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Presentation on theme: "REDESIGNING SINGLE ADULT MINISTRIES Boomers and Ministry Needs."— Presentation transcript:


2 SAM and Boomers Boomers are beginning to retire. SAM needs to evaluate ministry plans and strategies to need their needs. SAM can lead the way for churches to minister to retirees.

3 Why Focus on Boomers in Church? Christ died for them. o Boomers still provide new Nazarenes. o They need places of service. o They need to be discipled. They are a God-given resource. o They are more likely to be found in prayer groups. o They are proportionally higher givers. o They are more likely to attend services and other gatherings. This slide is from a workshop presented by Larry Morris and Dale Jones at M11.

4 What Boomers Do—and Expect Holiness emphasis Over 70% expect monthly presentation Nearly 50% profess sanctification Bible study in groups (over 60%) Blended worship (over 60%) Evangelism (over 75%) 53% have half their closest friends outside the local church Discipleship (85% are growing in their faith) This slide is from a workshop presented by Larry Morris and Dale Jones at M11.

5 A New Retirement Viewpoint Retirement is more than entertainment and leisure pursuits. Retirement is discovering how to use hobbies and interests as ministry tools. Retirement is a major life transition and requires planning and adjustments. Retirement also involves grieving as daily routines change and a source of identity is gone.

6 Stages of Retirement Pre-retirement: retirement date in sight with hopes and dreams about this new life stage. Retirement happens. Honeymoon stage: life is a vacation, allowing retirees to follow dreams. Immediate retirement routine: working a different job, volunteering, working part-time, or other planned activities to fill the days. Rest and relaxation stage: often follows a busy, hectic career and individuals need time to follow neglected interests. Reorientation: taking stock of life at this stage and reordering priorities. Retirement routine established. Retirees settle into a new, comfortable daily routine.

7 Retirement Stories As boomers approach retirement, plan a gathering so single adult boomers can hear stories of how others settled into retirement. Interviews: Identify retirees in the congregation who had completed some retirement stages. Ask questions to help discover how they made the transition. What steps did you follow to plan for retirement? How did you discover your daily routine? What types of activities fill your day? If employed, how did you find your job? What volunteer activities are you involved in? What advice would you give as we prepare for retirement? Where is God in your retirement activities?

8 Retirement Stories Talk-it-over: Identify retirees in the congregation who had completed some of the stages of retirement. Plan an informal gathering that allows small group and one-on-one conversations. Provide the questions on the previous slide to use as discussion starters. Coaching relationships: Some retirees may be willing to coach individuals nearing retirement to guide them as they plan and prepare. Friendships may develop to assist as boomers transition from workers to retirees.

9 Defining Age Chronological age—determined by date of birth Senior discounts at various ages Membership in AARP Functional age—based on health and physical capabilities Some may be chronological younger but health issues limit their ability to participate in activities Psychological age—based on how individuals feel Remember people younger or old may choose to attend events designed for specific age groups Social age—determined by life stage Example: when does “old” age begin? At retirement? With birth of grandchildren? One study showed that 79% believe “old” age begins at 85

10 Age Attitude Adjustments Avoid stereotypes Senior Adult Ministries often seen as ministry to “old people” Few people want to be identified as “old people” Integrate retired individuals into the congregation We need the wisdom of those ahead of us on the journey Some may need role models and mentors We need to hear their stories of God’s faithfulness Ministry involvement by retirees will be driven by passion and desire rather than preconceived ideas of needs. Some retirees want to try new areas of ministry or develop ministries based on work experience.

11 Ministry Success Standards Successful ministry should be measured by the number of older adults serving ministry areas inside and outside the church. Successful ministry is reaching the unconnected older adults and helping them to find a place of service and ministry. Successful ministry can also be measured by the number of older adults who form relationships with others in the congregation, including people from various age groups.

12 Boomer Ministry Expectations Avoidance of anything that resembles being old Activities that are purposeful to them Activities that promote health and wellness Activities that make them feel young Activities they consider productive and worthwhile A ministry that includes evangelism, discipleship, and service

13 Leadership Traits A passion for ministry to boomers Ideas for them to use their gifts, experiences, and talents in ministry to others A desire for boomers to grow as Christ disciples and to take God-inspired risks A role model for other boomers to follow A life-long learner A networker to facilitate boomers finding places to use their skills.

14 Volunteer Expectations Something that is meaningful, interesting, and challenging May be more involved in short-term opportunities Something they can create and/or develop Use their entrepreneurial passion Something that has a mission to accomplish Special and/or specific event or activity

15 Creating a Boomer-friendly Environment Share stories about boomers that are making a difference Raise the value of volunteerism by acknowledging their contributions Become an outward-focused ministry and church Engage pre-retirement boomers in conversations about ministry opportunities

16 Motivating Boomers Encourage them to seek God’s direction Disciple boomers and challenge their spiritual growth and development Tie ministry and interest together Expose boomers to ministry opportunities Make connections between work experience and ministry opportunities Engage their passion

17 Tips to Identifying the Next Step List all jobs and identify what you liked about each one List volunteer and ministry service and what you liked about each one Write down unrealized dreams Describe the circumstances when you were happiest Identify how you’re using your skills in ministry Discuss this information with a close friend Apply insights to your volunteer and ministry involvement

18 How to Evangelizing Older Adults Involve them in small groups Visit places where older adults gather Host events that appeal to their interest Involve them in service opportunities

19 Intergenerational Ministry Plan ways for the generations to serve together for a worthy cause Form groups according to interests rather than age Encourage older adults to pray for young adults and children Host specific intergenerational gatherings to facilitate forming relationships Ask older adults to share their stories Educate people about the uniqueness of each generation

20 Questions We Must Ask What keeps you from developing a robust ministries with retiring single adult boomers in your church? What are you doing in your church to reach out to this age group and tap into their ministry potential? Can the ministry strategy be redesigned to include all retiring boomers? This slide is from a workshop presented by Larry Morris and Dale Jones at M11.

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