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Update for BKCASE Workshop VI Part V: Implementation Examples John Brackett, Aaron Chia, Heidi Davidz, Kevin Forsberg, Richard Freeman, Tom Hilburn, Alex.

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Presentation on theme: "Update for BKCASE Workshop VI Part V: Implementation Examples John Brackett, Aaron Chia, Heidi Davidz, Kevin Forsberg, Richard Freeman, Tom Hilburn, Alex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update for BKCASE Workshop VI Part V: Implementation Examples John Brackett, Aaron Chia, Heidi Davidz, Kevin Forsberg, Richard Freeman, Tom Hilburn, Alex Lee, Alice Squires

2 Workshop VI Deliverables & Expectations Deliverables for Workshop –Adjudication of SEBoK.25 comments and flag major issues for discussion –Outline of Part including topics and authors –Major terminology required for each Part –Some primary references Initial materials submitted to the core team April 1 –Part team leads expected to brief progress at Workshop VI (each team has 30 minutes)

3 Purpose The purpose of SEBoK – Guide to the body of knowledge – Not duplicating the body of knowledge, so not copying over the case studies in their entirety The purpose of Part V – Illustrate the topics from the other parts – Examples which other part authors reference – Help with the development of SE courses – GRCSE will also use the matrix mapping topics to examples

4 Adjudication of 0.25 Adjudication complete Key themes: – Suggestions to delete case studies – Suggestions to keep case studies – Recommendations for specific cases – Need expanded breadth of applications – Structural issues

5 Part V Topic Outline with Authors Full author team to contribute to each section Outline – Introduction – Matrix – Case Studies Description of case study Relating the example to SEBoK topics via the matrix Link to the case study material – Vignettes Description of something that happened Relating the example to SEBoK topics via the matrix Link to source material (if applicable)

6 Issues for Discussion Team decided to use both full case studies and more informal vignettes to cover more breadth in applications Only real examples used, no notional cases Need part topic outlines so we can populate the matrix linking case studies to SEBoK topics Prefer to build links between other parts and examples as part teams develop material Want examples to be available for other part teams while they do their writing Need agreement from author team on number and breadth of case studies and vignettes Cases available on Sakai for authors to reference

7 List of Cases and Vignettes

8 Case Study and Vignette Materials Hyperlink or document loaded in Sakai

9 Terminology Topics from each part which we reference Case study Vignette

10 Primary References Reference for each case study used Case study chapter references – Friedman, G., Sage, A. (2004, January). Case Studies of Systems Engineering and Management in Systems Acquisition, Systems Engineering. Vol. 7, No. 1, 84-96. ( – Haskins, C. (Editor) (2009). Systems engineering handbook: A guide for system life cycle processes and activities (version 3.2). International Council on Systems Engineering. – Herreid, C. F. (1997 November). What is a Case? Journal of College Science Teaching, 27, 92-94. ( – Herreid, C. F. (1998 January). What Makes a Good Case? Journal of College Science Teaching, 27, 163-165. ( – Herreid, C. F. (2002 February). The Way of Flesch: The Art of Writing of Readable Cases. Journal of College Science Teaching, 31, 288-291. ( – Kardos, G., Smith, C. O. (1979 March) On Writing Engineering Cases. Proceedings of SEE National Conference on Engineering Case Studies. ( – Moody, C., van Voorhees, B. (1997). Metrics and Case Studies for Evaluating Engineering Designs. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. – Air Force Center for System Engineering – Case Study collection ( – Case of the Killer Robot, Richard G. Epstein, Westchester University of Pennsylvania Mike Melamed, CWRU 2000 ( – INCOSE Code of Ethics ( – National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science ( – National Institute of Engineering Ethics (

11 Issues Having appropriate expertise to discuss/document each case study/vignette accurately Coordinated effort for adding appropriate linking throughout the SEBoK Folding in enterprise, service, product, System of systems consistent with rest of SEBoK

12 Additional Reference

13 Pivot Summary of Adjudication Comments Adjudication (Show All) Count of Explanation/Actions Explanation/ActionsTotal Delete Case Studies 04478 Delete Case Studies 0447, replace with TPMs1 General Comment - No action4 Keep case studies5 Keep Case Studies - across chapters 12584 Keep case studies - separate book1 Keep case studies, add failures 31353 Mislabeled as Case Studies comment3 More case studies3 New Case Study Suggestion/Reference8 No, it is not possible that SEBoK will pay for case study content1 Specific Action Suggested2 Verification Missing, Transition out of order 12512 Grand Total45 Explanation/ActionsTotal Delete Case Studies921% Keep case studies1638% New Case Study Suggestion/Reference819% Specific Action Suggested410% General Comment - No action512% Grand Total42100%

14 From January Workshop Adjudication Themes for Chapter 16: Application/Case Studies Explanation/ActionsTotal Delete Case Study Chapter921% Keep case studies1638% New Case Study Suggestion/Reference819% Specific Action Suggested410% General Comment - No action512% Grand Total42100% Delete: Replace case studies with Technical Performance Measures (1) Keep: Integrate case studies throughout SEBoK (4) Keep: Add examples of failures (3) Note: HST not in Chapter 16 Keep: Put entire chapter in separate book (1)

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