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Showing Possession in Spanish

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1 Showing Possession in Spanish

2 No apostrophes in Spanish!
When you want to say that something belongs to someone, use the word de and that person’s name. Example: El libro de Eric está perdido. La abuela de Mark es muy amable.

3 Short forms of possessive adjectives
Mi(s) My Tu(s) Your Su(s) Your (ud.), His, Her, Its Nuestro/a(s) Our Vuestro/a(s) Your (all’s—Spain) Su(s) Your (all’s—uds.), Their Remember that the endings on these word match the noun that is possessed, NOT the possessor. Must be used with a noun following it.

4 Long forms of possessive adjectives
Mío/a(s) (of) mine Tuyo/a(s) (of) yours Suyo/a(s) (of) yours (ud.), his, hers Nuestro/a(s) (of) ours Vuestro/a(s) (of) your all’s Suyo/a(s) (of) your all’s (uds.), theirs These forms can be used alone in a sentence (without a noun).

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