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GeneriKairos® making faster Generics. Molecule patent expiry date Later expiring patents - Need significant R&D, might delay generic drug development.

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1 GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

2 Molecule patent expiry date Later expiring patents - Need significant R&D, might delay generic drug development Factors affecting marketing of a Generic Drug Product ? GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

3 Success of a Generic Drug Product First to market on the day of molecule patent expiry Focus on challenges like technology and patent protection of:  molecular forms  process  formulation patents  dosage regimen  method of use GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

4 Generic Drug Development Exhaustive process Interplay of Research & Development Team and Intellectual Property Team Considerable time is lost in:  patent searching  compiling relevant records  file history analysis  innovator patent analysis  prosecution history study while development is being carried out at the R&D GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

5 Development of a Generic Drug Product Identification of the Potential Candidate Prosecution History Patent Family Study of OB Patents Numerous databases Access to paid databases Around 1,000-2,000 hits Prior – Art Search Identification of Relevant Patents Design-Around Strategy Patent Landscape R& D Generic Drug Product GeneriKairos® making faster Generics LAG –TIME for R&D

6 How Generikairos® helps you… Identification of the Potential Candidate Prosecution History Patent Family Study of OB Patents Numerous databases Access to paid databases Around 1,000-2,000 hits Prior – Art Search Identification of Relevant Patents Design-Around Strategy Patent Landscape R& D GeneriKairos® Formulation Patent Reports GeneriKairos® making faster Generics Generic Drug Product

7 Generikairos® Solution Provide ready-to-use Formulation Patent Reports for Generics on a per-drug basis Information pertaining to formulation patents for a particular drug product required for Generic Drug Development compiled in one place Your IP Team can concentrate on giving formulation clearance to your drug product based on your in-house designing GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

8 Reports Attractions Formulation Patent landscape as a result of comprehensive formulation patents prior art search in global data bases and scientific literature Generic Product filing strategy Relevant records Identified File history study for key patents Suggested design-around strategy GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

9 Scope of the Reports Specially segregated for US, Canada, EU and PCT to meet the requirements for regulated markets Can be extended to be used for semi-regulated and non-regulated markets through INPADOC Family data given in the reports and the formulation patent report covering PCT applications. GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

10 Expertise at Generikairos® Highly skilled patent professionals - basic degree of masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences In-depth knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences and formulation-A precondition for thoughtful understanding and interpretation of formulation patents. Professional work history-Extensive experience in formulation patents searching and analysis with various generic companies GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

11 Search Strategies Patent searching- An intricate task requiring proficiency, scanning vast amount of patents published in a wide variety of commercial databases. Databases lack consistency in information Strategies by innovator companies to avoid patent identification, might conspicuously publish their patents, or use different names Availability of patent information is the prime concern- Generic companies GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

12 Search Strategies (Continued…) Our patent professionals use a wide range of search strategies in a wide range of databases Make the most relevant and reliable patent information available to you A mixture of appropriate Boolean query, generic names, alternate names, mode of action, general search terms, patent classification codes GeneriKairos® making faster Generics

13 Other Services Cumulative data for OB, Canada Patent Register Infringement Analysis Claim Mapping Prior-Art Search

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