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By Bethany Ross. CURVED LINES The curved line of the pole draws your eye round and round the picture.

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Presentation on theme: "By Bethany Ross. CURVED LINES The curved line of the pole draws your eye round and round the picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Bethany Ross

2 CURVED LINES The curved line of the pole draws your eye round and round the picture.

3 CURVED LINES The curved cracks in the pavement draw your eye off into the distance.

4 LINEAR PERSPECTIVE The tree line and the path line draw to a point on the horizon line.

5 The road lines draw to a point on the horizon line.

6 GEOMETRIC SHAPE The main focus of the picture is a circle.

7 The main focus of the picture is a diamond shape.

8 ORGANIC SHAPE The focus of the picture is the natural shape of the pine needles.

9 ORGANIC SHAPE The focus of the picture is the natural, irregular shape of the wood fibers.

10 CLOSED FORM The picture includes the whole flower patch so that it is completely in view.

11 OPEN FORM Only part of the flower patch is in view so you see the stem and grass leading your eye off the page.

12 OPEN FORM The picture is zoomed in so that you only see the inside of one of the flowers in the group.

13 OPEN FORM Again the picture is zoomed in so that you only see one flower and some grass which draws the eye off the picture.

14 SCALE Each swing gets smaller as you look further and the closer chains overlap the ones father back.

15 SCALE The chain links get smaller and overlap as you look into the distance.

16 ATMOSPHERIC PERSPECTIVE The picture fades from a vibrant green to a pale yellow to a hazy mix of green and brown as you look into the distance.

17 ATMOSPHERIC PERSPECTIVE The picture fades from a pale green to a hazy blue grey background.

18 TEXTURE The angle of the picture shows the roughness and grainy texture of the telephone pole.

19 TEXTURE The angle of the picture of the pavement shows the roughness and dull reflectiveness of the road.

20  My favorite design element is linear perspective.  My favorite picture is the geometric chain fence.  I learned that there are design elements everywhere if you just know how to look and angle your camera. SUMMARY

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