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District Health Society, Gopalganj
Report for the Month November-11
Nayee Pidhi Swasthya Guarantee Yojna
Achievement against Target under Nayee Pidhi Swasthya Guarantee Programme (Upto 30 th November -2011), Gopalganj Sl. No. Name of Instituation Name of MOIC Name of HM/BHM Target Achievement Percentage of Achievement 1 Baikunthpur Dr. Vijay Kr. Paswan Mr. Anchal Kumar 86000 85402 99 2 Barauli Dr. C. S. Mishra Mr. Manoj Kumar 59013 54121 92 3 Bhore Dr. Shahid Nazmi Md. Kamran Ahsan 35322 33501 95 4 Gopalganj Dr. R. K. Singh 80000 79954 100 5 Hathua Dr. Shaymal Kishore Mr. Siddhart Kumar 46594 44444 6 Kateya Dr. Sanju Prasad Mr. Rakeshchand Chaudhari 52337 44590 85 7 Kuchaikote Dr. A.P. Dwivedi Mr. Akhilesh Dubey 99855 90853 91 8 Manjha Dr. S.K. Singh Mr. Amrendra Kumar 51846 48754 94 9 Panchdevri Dr. Jitendra Prasad Mr. Rohit Kumar 38000 35140 10 Phulwaria Dr. P. C. Prabhat 79890 79886 11 Sidhwalia Dr. A. K. Bajpeyee Mr. Rajan Kumar 48447 46645 98 12 Thawe Dr. T.N. Singh Miss Seema Bharti 19580 17790 13 Uchkagaun Dr. R. Prasad Mr. Jitendra Yadav 49999 46998 14 Vijaipur Dr. H.P.Singh 52521 41756 80 Total :- 799404 749834
Blockwise RI Covrage Report of District Gopalganj
Month - November 2011 S. No Name of PHC Session Planed Session Held TT 1 TT 2 BCG DPT 1 DPT 2 DPT 3 OPV 0 OPV 1 OPV 2 OPV 3 Measles Drop Out (BCG to Measles) Drop Out (DPT 1 to DPT 3) 1 Baikunthpur 168 163 383 271 413 377 331 358 548 -32.69 5.04 2 Manjha 192 307 306 349 576 511 403 186 352 309 247 442 -26.65 30.03 3 Gopalganj Urban 158 48 53 64 66 74 71 73 60 6.25 -7.58 4 Gopalganj Rural 266 302 254 398 399 326 177 435 441 338 357 -40.55 18.09 5 Barauli Rural 156 406 379 664 578 481 196 610 571 471 456 -47.57 27.56 6 Barauli Urban 36 46 32 90 89 75 323 76 50 86.03 16.67 7 Thawe 108 104 148 137 245 256 234 166 219 199 18.78 35.16 8 Sidhwaliya 160 198 134 346 361 283 248 265 225 167 258 25.43 31.30 9 Hathua 180 191 206 243 447 454 340 124 354 310 267 319 -31.28 23.94 10 Uchakagaon 173 172 169 185 341 253 132 161 116 279 -4.89 28.13 11 Bhore 152 295 312 449 519 482 221 423 371 315 367 18.26 23.12 12 Sadar Hospital, Gopalganj 900 178 140 90.11 21.35 13 Panchdeori 72 197 162 448 493 445 472 559 218 -34.57 -16.55 14 Kateya 144 188 300 286 287 -5.90 4.67 15 Kuchaikote 329 321 729 658 488 240 466 -7.13 33.06 16 Phulwariya 260 322 18 47 34 30 24.62 24.53 17 Vijaipur 142 201 222 308 259 238 237 187 39.29 22.73 Sub-divisional Hos. Hathua 37 45 318 61 88.68 39.47 Total 2287 2271 3670 3590 5950 6442 5956 5054 4333 5483 5051 4376 4814 19.09 21.55
Cold Chain Information as on 30.11.2011
District :- Gopalganj Month :- 'November 11 Sl. No. Name of PHC Deep Freezer Large Deep Freezer Small ILR Large ILR Small Voltage Stabillizer Generator Cold Boxes Large Cold Boxes Small Ice Pack Vaccine Carriage Thermometers Hub Cutter Working Repairable 1 Baikunthpur 3 12 4 14 5 832 164 28 2 Barauli 9 8 800 144 Manjha 7 1700 90 29 Sadar Block 6 34 140 33 Kuchaikote 22 1080 173 43 Hathuwa 600 110 25 Uchkagaun 10 930 128 Bhore 15 1100 50 Kateya 680 124 23 Vijaipur 500 120 11 Panchdevri 74 Sidhwalia 145 16 13 Thawe 24 891 92 Phulwaria 400 75 Dist. RCH 27 3570 73 SDH, Hathuwa 100 17 Sadar Hospital 18 CS Office 19 WHO Office 48 Total :- 61 133 176 15221 1767 58 425
Monthly Reports on Vaccine / AD Syringe
Name of District:- Gopalganj Name of Month : 'November 11 S.No. Particulars OPV Measles BCG DPT Hep-B TT Vit"A" AD Syringe I Card T-OPV M-OPV 0.1ml 0.5ml 5ml T3 B-OPV (Polio Round) 1 Opening Balance 800 143 2390 1600 2070 1212 4490 4240 72600 30473 23348 2 Received during Month 1000 2000 5000 15000 50000 3 Distributed during Month 1525 1750 1850 2550 1095 2075 4800 16900 3600 10900 4 Closing Balance- Month End 275 2640 750 1520 117 7415 14440 105700 26873 12448
Progressive Report Under RNTCP of Gopalganj District
No. of TU 5 No. of DMCs 20/20 No. of DOT Centre 225 No. of Patient Category Wise Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 CAT - I 95 NSP 90 82 CAT - II 46 70 34 62 38 56 48 54 TOTAL :- 141 124 120 130
DISTRICT:- Gopalganj MONTH/YEAR:-November 11 SL.NO TU DMC November11
DMC wise Analysis DISTRICT:- Gopalganj MONTH/YEAR:-November 11 SL.NO TU DMC November11 No. of Adult OPD No. of 3% Refd for Sputum Examination No. of Total Cases NSP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gopalganj DTC Gopalganj 12280 246 110 12 Manjha 3041 61 85 Thawe 1331 27 107 Yadavpur 381 23 Baikunthpur 2422 48 123 16 Sidhwalia 1190 24 20 Mohammadpur 142 26 Barauli 2383 95 11 Hathwa 3898 78 97 19 Kusaundhi 120 14 Uchkagaun 1280 42 Mirganj 327 18 Bhore 2035 41 39 13 Vijaipur 1283 37 Kateya 1635 33 Panchdevri 1170 43 Kuchaikote 3012 60 98 Phulwaria 1021 49 Jalalpur 800 Grand Total :- 39751 797 1053 130 54
NLEP-Monthly Reporting Form District/State Report
PR :- 0.82% M.L.F . 05/A Page 1 NLEP-Monthly Reporting Form District/State Report (Delete the level District/State whichever not applicable) District Gopalganj State Bihar Reporting Month / Year November-11 Population of the Destrict / State Total SC ST 1 No of balance new cases at the beginning of the month 1.1 New Cases 1.2 Other Cases PB 129 2 MB 117 24 TOTAL 246 26 No. of "New Leprosy Cases" detected in the reporting month During reporting month Cummulative form 1 st April Adult 10 4 14 150 77 227 Child 3 28 16 44 12 5 17 178 93 271 Among new leprosy cases detected during the reporting month,number of Female 7 86 37 123 Deformity Grade-I 22 36 Grade-II 27 43 Number of New leprosy cacse deleted during the month RFT- 35 39 152 71 223 Otherwise deleted 6 42 153 230 Number of New leprosy cacse under treatment at the end of the month ( ) 106 115 221 Number of "other cases" recorded and put under treatment (i) Relapse (ii) Reentered for treat 18 23 (iii) Referred (iv) Reclassified (v) Form other states 29 Number of "other cases" deleted from treatment RFT 8 No. of other cacse under treatment at the end of reporting month ( )
DISTRICT:- Gopalganj MONTH/YEAR: - November'11
MF4 DISTRICT:- Gopalganj MONTH/YEAR: - November'11 SURVEILLANCE REPORT OF N.V.B.D.CONTROL PROGRAMME Sl.No. Name of the PHC A.C.D P.C.D M & C TOTAL Agewise Species Distribution Remarks if any B.S. Coll. B.S. Exam No. of +ve PV PF 0-5 5-15 +15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Baikunthpur - -- Sidhwalia Barauli 62 Manjha Gopalganj 22 Kuchaikote 45 Hathwa Thawe Uchkagaon Phulwaria 35 Bhore Kateya Panchdevri Vijaipur Total 203
Sl.No Name of the PHC Report Upto Previous Month Reported During the Month Progressive Total Cases Under Treatment Untreated Cases Resistant Cases PKDL Cases Remarks if any Population of affected PHC's Cases Deaths Treated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Baikunthpur 210630 90 97 Jan-7, June-11, Oct-15=33 Sidhwalia 135402 77 Barauli 210535 141 152 20 Manjha 204730 49 56 Gopalganj 155664 23 Kuchaikote 330114 42 45 Hathwa 85 91 86 Thawe 115095 Uchkagaon 153391 19 22 Phulwaria 130339 Bhore 176983 47 Kateya 114995 31 34 Panchdevri 99642 18 Vijaipur 137558 Total 647 692 648 44 21
Pariwar Kalayan Bhawan, Sheikhpura, Patna -14 Format III NATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR CONTROL OF BLINDNESS DBCS- QUARTERLY MONITORING FORMAT (To be sent in July, Oct, Jan, April) State: BIHAR District: GOPALGANJ. Reporting Year 2011 - 12 Quarter IIIrd Annual Target 5000 CATARACT PERFORMANCE QUARTER - I QUARTER - II QUARTER - III QUARTER - IV TOTAL APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR FACILITY MEDICAL COLLEGE DIST HOSPITAL C.H.C/SUB-DIST.HOSP. NGOS 72 41 113 PVT. SECTOR 27 175 17 36 306 887 478 537 2463 OTHERS (D.B.C.S.) 550 578 2576 PROG. TOTAL 202 219 255 561 1448 1998
District Health Society, Gopalanj Total
District Reporting Format (VHND) A) For the month of: Nov-11 B) Name of the District: Gopalganj C) No of Blocks in the District: 14 D) Total No Of AWCs: 2152 E) Total No of VHND Sessions planned during the month:2152 F) Total No of VHND Sessions held during the month: 2152 G) Total No of VHND supervised by: CS ACMO DWO DPM/M&E Officer DTO: DMO: DLO: Others H) Any othe remaks (Supply, Training, Skill ddevlopment.covres.etc l) Details of Services Provided (in Numbers) under each Sub Centre ANC/PNC For women 2. For 0 to 5 yrs children Couples Medicins (No) ditributed Block ANC: No of new cases ANC: No attended to PNC: No of women recived PNC No of 0-5 yrs children weighed No of 0-5 yrs Malnouished Children idenified and refrred No of couple motivated for using contracption IFA (Lage) Tabs Iron small Tab De-Woming Tabs ORS Packets Condom (Pieces) Oral Pills (Packets) Baikunthpu 359 600 93 1086 258 372 2300 101 60 136 57 Barauli 432 480 70 346 630 10200 420 980 33 Bhorey 295 1460 163 32100 350 450 Kateya 206 155 248 140 95 77 2850 47 Kuchaikote 329 221 233 31 624 1398 199 71 650 13 Manjha 307 137 166 490 17800 118 225 2740 584 Panchdevari 160 132 122 130 104 120 4700 475 28 Phulwaria 42 81 148 134 146 4300 135 37 Sadar Block 287 654 325 1449 21 820 20600 1390 299 516 2643 126 Sidhwalia 249 488 239 20700 890 39 Hathua 201 5 1946 1140 97 Thawe 235 2000 1170 305 105 583 125 Uchkagaon 169 1875 3199 16900 640 45 Vijaipur 210 271 1025 1379 22000 259 1344 Total 3394 3951 2084 8432 693 10254 154200 4528 1631 2022 14791 1502
Monthly Rreportin Formate For New Care Corner(NBCC)
Name of District : Gopalganj Month: Nov 11 SL. No. Block Name Name of MOIC Name of Facillity Type of Faillity No. of Delivery conducted at the facillity Total No. of Cesarean Delivery Total No. of Live Birth Total No. of Still Birth No. of Low birth baby (<2.5 Kg) No. of baby recived essential new born care services No. of newbon Resuscitated (Bage & Mask) Total No. of New Born Deth No. refarral Made to the higher facillity 1 Sadar Hospital 805 43 772 47 40 34 2 Sub-Divisional Hospital SDH 454 441 13 12 9 3 Baikunthpur Dr. Vijay Kr. Paswan PHC 222 219 20 44 15 4 Barauli Dr. C. S. Mishra 228 5 Bhorey Dr. Shahid Nazmi 249 243 6 58 Kateya Dr. Sanju Prasad 185 184 19 7 Kuchaikote Dr. A.P. Dwivedi 421 67 8 Manjha Dr. S.K. Singh 137 134 Panchdevri Dr. Jitendra Prasad 167 162 88 10 Phulwaria Dr. P. C. Prabhat 70 69 11 Sidhwalia Dr. A. K. Bajpeyee 175 174 Thawe Dr. T.N. Singh 156 153 Uchkagaon Dr. R. Prasad 125 122 14 Vijaipur Dr. H.P.Singh Not reported
District Health Society, Gopalganj
Monthly Physical Data Report of ASHA Programme for the Month of --Nov, 2011 Name of DDA:- Nikhat Parveen District:-Gopalganj Date of Submission:- Sl. No. Name of Block ASHA Selection ASHA facilitator Selection Status of Torch Status of Replishment of ASHA drug kit ASHA Diwas ASHA Traning Asha Bank A/c Opened Status of Identy Card Best Performance award of Rs. 1000/-, Rs. 500/-, Rs. 300/-, Rs. 200/- certificate to ASHA as District Level Target Achievement District Trainer Team No of Asha's trained in for Module 5,6,7 Capacity Building/Academic Support Programme No. of Ashas Enrolled into 10th grade or Bachelor's Prpparatory Programme through open Schools or IGNOU 1 Baikunthpur 205 175 9 _ 124 2 Barauli 220 200 8 154 167 3 Bhorey 197 164 180 4 Kateya 115 98 5 90 Kuchaykot 328 294 14 245 274 6 Manjha 196 190 7 Phulwaria 121 120 112 116 Gopalganj 157 142 Sidwalia 132 117 73 10 Hathuwa 219 210 170 11 Thwae 105 92 94 12 Uchkagaun 147 122 13 Vijaipur 128 95 Penchdevri 88 78 82 Total 2371 2199 107 1523 1924 2145
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