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Weber State University Nursing Program (Logan Campus) Application and Admission Requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "Weber State University Nursing Program (Logan Campus) Application and Admission Requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weber State University Nursing Program (Logan Campus) Application and Admission Requirements

2 General Outline for this presentationGeneral Outline for this presentation  General Information  Application Requirements  Admission Requirements  Letter of Completion – What is it?  What the Letter of Completion consists of.  How to request a Letter of Completion  Alternatives/Enhancements to Nursing  Where to get your questions answered.

3 General Information The nursing program offered at USU is administered and run by Weber State University with students taking prerequisite and support courses to prepare to apply to the program. If you apply to WSU-Logan Campus and are accepted you will become a Weber State student attending classes on the USU campus and take advantage of the clinical opportunities at nursing homes and hospitals in Cache Valley. The competition for this program is very high with many students competing for 30 potential positions in the class. For the 2009 cycle there were 125 qualified applicants with an average cumulative GPA of 3.87. Over 65% of those accepted had a previous degree or letter of completion (all general education classes completed)

4 Application Requirements To be eligible to apply to Weber State’s program you need: 1) 3.0 GPA or higher 2) 9 college level credit hours including one course from the Prerequisite coursework APPLY AS SOON AS YOU ARE ELIGIBLE!

5 Admission Requirements Students apply in February, find out if they are accepted or rejected in April, and if accepted, are admitted Fall semester – August. The following must be complete by admission.  Physiology, Anatomy, Chemistry and Math (prerequisites) complete and graded  CNA certificate

6 Letter of Completion  The Letter of Completion is a document that states that a student has completed all USU general education requirements.  Weber State will accept the Letter of Completion as general education complete with the exception of their diversity elective.  Diversity elective – course work at USU that meets this elective – USU 1320, ANTH 1010, SOC 1010

7 What does the Letter of Completion consist of? English 1010 – CL1 English 2010 – CL2 CIL exams – GE CIL exam Quantitative Literacy (QL) Breadth American Institutions - BAI Breadth Creative Arts - BCA Breadth Humanities - BHU Breadth Life Science - BLS Breadth Physical Science – BPS Breadth Social Science - BSS Breadth Exploration – (QL,BAI, BCA, BHU, BLS, BPS or BSS) You can determine whether you have completed the general education requirement by looking at your transcript. Directly after the course name will be the abbreviation for the general education requirement in parenthesis. Example: PSY 1010 Introduction to Psychology (BSS)

8 What does the Letter of Completion consist of? continued Recognize that certain courses that many nursing schools require ALSO meet general education requirements at USU. Example: NFS 1020 (BLS) PSY 1010 – (BSS) CHEM 1110 (BPS) USU 1320- (BHU and Weber diversity elective) If you are contemplating a bachelor’s degree at USU we require two of the seven breadth requirements to be a course with the USU prefix. Example:USU 1320 (BHU), USU 1330 (BCA), USU 1300 (BAI), etc.

9 How do I get my Letter of Completion?  Contact Susan Haddock in University Advising or 797-3373.  Susan will prepare a request for Letter of Completion and the Registrar’s Office will create the actual letter.  Be prepared to specify what school you would like the original sent to AND where you would like a copy sent. You will want to retain a copy for your records in addition to sending a copy with your application.

10 Alternatives/Enhancements to Nursing  Explore multiple nursing schools in and out of Utah. Visit  Explore a bachelor’s degree and pursue it while continuing to apply to the nursing program. Visit  If moving to a different school obtain your associate’s degree.  Visit for alternative health

11 Questions about WSU Nursing?  Read the FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions  Contact Weber State University Advising Office 1-800-350-7042 or  Attend every meeting with WSU (~5 times each year) on the Logan Campus.  Subscribe to the Pre-nursing Listserve and be notified of WSU meetings on Logan Campus Visit nursing_list to subscribe nursing_list

12 Questions regarding USU policies and procedure and exploration of bachelor’s degrees  University Advising – Susan Haddock, Academic Advisor  TSC 304   435 797-3373

13 Questions regarding other health occupations  Biology and Prehealth Advisor – Yvonne Kobe  BNR 101   435 797-2577

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