speech Period 3A: Art I Period 3B: World Geography Period 4A: Team Sports/Team Sports Period 4B: Spanish 1

25 Typical Schedule for a Student in Double Blocked Class A Day B Day Period 1A: Algebra I Period 1B: Biology Period 2A: English I Period 2B: Health/Speech Period 3A: Art I Period 3B: World Geography Period 4A: Football/Band Period 4B: Football/Band

26  Teachers are employed based on student course requests.  Students will be able to make adjustments to their course requests through May 15, 2013  The last opportunity to sign up for a change will be AT schedule pick up in August. Following that deadline, it is too late.

27  Complete Course Request for 2013-14  Complete your 4 year plan on paper  Pickup is Feb. 1 st (Hunt MS) Feb.4 th (Staley MS) Feb.5 th (Pioneer Heritage MS)

28  Dance I cannot be taken by athletes (against UIL rules)  CTE & Tech Prep course identification is ongoing

29 The FHS coaches will have meetings at the high school at a date to be determined. If you have never played a competitive sport, it is not recommended that you begin that in 9 th grade without some type of previous experience. There are summer camps that you might consider.

30 

31 Leigh CasaresA-De Mike Siciliano Dh-Ke Laura Beth LopezKh-Ra Shelley Schwarz Re-Z Kelli Chandler Lead Counselor

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