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Math Project [Prime Time] Semi Titles- My Special Number, Mathematical Reflections 1, and Mathematical Reflections 2.

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2 Math Project [Prime Time] Semi Titles- My Special Number, Mathematical Reflections 1, and Mathematical Reflections 2

3 My number is 50. Facts about 50 5 factors of 50 are 1, 2, 5, 10, and 25. These are the factors I think of straight away 50 is an even number because it is a multiple of 2 and all multiples of 2 are even numbers.50 is also an even number because all numbers that end in the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 are even. 50 is an whole number because it doesn’t have any fractures in it(it doesn’t have a decimal point)[.].Numbers which aren’t whole numbers are numbers like 2.2, or 4.8, or 11.6, etc.

4 World facts about 50 In Malaysia 2007, Malaysia celebrates their 50th Merdeka.Malaysia celebration of Merdeka is because in 1957, 31st August was when they got their independence from the British. In America there are 50 main land states. A main land state is a state that is part of the others. The state that is not part of the main land is Hawaii 50 is a very common number for paper money all over the world in such countries as Malaysia, America, Thailand, Australia, and countries in Europe.

5 Mathematical Reflection # 1 50 isn’t a good move to make in either the Product Game or the Factor Game because the number 50 isn’t on either of the boards which would make the choice of 50 invalid.

6 Math Reflection # 2 1.You can use the paper models from Problem 2.1 by taking the bottom squares x the top square. 1 x 2 2. A Venn Diagram is 2 circles with an intersection between them. You can use a Venn diagram to find the common factors of two numbers. Intersection 8 16 1 2 4 816 1 2 4 8 8 4 21 The common factors of 8 and 16 are 1, 2, 4, and 8. The dimensions are 1 x 2.

7 3. To find all the factors of a number I pair the factors up together. I know when I have found all the factors of a number when I take a factor of my number and double it and if it is more than my number I know I have all of its factors. e. g. 20, 10 doubled = 20. 11 doubled = 22 too much. 4. I know that an odd number + and odd number is a even number. An even number + an even = an even number. An even number + an odd number = an odd number. e. g. 5(odd) + 8(even) = 13 (odd) T IPS An easy way to find weather or not a number is odd or even is to take the last numbers of two number and add them together. e. g. 1 2 1 + 3 3 8 = 4 5 9(odd). Take 1 from 121 and 8 from 338.

8 Special Number My special number is 50 and it is a very import number in Malaysia because this year(2007) Malaysia celebrates 50 years of independence form the British. I can say that I have learnt 50 is an easy number to work with because it is half of 100, even, and not to big of number. My number is even because it is a multiple of 2. My number has 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50 as its factors. 50 has 6 factors.


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