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Outdoor Education, PE & Sport Service. Primary Schools Briefings June 2013 Roy Gittens Education officer [PE & Sport] Barry Kitcher2012 Legacy Co-ordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Outdoor Education, PE & Sport Service. Primary Schools Briefings June 2013 Roy Gittens Education officer [PE & Sport] Barry Kitcher2012 Legacy Co-ordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outdoor Education, PE & Sport Service

2 Primary Schools Briefings June 2013 Roy Gittens Education officer [PE & Sport] Barry Kitcher2012 Legacy Co-ordinator

3 Agenda Primary Schools PE & Sport ‘Premium’ –Funding –Accountability –Self Review 2012 Legacy Strategy Deploying Sports Coaches


5 PE & Sport ‘Premium’ - Context Comprehensive Spending Review 2010 “Beyond 2012 – outstanding Physical education for all” HMI Report on PE 2008 - 12 30% overweight or obese at end of Yr.6

6 Good news: The ‘new’ Hampshire infrastructure All schools are in one of the 10 SSPs/areas 10 School Games Organisers ‘Subject Leaders’ for PE Strategic Heads Group Hampshire PE & School Sport Partnership Hampshire Schools Sport Federation Hampshire Schools Sports Associations [18] Hampshire Local Organising Committee [School Games Festival] Sport Hampshire & IOW [CSP] Active Living! Healthy Hampshire & IOW PE Curriculum Development Board Hampshire Outdoor Education PE & DoE Service


8 Beyond 2012 – outstanding Physical Education for all Key Findings: PE in our schools is in good health Achievement good or outstanding in two thirds of schools visited By end of KS2 most pupils had achieved age related expectations, including in swimming Teaching was good or outstanding in more than two thirds of the schools visited PE Curriculum was good or outstanding in over three quarters of schools visited

9 Beyond 2012 – outstanding Physical Education for all Key recommendations: DfE should devise and implement a new national strategy for PE and school sport. DfE ensure that ITT of primary teachers should provide them with sufficient subject knowledge to enable them to teach PE well. Teachers should improve pupils’ fitness by keeping them physically active throughout all lessons Teachers should raise their expectations and provide challenging, competitive activities that lead to high standards of performance. Improve use of assessment and target groups for improvement – overweight, G&T?

10 PE & Sport Premium – part of 2012 Legacy plans Funding partners:- ic-legacy-boost-150-million-for-primary- school-sport-in-england

11 PE & Sport Premium - What is it for? [Government Press release 16 March 2013] Primary Schools to “Improve the quality of PE and sport for all children.” Build on existing provision Funding - only to be spent on PE & sport - will go directly into the hands of heads and teachers who will decide what is best for their children’s needs. “With this new approach to sport, we can create a culture in our schools that encourages all children to be active and enjoy sport, and helps foster the aspirations of future Olympians and Paralympians”. [ David Cameron PM]

12 PE & Sport Premium - How much is it? £150m for 2 academic years – 2013/14 & 2014/15 Schools with 17 pupils or more: £8000 plus £5 per head. Smaller schools £500 per head Payments in additional grant for schools [AGS] Sent to LAs in Sept/Oct Academies will receive direct from Education Funding Agency [EFA]

13 PE & Sport Premium – Maximise the benefits Maximise the opportunity by making high quality PE and sport sustainable into the future by embedding within school life/culture to enhance: achievement attendance and behaviour self-esteem, teamwork, volunteering and leadership skills development of an inclusive society raise levels of participation in sport and physical activity positively affect health

14 How can it be spent? Professional development opportunities in PE/Sport for staff Hire specialist teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside school staff when teaching PE – Hampshire Leading Teachers, [HLT/ASTs], Local SSP/cluster collaboration engage with SGO’s Developing resources/equipment



17 How can it be spent? Greater involvement in ‘School Games Initiative’ at all levels, pre-school, break, lunch, after school clubs, intra school competition, inter-school competition, county level competition - pathways for G & T Additional after school sports clubs/activities.

18 Accountability Ofsted focus on PE & sport - guidance to be published for implementation from September 2013. changes will ensure that PE & sport is a high priority for inspectors Inspectors will consider: “How well the school uses its Sport Premium to improve the quality and breadth of its PE and sporting provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performances levels they are capable of.” Impact!

19 Accountability Schools will be required to include details about their sporting provision on their school website, alongside their curriculum details to enable parents to compare sporting provision across and between schools, both within and beyond the school day. KEY ISSUE – SELF REVIEW – current position of PE and school sport

20 What does high quality PE look like?

21 Self Review in PE Achievement: - levels? - numbers participating? - secure assessment? Quality of teaching – subject knowledge? Swimming – NC entitlement? 2 hrs curriculum time? OHLO? G & T? Overweight/obese? Club Links? L & V? School Games? Knowledge of and participation in healthy lifestyles

22 Support materials OEPE&DoE website: Best practice examples of curriculum maps, schemes of work from schools graded as outstanding in PE Tool for self review Ofsted YST afPE

23 Support : Local Children’s Service’s OEPE&DoE Service -Subject Leaders workshops – Sept/Oct -CPD programme -HLT’s -QA of Sports Providers Local School Sport Partnerships Other school clusters/partnerships Hampshire School Sports Associations Sport Hampshire & IOW

24 Support: National

25 London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Legacy for Hampshire Schools


27 ‘ London can bid again’-Jacque Rogge President of the IOC

28 50 million people engaged in some way with the Games

29 32 Olympians – more than any other county 12 Paralympians Olympics 3 Gold – 1 Silver – 5 Bronze Paralympics 1 Gold – 2 Silver – 5 Bronze 10% of total Team/Para GB medal haul 2 nd county to Yorkshire 25 th in Olympic medal table (Yorkshire 12 th ) Hampshire – the Olympic County

30 London crime dropped by 5% Hampshire crime dropped 16% House burglaries -27% Violent crime -13% Anti social behaviour – 8% 10% drop in crime during Paralympics Crime – during the Olympics

31 15 million people in the UK lined the streets 2 million in the South East 450,000 in Hampshire Approx £10 million to local economy Met Police torch escort said Winchester was the best event that they had encountered Olympic Torch Relay

32 Torch Relay - Winchester

33 50,000 lined the streets of Winchester

34 Torch Relay - Fareham

35 Torch Relay - Petersfield

36 183 Olympic business contracts worth £36 million to Hampshire businesses The 4,000 trees in the Olympic Park ensure a Hampshire legacy Business

37 Schools & the Get Set Network 491 schools in the network – only Kent & Herts had more 5,000 pupils given free tickets to the Games 4 schools part of guard of honour at the Opening Ceremony Anton Project had 34,000 hits on website ‘Be Inspired for Life’ – Resource for all schools Connaught school’s results up again 7,000 hits on schools section of HCC website Havant Schools Games – East Hants –’My 2012’

38 Impact on Schools 6 million children in the UK engaged with the Games through the GS Network Biggest problem was getting teachers to ‘get it’ 91% of teachers have said that using the Olympic & Paralympic values had a positive effect on pupils motivation 75% said the Games had a positive effect on improving school atmosphere, morale and attainment

39 A Legacy for schools

40 Schools 1 Develop a ‘Culture of physical activity’ in primary schools in particular. Olympic/Paralympic values as core school values – Engage with the Get Set Network Work with the Bridgemary Hub on ‘Healthy Schools/Healthy weights Government announcement of approx £9,000 for primary schools

41 Schools 2 Using sport to raise attainment Develop the ‘Be inspired for life’ resource Use sport to engage NEETs Use sport to support members of ‘Troubled Families’ Olympians/Paralympians as positive role models

42 Schools 3 Increase the importance of and participation in National School Sports Week June 24 th – June 28 th 2013 Lloyds Bank have staff time to help out at events in Hampshire Celebrate ‘Olympic Day’ June 23 rd 2013 as an annual opportunity to increase sports participation for children

43 Institute for Youth Sport /Loughborough University Survey– May 2012 12% of 14 year old girls reaching recommended levels of physical activity 45% of girls said ‘sport was too competitive’ 48% of girls said ‘getting sweaty is not feminine’ 43% said there ‘aren’t many sporting role models for girls’ School is seen as the key location where attitudes to sport & physical activity are formed

44 16 of the 29 Gold Medals were won by women

45 The best Paralympics in history – 2.5 million tickets sold

46 Changed the public perception of disability – how do we take this forward?

47 Paralympic Legacy for schools Development of sporting opportunities for children with disability especially through the School Games Development of clubs offering Paralympic sport We now have Solent Sharks wheelchair rugby, Goal ball at Peter Symonds college and plans to extend wheelchair racing from 1 to 3 centres in Hampshire

48 The Golden Decade 2014 Commonwealth Games – Glasgow 2014 Tour de France – starting in Yorkshire 2015 Rugby World Cup 2017 World Athletics Championships & Paralympic Athletics championships – The Olympic Park 2018 Glasgow bidding for the Youth Olympic Games 2019 Cricket World Cup 2020 European Football Champs – selected cities Surrey to bid for the World Road Cycling championships have asked if we would like to be involved

49 ‘the biggest driver for increased grass routes participation is the well stocked shop window’ Seb Coe Increased Participation

50 So what plans do we have for Legacy?

51 The Legacy Plan The


53 Looking at how we support Hampshire’s talented athletes Level and purpose of county level competition Quality of facilities in the county Work with the military to increase access to their sports facilities Encourage schools/colleges to open up their sports facilities to the community Increase support for clubs, coaches and new members The wider community within the county – getting people more active – a fitter Hampshire Rio and Beyond

54 Deploying Sports coaches Minimum operating standards Qualification – minimum Level 2 NGB Award to lead independently [following successful observation] in the activity being delivered. CRB/DBS Public Liability Insurance - £10 million

55 Children's Services Database

56 What makes a good sports coach?

57 Quality Assurance of providers: Lessons learnt Vital to have induction from the school – policies, procedures Agree content together – NGB’s agree planning should be undertaken by minimum Level 3 coach Lack of appropriate qualification Multi skills Level 2 accredited by 1 st 4Sport Multi sports – no such qualification

58 07718146496 Outdoor Education PE & Sport Service

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