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Published byKory Charles Modified over 10 years ago
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 20051 From Research to Policy: Future Developments at Airports in the Vision 2020 Future Developments at Airports in the Vision 2020 Presented by Cesare Bernabei Directorate General for Energy and Transport European Commission
2 Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 2005 Contents The Air Transport System The Air Transport System The Single European Sky Initiative The Single European Sky Initiative Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Video Video From Research to Policy From Research to Policy The Way Forward The Way Forward
3 Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 2005 Contents The Air Transport System The Air Transport System The Single European Sky Initiative The Single European Sky Initiative Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Video Video From Research to Policy From Research to Policy The Way Forward The Way Forward
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 20054 The Air Transport System Is growing steadily since the last ten years and it is expected to do so… …despite the 9/11 event, the SARS,… for the next twenty years will keep on growing
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 20055 Typical summer daily traffic 2003
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 20056 Typical summer daily traffic 2025
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 20057 The Air Transport System How does it work? Who are the main actors? What are the major issues of the system? How is it regulated?
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 20058 The Air Transport System The system, large, includes: The system, at large, includes: service providers, airport authorities, operators, airspace users, regulators, Infrastructures and… passengers
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 20059 The Air Transport System The system as any other includes: Social aspects Economical aspects Regulatory aspects Air Traffic Management aspects
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200510 The Air Transport System Let’s focus on the Air Traffic Management aspects for airports
11 Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 2005 Contents The Air Transport System The Air Transport System The Single European Sky Initiative The Single European Sky Initiative Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Video Video From Research to Policy From Research to Policy The Way Forward The Way Forward
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200512 The Single European Sky Initiative Through its Regulations on Organisation and Use of the Airspace Organisation and Use of the Airspace Provision of Air Navigation Services Provision of Air Navigation Services Interoperability of the European Air Traffic Management Network will provide the frame for the Airspace
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200513 The Single European Sky Initiative While the new regulations on the airspace provide a more efficient system, the airports will become the real bottle-neck for aviation.
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200514 The Single European Sky Initiative In order to increase the actual ‘runway’ capacity in Europe, there are three options: enlarge, build new airports better use of existing ones, including regional airports improve the efficiency and management at existing airports
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200515 The Single European Sky Initiative While the first solution is very difficult to achieve due to costs and long-term planning, (enlarge/ build new airports) the first solution is very difficult to achieve due to costs and long-term planning, (enlarge/ build new airports) the second is certainly being exploited whenever possible, but with certain conditions (regional airports) the second is certainly being exploited whenever possible, but with certain conditions (regional airports) the third one, if properly implemented, could be applied at any airport and, comparatively will be cost-effective and time-saving (improve efficiency & management) the third one, if properly implemented, could be applied at any airport and, comparatively will be cost-effective and time-saving (improve efficiency & management) So…So…
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200516 What can Research do in order to help Policy to establish effective regulations for a safe,safe, efficient andefficient and environmentally friendlyenvironmentally friendly Air Traffic Management at airports? Air Traffic Management at airports?
17 Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 2005 Contents The Air Transport System The Air Transport System The Single European Sky Initiative The Single European Sky Initiative Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Video Video From Research to Policy From Research to Policy The Way Forward The Way Forward
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200518 Is the flight ended when the aircraft has landed?
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200519 Final Phases of Flight
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200520 Approach and Landing Operations Airport Surface Operations Airports Air-side and Land-side Optimisation RESEARCH AREAS
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200521 Approach and Landing Operations Integration of ArrivalArrival DepartureDeparture Ground MovementGround Movement planning systems RESEARCH AREAS
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200522 Approach and Landing Operations RESEARCH AREAS The results obtained from these activities provide the basis for an optimised flow of traffic but requires that all the functions are well coordinated Basis for all CDM applications
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200523 Airports Air-side and Land-side Optimisation RESEARCH AREAS Through the modelling of all the operations both by the air-side and by the land-side, we have created a user- friendly tool to assess the necessary developments and the impact of new installations
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200524 Airport Surface Operations RESEARCH AREAS Major achievements have been obtained in this area to support improvements in airport operations and in its management
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200525 Airport Surface Operations RESEARCH AREAS Let’s analyse the research activities in this area and let see how this could be translated into a common requirement
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200526 Final Phases of Flight
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200527 Let’s take a mid-size airport
28 Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 2005 PragueRuzyneAirport
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200529 Control Towers
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200530 From the Control Tower On a bright day
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200531 From the Control Tower On a foggy day
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200532 What the controller do in such conditions? Pick up the R/T and call the aircraft However now the technology can provide him/her with a more positive and reliable support
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200533 The Ground Controller Day, night, in fog or... or...
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200534 The Ground Controller must Survey Control Plan & Guide
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200535 Research & Development Activities at DG-TREN Since 1994, the Directorate for Transport together with DG-RTD and DG-INFSO has supported R&D Activities in the field of A-SMGCS or Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200536 The requirements “An Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) is expected to provide adequate capacity and safety in relation to the specific weather conditions, traffic density and aerodrome layout by use of modern technologies and a high level of integration between the various functionality.” 1 1: ICAO - Draft MANUAL OF A-SMGCS, 2001
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200537 GroundController AircraftVehicles Obstacles SurveillanceControl Routing/Planning Guidance A-SMGCS ATC Systems Airport Systems Airline Systems External Systems The A-SMGCS Environment
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200538 Demonstrator’s Functional Architecture Controller HMI Controller Planning/routing Monitoring/Control Surveillance Other planning Traffic Objects Pilot HMI Guidance Flight plans Sensors Guidance means Pilot AIRPORT-G ARAMIS MANTEA DAFUSA MANTEA DAFUSA AIRPORT-G ATHOS DA VINCI
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200539 Surveillance An adequate set of Sensors provides the controller with a complete knowledge of all movements including identification of any object
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200540 Surveillance Display Controller Working Position
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200541 Control Provides the controller with an alert in events like crossing runways restricted areas incursion separation criteria infringement
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200542 Control Runway Incursion Alert
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200543 On-board guidance tested through: Guidance aid response time clearance from CWP displayed at the onboard HMI taxi route given by CWP displayed at the onboard HMI External guidance tested through: External panels Guidance
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200544 On-board Guidance External Guidance
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200545 Electronic Flight Strips Routing Co-ordination Arrival / Ground Movement / Departure Planning
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200546 Planning
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200547 The A-SMGCS Concept has been proven and tested within the DEFAMM project (1995-1998)DEFAMM project (1995-1998) Demonstration of architectureDemonstration of architecture BETA project (1999-2003)BETA project (1999-2003) Assessment of the architectureAssessment of the architecture EMMA 1 & 2 project (2003-2007)EMMA 1 & 2 project (2003-2007) Benefit quantification & airborne linkBenefit quantification & airborne link
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200548 DEFAMM Project Demonstrated the validity of the A-SMGCS Concept testing various equipment at the airports of Köln/ Bonn (DE) Köln/ Bonn (DE) Orly Paris (FR) Orly Paris (FR) Braunschweig (DE) Braunschweig (DE) Bergamo (IT) Bergamo (IT)
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200549 DEFAMM Project Surveillance & Identification Surveillance coverage Taxi Plan Generation and Presentation Guidance with ground based guidance means Guidance with “on-board guidance means” Detection of Runway Incursion Control of vehicle intrusion into prohibited areas Control of plan deviation Control of separation between two mobiles Functional Tests
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200550 DEFAMM Project Functional Structure Aircraft Ctrl. Vehicles Pilot / Driver Assistant Systems DGPS Sensors Aircraft Ctrl. Vehicles Pilot / Driver Assistant Systems DGPS Sensors SURVEILLANCE HMI TEST & MANAGEMENT GUIDANCE CONTROLROUTING PLANNING Data Fusion Identification Controller Work. Pos. Data Base Data Store Gnd -Based Guidance COMMUNICATION VHF Subnetwork External Systems Air Traffic Services Airport Systems Airline Systems External Systems Air Traffic Services Airport Systems Airline Systems E-Scan ASDE Mode S Localisation ASDE Extractor Conflict Handling ASDE Technical Sys Control DGPS Guidance Processing Flow Planning
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200551 DEFAMM Project Surveillance & Control Surveillance & Positive Identification, Plan Deviation, Conflicts, Control of Separation Planning Taxi plans generation, presentation & Destination changes Guidance Guidance execution via Ground Based Guidance Means & On Board Guidance Means Complex Operational Procedure Operative Tests
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200552 DEFAMM Project Operative Tests
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200553 BETA Project Different configurations of ground-based A-SMGCS where tested at three airports Prague Ruzine (CZ) Prague Ruzine (CZ) Hamburg (DE) Hamburg (DE) Braunschweig (DE) Braunschweig (DE)
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200554 BETA Project VIDEO
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200555 EMMA 1 Project The assessment of Surveillance and Control Functions Requirements is being tested at three European airports Prague Ruzine (CZ) Prague Ruzine (CZ) Milan Malpensa (IT) Milan Malpensa (IT) Toulouse Blagnac (FR) Toulouse Blagnac (FR)
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200556 EMMA 2 Project The assessment and test of Guidance and Planning Functions Requirements, using equipped scheduled flight aircraft are carried on at Prague Ruzine (CZ) Prague Ruzine (CZ) Milan Malpensa (IT) Milan Malpensa (IT) Toulouse Blagnac (FR) Toulouse Blagnac (FR)
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200557 EMMA 2 Project Glossary: INSInertial Navigation System GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite Sys HUDHead Up Display EVSExtended Vision System HDDHead Down Display EISElectronic Instrument System BSCUBraking/Steering Control Unit AFSAuto Flight System HUDCHead Up Display Computer SGSSurface Guidance System SVSSynthetic Vision System EFCSElectrical Flight Control System FMSFlight Management System VHFVery High Frequency ATSUAir Traffic Services Unit DCDUDatalink Control and Display U MCDUMultipurpose Control & Display CPDLCController Pilot Data Link Com FSWFlight Warning System ESExtended Squitter System Architecture of the Airborne Site
58 Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 2005 Contents The Air Transport System The Air Transport System The Single European Sky Initiative The Single European Sky Initiative Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Video Video From Research to Policy From Research to Policy The Way Forward The Way Forward
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200559 How can these technical and operational achievements support Policy?
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200560 These results have already been used to fill the ICAO A- SMGCS European Manual Thus providing a common baseline for Airport Authorities to procure the appropriate system for a given level of safety and efficiency Through this yardstick, it is possible to evaluate the actual capacity at an airport as well as to assess the implemented level of safety Research support to Policy
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200561 Further more... Assessment of actual capacity, makes it possible to evaluate future airport expansion and its impact on the environment Precise allocation of responsibilities, allows to assess causes of accidents and of delays More realistic slot allocation can be implemented Ultimately a better Quality of Service can be offered to passengers
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200562 In September 2003, with the support of the Member States, we have presented a proposal at the ICAO Air Navigation Conference to support the implementation of this Manual not only in Europe but worldwide Research support to Policy In October 2004 we brought it to the attention of the ICAO General Assembly
63 Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 2005 Contents The Air Transport System The Air Transport System The Single European Sky Initiative The Single European Sky Initiative Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Airport R&D Activities at DG-TREN Video Video From Research to Policy From Research to Policy The Way Forward The Way Forward
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200564 The Way forward A sound knowledge of the mechanisms forms the basis for a good regulation The support by Member States is necessary to implement common rules and operations The recognition by ICAO gives the platform for a worldwide implementation So... Starting from the fact that
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200565 European Commission Regulations on These results will be used to support the preparation of Airport Capacity Regulation Airport Safety Regulation
66 Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 2005 To know more about these…
Politecnico di Milano 20-21 Gennaio 200567 Any Question Question ? Any Question?
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