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© copyright PRIME 2011 prime PRIME Senior Enterprise Entreprendre en Bretagne après 50 ans Conference 18 February 2011 Peter Bennie Director of Development.

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Presentation on theme: "© copyright PRIME 2011 prime PRIME Senior Enterprise Entreprendre en Bretagne après 50 ans Conference 18 February 2011 Peter Bennie Director of Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime PRIME Senior Enterprise Entreprendre en Bretagne après 50 ans Conference 18 February 2011 Peter Bennie Director of Development

2 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime PRIME Established in 1999 as an Initiative of HRH The Prince of Wales

3 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime PRIME The only national organisation dedicated to promoting 50+ self-employment and enterprise TARGET MARKET Over 50s who are unemployed or under threat of redundancy

4 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime PRIME FOCUS Raise Awareness of Enterprise Inspire and Stimulate Interest Support, Motivate Train and Advise

5 © copyright PRIME 2011 Background PRIME has working knowledge of the 50+ market over the last 10 years PRIME works with a national network of Partners and Providers across the UK PRIME delivers 50+ Employment, Enterprise and Mentoring programmes and Training PRIME conducts research and develops strategies for the over 50s PRIME works with Government at National, Regional and Local level prime

6 © copyright PRIME 2011 Key Partners JobCentre Plus Employment Programme providers Careers Guidance and Education Business Link and Enterprise Agencies HM Revenue & Customs prime

7 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime Barriers and Challenges faced by PRIME’s over 50s clients: Enterprise Business Support Customer segmentation Service offer differentiation

8 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime Key Barriers to Enterprise PRIME survey: “Why did you delay starting your business?” 1Money 2Found employment 3Health

9 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime Other Barriers to Enterprise Caring responsibilities Lack of Business Idea Inadequate help ‘Gave up’

10 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime Other Barriers to Enterprise Conditioning/institutionalisation Lack of enterprise awareness Lack of confidence Lack of enterprise skills Perceptions of risk Peer pressure

11 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime Barriers to Engaging with Business Support Reluctance to engage with youth- centric initiatives Lack of awareness or familiarity Lack of confidence Image/perceptions - “Not relevant to me”

12 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime C. Enterprise Ready / Able to pay – not a core client 3.Carers 6. 50+ threatened with redundancy 5.Of State Pension Age but with inadequate income 4.Retired early with inadequate pension 2.Unregistered workless 1. Registered Unemployed – JSA & IB/ESA Claimants A. Workless & redundancy threatened. Hard to reach, need confidence building and a bigger range of competencies B. Workless & redundancy threatened. Need confidence, some competencies C B A SEGMENTATION

13 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime Service offer differentiation Outreach, enterprise awareness events Format: Non-threatening venue and language, Role models, local Business Support Aimed at: Not enterprise ready Lacking awareness and familiarity

14 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime Service offer differentiation Ideas for Business workshop Format: Group session, workbook Aimed at: Comfortable with idea of ‘enterprise’ Needing help in identifying transferable skills and experience

15 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime Service offer differentiation Mentoring Programme Format: Volunteer mentor, face-to-face sessions Aimed at: Needing motivation and focus Lacking support from family/friends Need to consolidate ideas/options

16 © copyright PRIME 2011 prime PRIME Senior Enterprise Entreprendre en Bretagne après 50 ans Conference 18 February 2011 Peter Bennie Director of Development

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