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 Increasing threat.  Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.  Levels:  National.  Province.  Health Service.

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Presentation on theme: " Increasing threat.  Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.  Levels:  National.  Province.  Health Service."— Presentation transcript:


2  Increasing threat.  Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.  Levels:  National.  Province.  Health Service.

3  Preparation.  Triage.  Treatment.

4 1. Fire 2. Earthquake 3. Chemical factory leaks 4. Bombing 5. Multivehicle accidents 6. War 7. Building collapse 8. Volcano 9. Mass gathering

5  Planning.  Equipment: › Personal › Medical  Training

6  Familiarity with existing plans › Ambulance service › Hospital › Special incident  Familiarity with other emergency service plans  Familiarity with local high risk sites  Involvement in planning

7  Command and Control.  Communication.  Safety.  Assessment.  Triage.  Treatment.  Transport.

8 Personal protective o Selection o Maintenance Medical o Selection o Training o Maintenance

9 Safety Function Durability Comfort

10 Head Face/Eyes Ears Body Hands Feet


12 Individuals who are inappropriately equipped will be denied access by the Ambulance Safety Officer

13 Consider nature of risk Consider level of risk Consider body areas at risk

14 Identification Money Pens Notebook Torch Whistle

15 Decontamination Triage Life saving first aid Advanced life support Specialist medical

16 Medical equipment should be compatible with ambulance service equipment

17 Medical equipment should supplement rather than duplicate, and must reflect the extended skills of the medical staff

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