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Click mouse to continue GROWING A FACTOR TREE. Click mouse to continue Can we grow a tree of the factors of 180? 180 Can you think of one FACTOR PAIR.

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Presentation on theme: "Click mouse to continue GROWING A FACTOR TREE. Click mouse to continue Can we grow a tree of the factors of 180? 180 Can you think of one FACTOR PAIR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click mouse to continue GROWING A FACTOR TREE

2 Click mouse to continue Can we grow a tree of the factors of 180? 180 Can you think of one FACTOR PAIR for 180 ? This should be two numbers that multiply together to give the Product 180. You might see that 180 is an EVEN NUMBER and that means that 2 is a factor… 2 x  = 180 ? Or You might notice that 180 has a ZERO in its ONES PLACE which means it is a multiple of 10. SO… 10 x  = 180 Or You might notice that 180 has a ZERO in its ONES PLACE which means it is a multiple of 10. SO… 10 x  = 180 10 x 18 = 180 10 18

3 Click mouse to continue 180 10 18 We “grow” this “tree” downwards since that is how we write in English (and we can’t be sure how big it will be - we could run out of paper if we grew upwards). NOW You have to find FACTOR PAIRS for 10 and 18

4 Click mouse to continue 10 5 2 180 18 6 3 2 x 5 = 10 6 x 3 = 18 Find factors for 10 & 18

5 Click mouse to continue ARE WE DONE ??? 2 3 3 2 5 10 2 6 180 18 3 5 Since 2 and 3 and 5 are PRIME NUMBERS they do not grow “new branches”. They just grow down alone. Since 6 is NOT a prime number - it is a COMPOSITE NUMBER - it still has factors. Since it is an EVEN NUMBER we see that: 6 = 2 x  3

6 Click mouse to continue 2 3 3 2 5 10 2 6 180 18 3 5 … and if we flip it over we can see why it is called a tree

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