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© Fronius Virtual Welding A modern innovative simulation system for training both beginners and advanced welders Kreindl Josef Fronius International Sparte.

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Presentation on theme: "© Fronius Virtual Welding A modern innovative simulation system for training both beginners and advanced welders Kreindl Josef Fronius International Sparte."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Fronius Virtual Welding A modern innovative simulation system for training both beginners and advanced welders Kreindl Josef Fronius International Sparte Dienstleistungsmanagement Buxbaumstrasse 2 4600 Wels

2 Fronius Virtual Welding Software package Sensors 22” Touch screen interface Main work station and example Magnetic field input sensor Functionality of the Virtual Welder

3 Fronius Virtual Welding Virtual Welding Work piece variations: Fillet weld, V butt weld Possible welding positions: PA, PB, PF Training analyses availability Pre-set parameter availability Operator specific parameter availability

4 Fronius Virtual Welding A structured learning process The concept behind the virtual welding is to combine a training simulation aid with a showroom presentation capability.

5 Fronius Virtual Welding Structured learning The virtual trainer (ghost) allows the operator the possibility to optimise welding torch control.  Stick out control  Angle of approach  And welding speed

6 Fronius Virtual Welding Training-Mode The training mode is made up a number of short predetermined courses, each course is sub-divided into different pre-defined exercises.

7 Fronius Virtual Welding Training-Mode It is also possible in this mode to create more personalised exercises, were by the operator can increase the difficulty levels, allowing the virtual welder to be individually programmed.

8 Fronius Virtual Welding Training-Mode Also available is a video analyses which presents the operator with a visual representation of the exercises being carried out, enabling the operator to self analyse and improve techniques. Using a point system displayed in a table format, the trainer can determine the performance and objective of each operator.

9 Fronius Virtual Welding Simulation-Mode At the end of each pre-determined programmed exercise a simulated welded seem can be observed as a direct result of the actual welding torch movement.

10 Fronius Virtual Welding Simulation-Mode In addition to professionally training the manual dexterity of the operator, it is also possible to train operators in the correct use of parameter setting/corrections by way of the toggle switches on the welding torch body. Toggle switches

11 Fronius Virtual Welding Simulation-Mode Also through the use of the toggle switches on the welding torch body the can practice optimising the correct working point in relation to Volts and Amps required Target working area

12 Fronius Virtual Welding Showroom-Mode The showroom mode is for example ideal for, audiences, trade fares, training schools and also for any other interested parties who wish to develop a quick understanding of virtual welding. The well defined and easy to read screens enable any operator the possibility to use the VW even in the absence of a qualified person.

13 Fronius Virtual Welding Network possibilities Online (internet) Internal (intranet) Offline

14 Fronius Virtual Welding Network possibilities A simple ranking system allows the trainer to quickly and with ease compare the results between all course participants. Quick and reliable Online service is available. The operator can also carry out necessary online updates quickly and with ease.

15 Fronius Virtual Welding Network possibilities In addition and also available online are:  Additional processes  Additional languages  New training programs  Ordering parts on line

16 Fronius Virtual Welding Network possibilities Online support around the clock for all systems Data security Archiving of results Updating new training exercises Configuration of personalised training processes Direct feedback all faults Exchange of information and experiences (Community forums) Compare results Rank listing overview Encouragement of healthy competitiveness Additional work cells easily added

17 Fronius Virtual Welding Terminal variations

18 Fronius Virtual Welding Equipment Facilities Height adjustable work surface Over head welding position possible Equipment closet integrated 22” Touch screen display VR Glasses integrated (optional) 15cm

19 Fronius Virtual Welding Potable cased version Weight approx 30kg Modular build design Fully portable Integrated trolley system

20 Fronius Virtual Welding Cost saving possibilities The average material cost saving for a normal MIG/MAG basic course with 60 training unit’s e.g. (Gas, Welding wire, Training materials and consumables) is approx: 130 – 150 € Per participant Other financially affected aspects; Workshop availability increases (often a point of contention) Theoretical are normally available Increased attention due to a less distracted environment Increased educational image for institutes Source of information WIFI Linz

21 Fronius Virtual Welding Economical effect Student apprenticeship two (2) years without any previous knowledge The exercise was a fillet weld 5mm in the PB position The saving achieved was approx 20% of raw material and consumables

22 Fronius Virtual Welding Adaption der Ausbildungsrichtlinien Objective: To convert a certain percentage of the welding apprenticeship into a digital format Amortisation example: Welder training MIG/MAG Number of training units 120 Total cost of course WIFI:€ 1.400,00 * Assuming:20 % of training carried out using the VW without Virtual Welding With Virtual Welding* Raw material costs€ 250,00€ 200,00 Cost of trainer € 390,00€ 312,00 Total € 640,00€ 512,00  Potential saving per course € 128,00  Training amortised for 146 positions (€ 18.640,00 : € 128,00 = 146)  After 500 apprenticeships at WIFI Austria over one year using 5 virtual welding systems, the cost for acquiring the units had been recuperated after just 18 months !

23 Fronius Virtual Welding Target areas Young people in there early stages of choosing a career Trade and professional schools Apprenticeship workshops Institutes e.g. TWI, WIFI etc Universities (technical) Welding Organisations Companies with in house training requirements

24 Fronius Virtual Welding Main uses Reducing raw material cost for training Standardisation of training A portable method of training Reduced possibility for injury Clean quiet training environment increasing awareness

25 Fronius Virtual Welding Future developments Integrated mathematical calculations for calculating the affects of heat influences A greater verity of welding processes Costumer specified welding requirements e.g. samples Direct interfaces to welding systems allowing possible data transfer Simulate customer specific complex components before the end welding stage Simulation interface for observing the weld pool reaction (Fluent ® simulation)


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