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Hong Kong Attainment Test Question Type Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Hong Kong Attainment Test Question Type Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hong Kong Attainment Test Question Type Analysis

2 Listening

3 Format of the Test Listening Duration about 15 minutes No. of Tasks 3 Question Types Multiple-choice Questions (Parts 1 & 2) Form-filling (Part 3) No. of Questions Part 1: 5 Part 2: 5 Part 3: 6

4 Listening 1. Multiple-choice Questions

5 Listening 1. Multiple-choice Questions Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the below.

6 Listening 1. Multiple-choice Questions D David: What kind of film do you like to watch? June: I love watching films. I like all kinds of films except horror films. David: I see. I like action films. I think they’re very exciting. June: I agree. Tapescript

7 Listening 2. Form-filling

8 Listening 2. Form-filling Complete the form.

9 Listening 2. Form-filling David: Which class are you in, Lucy? Lucy: I’m in Class 5D. David: I see. How many hours of TV do you watch every day? June: It depends. On weekdays, I only watch TV after school. I think about three hours. Tapescript 5D 

10 Reading

11 Format of the Test Reading No. of Tasks 3 Question Types Labelling Blanks Filling Multiple-choice Questions Matching Re-arranging Charts No. of Questions Part 1: 6 Part 2: 6 Part 3: 7

12 Reading 1. Labelling Fill in A, B, C, D or E in each box. How does a kangaroo use different parts of its body? A. To detect dangers B. To keep body balance C. To pick grass D. To protect their babies E. To store energy for movement

13 Reading 1. Labelling Kangaroos can hop readily because of the plastic-like structures in their legs which store the energy for each hop. Also, they have moveable ears to detect the dangers around them How does a kangaroo use different parts of its body? A. To detect dangers B. To keep body balance C. To pick grass D. To protect their babies E. To store energy for movement A E

14 2. Blanks Filling Reading

15 2. Blanks Filling afternoon Fill in each blank with only ONE word. afternoon

16 Reading 3. Multiple-choice Questions

17 Reading 3. Multiple-choice Questions Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the answer booklet.

18 Reading 3. Multiple-choice Questions

19 Reading 4. Matching These pictures show the things mentioned in the text.

20 Reading Read the text carefully. Match the things with the correct names. 4. Matching

21 Reading 4. Matching

22 Reading 4. Matching

23 Reading 5. Re-arranging These pictures show some events happened. You have to put them in the correct order, from what happened earlier to later.

24 Reading 5. Re-arranging C

25 Reading 5. Re-arranging CB

26 Reading 5. Re-arranging CBD

27 Reading 5. Re-arranging CBDA

28 6. Charts Reading

29 6. Charts Study the chart and answer the questions. D

30 Reading 6. Charts Study the chart and answer the questions. G

31 Writing

32 Format of the Test Writing No. of Tasks 1 Question Type Guided Writing (with pictures and given words) No. of Words At least 80 words

33 Guided Writing – based on pictures and given words Writing

34 Guided Writing I saw three boys playing football on the pavement beside the road.

35 - The End -

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