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El 25 de abril de 2011 Unidad 7, lección 5. Para ahora: Escribe un resumen breve de la fotonovela. Objetivos: 1. Mirar la fotonovela y hacer ejercicios.

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Presentation on theme: "El 25 de abril de 2011 Unidad 7, lección 5. Para ahora: Escribe un resumen breve de la fotonovela. Objetivos: 1. Mirar la fotonovela y hacer ejercicios."— Presentation transcript:

1 El 25 de abril de 2011 Unidad 7, lección 5

2 Para ahora: Escribe un resumen breve de la fotonovela. Objetivos: 1. Mirar la fotonovela y hacer ejercicios de comprensión 2. Aprender el pretérito perfecto de indicativo 3. Practicarlo Tarea: WS de 7.1

3  Often end in –ed  To bore  bored  To turn  turned  To dance  danced  Many are irregular  To buy  bought  To read  read  To drive  driven


5  Entrenar __________________________  Cerrar ______________________________  Adelgazar __________________________  Mantener ___________________________  Conocer _____________________________  Aburrir _____________________________  Sufrir _______________________________




9  You can use past participles in two main ways:  The perfect tenses ▪ I have done my homework ▪ I had done my homework  As adjectives ▪ I am bored ▪ We have the table set

10  The present perfect expresses things you “have done”  I have completed my homework  She has washed the dishes.  We have gone to the supermarket.  Two parts to the present perfect: haber Participio pasado


12 ESPAÑOLINGLÉS  He estado a dieta.  Has estado a dieta.  Ha estado a dieta.  Hemos estado a dieta.  Habéis estado a dieta.  Han estado a dieta.  I have been on a diet.  You (inf.) have been on a diet.  You (f)/ He / She has been on a diet.  We have been on a diet.  You (inf. pl.) have been on a diet.  You (f. pl) / They have been on a diet.

13  In the present perfect, the past participle does not change endings for gender/agreement  He hecho la tarea.I have done the homework.  La tarea está hecha.The homework is done.

14  Unlike English, the two verbs in the sentence cannot be separated by any word.  Siempre hemos vivido en Bolivia. ▪ We have always lived in Bolivia.  Yo no he comido la merienda. ▪ I have not eaten the snack.

15  Hay = there are, there is  Ha habido = there has been, there have been  Ejemplos  Ha habido muchos problemas con el nuevo profesor. ▪ There have been a lot of problems with the new professor.  Ha habido un accidente en la calle Central. ▪ There has been an accident on Central Street.


17  WS de 7.1

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