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1/24 Czech Space Alliance The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009 Czech Chamber of Commerce mission to Portugal Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal.

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1 1/24 Czech Space Alliance The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009 Czech Chamber of Commerce mission to Portugal Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

2 2/24 ▶ For centuries key inventions in astronomy ▶ Development of 2-stage launchers in 1950’s ▶ Extensive participation in most Soviet missions ▶ 5 Czech satellites in the Magion series 1978-1996 ▶ The last Czech built satellite was Mimosa, launched in 2003 with a micro-accelerometer mission Examples of Czech history in space science & technology The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

3 3/24 On the road to ESA membership 1996 - 2004 Cooperation agreement, later PRODEX 2005 - 2008 Programme for Co-operating States PECS ▶ Transition programme to full ESA membership ▶ Status conceded for Czech R., Hungary, Poland, Romania ▶ Access to all ESA programmes except TRP ▶ Both via standard ITT/AO bidding and DN ▶ Companies have the customary ESABD bidders’ codes ▶ Annual budget flexible The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

4 4/24 The Czech membership of ESA ▶ Jan 2007 application submitted ▶ Jun 2007 accession negotiations start ▶ Nov 2007 prime minister visits ESA DG and presses for acceleration of the accession ▶ 12 th Nov. 2008 Czech Republic becomes ESA member ▶ 26 th -27 th Nov. 2008 active participation in the ESA ministerial council Czech PM in ESA HQ 8/11/07 The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

5 31. 03. 20095/24 The Czechs back in space Czech Space Alliance Czech Space Alliance ▶ Trade association of Czech aerospace SMEs ▶ 2006 - founded as export alliance under Czechtrade, the export promotion agency of the Ministry of Industry ▶ 2007 – co-founder of pan-European association of European space alliances SME4space, supported by ESA SME Unit ▶ 2008 – formally registered as association of legal entities ▶ 2008 – signed co-operation agreement with the Association of Aircraft Manufactures (ALV ) and the ▶ 2008 – signed co-operation agreement with the Association of Aircraft Manufactures (ALV ) and the Association for Transport Telematics (SDT ) Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

6 6/24 Czech Space Alliance (CSA) – association of SME’s ▶ Association of Czech aerospace technology companies ▶ Under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade export promotion agency, CzechTrade ▶ Membership only for SMEs, but larger companies can become associate members ▶ Objectives include ▶ making our industry aware of the technology nature of ESA, ▶ promotion of common goals, such as joint int’l. marketing ▶ lobbying for the needs of the space industry with Czech government bodies responsible for space and co-operation with them ▶ co-operation with other interested organisations at home and abroad The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

7 7/24 Czech Space Alliance members with space experience ▶ BBT – R&D,crystal science, furnace flew on the MIR ▶ CSRC – space qualified electronics, clean room ▶ Evolvsys – flight s/w for payloads and data processing ▶ Frencken – precision parts for satellite components ▶ Iguassu Software Systems – satellite navigation, EO processing, studies ▶ LK Engineering - engineering consulting, advanced computational technologies ▶ RITE – R&D, precise X-ray optics and cameras The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

8 8/24 Czech Space Alliance members in transition from aircraft suppliers to space ▶ TL elektronic – digital aerospace instruments & equipment ▶ CompoTech Plus – structural composite tubes ▶ FIMES – quality metal substructures manufacture engineering services and information systems ▶ Inter-Informatics Group - engineering services and information systems ▶ Chipinvest - ▶ Chipinvest - diagnostics & microsystems ▶ Unites Systems ▶ Unites Systems - development and production of dedicated test and measurement systems The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

9 9/24 ESA PECS Projects completed by CSA members ▶ Satellite Navigation EGNOS SISNeT ▶ Use of GRID technology in EO/SAR ▶ Set up & operation of an EGNOS monitoring station ▶ SISNeT Server and mobile navigation applications ▶ Information Mining in Time Series – EO – won in an ESA competitive tender, with ACS (Italy) as prime contractor The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

10 10/24 Non PECS Projects completed recently by CSA members ▶ Galileo search & rescue consortium led by INDRA – software development in Spain for GJU ▶ Galileo ALGINT subsystem software development for Scisys in UK ▶ Supplies of precision manufactured metal components The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

11 11/24 ▶ Development of novel X-ray optics for XEUS ▶ Image Information Mining in Time Series – new contract after successful completion of the previous one with ACS as prime ▶ EGNOS Educational Tools for ESA GNSS in Toulouse ESA PECS Projects in progress by CSA members The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

12 12/24 NON PECS Projects in progress by CSA members ▶ SWARM micro-accelerometer electronics for VZLU for Astrium ▶ SWARM micro-accelerometer experiment flight software for VZLU for Astrium ▶ Participation in ESA study of SME needs in space projects 100,000 clean room Engineering model for SWARM The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

13 13/24 ▶ Space co-operation “Letter of intent” with the Brazilian Space Agency – advanced negotiations ▶ Co-operation agreement with the Space Agency of Chile - in preparation International agreements in negotiations The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

14 14/24 ▶ Some of us already have years of experience in ESA ▶ Others have world class quality products for the aircraft industry ▶ All are ready to face new challenges ▶ All are eager to develop new partnerships with experienced ESA suppliers and offer them high quality, cost effectiveness and enthusiasm of a newcomer ▶ We call on you to come and look at our skills and track record and consider us in your future consortia And next ?  The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

15 15/24 Thank you and see you in Prague Thank you and see you in Prague Petr Bares President of the Czech Space Alliance Phone : +420 2 3535 1000, Cell phone : +420 603 85 44 77 UK Fax/voice mailbox: +44 7092 034 415 Email: Petr Bares President of the Czech Space Alliance Phone : +420 2 3535 1000, Cell phone : +420 603 85 44 77 UK Fax/voice mailbox: +44 7092 034 415 Email: The Czechs back in space 31. 03. 2009Czech Chamber of Commerce in Portugal

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