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NH Route 28 Corridor Safety Audit Preliminary Analysis of Historic and Existing Conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "NH Route 28 Corridor Safety Audit Preliminary Analysis of Historic and Existing Conditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 NH Route 28 Corridor Safety Audit Preliminary Analysis of Historic and Existing Conditions


3 Road Safety Audits ( 23 CFR Part 924) Road Safety Audits means a formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent multidisciplinary audit team. Road Safety Audits are identified as a process for conducting engineering studies of hazardous locations, sections, and elements to develop highway safety improvement projects.

4 Background Information Crash Analysis Vehicle Counts: Volume, Speed, Classification Zoning and Land Use Sign Inventory Pavement Evaluation LOS –Vehicles, Bicycles, and Pedestrians

5 SR28 – Preliminary Crash Analysis Segments –Rate Quality Control Segments with higher than “average” crash rates Intersections –Equivalent Property Damage Only EPDO Greater than 25 Behavioral –Aggregate summary of crash records

6 Segments

7 Intersections


9 Background Information Crash Analysis Vehicle Counts: Volume, Speed, Classification Zoning and Land Use Sign Inventory Pavement Evaluation LOS –Vehicles, Bicycles, and Pedestrians

10 1 ALTON (South of Prospect Mountain High School) 2 ALTON (South of Stockbridge Road) 3 ALTON/BARNSTEAD town line 4 BARNSTEAD (South of Peacham Road) 5 BARNSTEAD (North of NH Route 126) 6 BARNSTEAD (South of NH Route 126) 7 PITTSFIELD (North of Leavitt Road) 8 CHICHESTER (South of Webster Mills Road) 9 CHICHESTER (South of Bear Hill Road) 10 CHICHESTER (Main Street West of NH Route 28) 11 EPSOM (North of Epsom Traffic Circle) 12 EPSOM (South of Short Falls Road) Location Order


12 Sample of data collected for each location.


14 Corridor 85 th Percentile Speed vs. Posted Speed Limits


16 Background Information Crash Analysis Vehicle Counts: Volume, Speed, Classification Zoning and Land Use Sign Inventory Pavement Evaluation LOS –Vehicles, Bicycles, and Pedestrians


18 Background Information Crash Analysis Vehicle Counts: Volume, Speed, Classification Zoning and Land Use Sign Inventory Pavement Evaluation LOS –Vehicles, Bicycles, and Pedestrians



21 Background Information Crash Analysis Vehicle Counts: Volume, Speed, Classification Zoning and Land Use Sign Inventory Pavement Evaluation LOS –Vehicles, Bicycles, and Pedestrians


23 Background Information Crash Analysis Traffic Volume Speed Study Vehicle Classification Counts Zoning and Land Use Sign Inventory Pavement Evaluation LOS –Vehicles, Bicycles, and Pedestrians


25 Next Steps Obtain Crash Records for Identified Intersections Behavioral Analysis –Crash Summary Additional data collection may be required –Sign Retro-reflectivity –Turning Movement Counts at specific locations –Additional Speed Counts to fill in data gaps

26 Next Steps - continued Road Safety Audit & Crash Reduction Factor Training –Manchester Community College –March 3 rd and 4 th 2009 Conduct Road Safety Audit Recommend “Cost Effective” Improvements

27 Project Timeline 20082009 Tasks / MonthSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAug 1. Data Collection 2. PAC Development 3. Committee Meeting I 4. Training 5. Safety Audits 6. Committee Meeting II 7. QBS Consultant 8. Conceptual Improvements 9. Committee Meeting III 10. Final Report 11. Community Presentations

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