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Naming muscles according to their action

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1 Naming muscles according to their action
Sanjaya Adikari Department of Anatomy Faculty of Medicine Peradeniya

2 Origin and insertion Origin – Proximal attachment where there is less movement Insertion – Distal attachment where there is greater movement Use the terms, proximal/ distal attachment to avoid confusions

3 Prime mover & antagonist
Prime mover is the muscle that does the desired movement at a joint Antagonist is the muscle that has the action opposite to that of prime mover Eg:- Flexion of the elbow joint Biceps brachii is a prime mover Triceps is the antagonist

4 Prime mover & antagonist…

5 Synergist Synergist assists the prime mover by preventing unwanted movements at other joints Eg:- Flexion of the fingers Flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis are the prime movers Extensor muscles of the wrist joint are the synergists

6 Synergists…

7 Synergists… Eg:- Supination of the pronated forearm
Biceps brachii and spinator are the prime movers Triceps acts as a synergists of biceps to prevent flexion of the elbow joint

8 Synergists… Eg:- Flexion of the elbow joint
Biceps brachii is a prime mover Posterior fibres of deltoid acts as a synergist to prevent extension of the shoulder joint

9 Fixators Fixators stabilize one attachment of a muscle so that the contraction moves the other end Eg:- Abduction of the shoulder joint Deltoid is the prime mover Levator scapulae, rhomboids and trapezius are fixators

10 Fixators… Eg:- Abduction of the little finger
Abductor digiti minimi is the prime mover Flexor carpi ulnaris acts as a fixator of pisiform bone

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