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King Arthur Legends Introductions to the man, the legend, the hero.

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1 King Arthur Legends Introductions to the man, the legend, the hero

2 The Soldier Not a king but a Celtic warlord/general Successful against barbarians who invaded England Trained in way by the Romans

3 Legend Story passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation Have been written down in 6 different languages, therefore spellings vary Most popular: Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’ Arthur, Lord Tennyson’s Idylls of the King, and T. H. White’s The Once and Future King

4 Legend of Excalibur Two versions: Sword in the Stone and Lady of the Lake

5 Characteristics of Medieval Romances Knights, kings, lords, queens Chivalry—ideal qualities of knighthood A quest Good vs. evil Magic—mysterious, supernatural events Castles, gardens, forests Larger than life heroes—can have magic or extraordinary powers Use disguises to conceal true identity Romantic love

6 Quest Adventure for something/someone of importance Has to be of personal significance Elements of mystery—monsters, evil, etc. Long voyage Defeats the foe Dangerous Hero matures through quest Examples: Star Wars, An American Tale, The Fugitive, Lord of the Rings Trilogy

7 Characteristics of the Romantic Hero Larger than life Wants to make world better Has inner drive, strength Usually young Physically and mentally strong Close to nature; understands ways of earth Lives clean life, uncluttered, simple courteous; has self-control Has endurance Intelligent Witty Imaginative Has contact with world above Leader Actions bring food to people God-like Can come from magical origins

8 Chivalry Qualities of a Knight Physically strong Experienced horsemen Well trained in use of weapons Must love honor Must right wrongs Willing to risk own life Must defend weak Must make good on his word Polite and courteous Could take on only fair or just fight Swore to defend and honor all women Loyal to his lord, his family and his comrades

9 Aspects of the Professional Warrior Weapons His flag Horse –Had to have at least three A battle horse Horse for route Pack horse for luggage

10 Attendants –Required several One to conduct horses One to bear heaviest weapons One to aid master in mounting horses One to guard prisoners

11 Arthurian legends are examples of medieval romances Sir Thomas Malory was responsible for making the story English—also romanticized it Tennyson wrote heroic version of legends

12 Important People and Places King Arthur—son of Uther Pendragon; King of Britian; founder of the Knights of the Round Table Avalon—island in the western seas where King Arthur goes at his death Sir Bedivere—last of the Knights of the Round Table Camelot—city where Arthur’s court is established

13 Sir Ector—Arthur’s foster father Excalibur—Arthur’s sword Sir Galahad—son of Sir Lancelot and purest of Arthur’s knights; succeeds in the quest for the Holy Grail Sir Gareth—Gawain’s brother and Arthur’s nephew; assumes disguise as Beaumains Sir Gawain—nephew to King Arthur; son of Morgana; most courteous of Arthur’s knights

14 Queen Guinevere—daughter of King Lodegreaunce; Arthur’s wife Holy Grail—cup used at Last Supper; object of quests of Knights of the Round Table Sir Kay—Arthur’s foster brother and steward Lady of the Lake—Gives Arthur his sword Sir Launcelot (Lancelot) du Lake—Greatest of the Knights of the Round Table; father of Sir Galahad

15 Merlyn/Merlin—a magician; counselor to Arthur Sir Modred—arthur’s nephew; plots to overthrow the king Morgan le Fay—Arthur’s half sister; a sorceress Round Table—a wedding gift from Arthur’s father-in-law; provided seats for 150 knights

16 History of Britian/Significance of Arthur The story begins with the battle at Troy. Rome was then founded by Aeneas. Britian’s royal lineage supposedly comes from this ancient lineage. Felix Brutus supposedly founded England and Arthur and his royal successors follow this fashion.

17 Movies First Knight Excalibur Camelot King Arthur The Sword in the Stone Kinghts of the Round Table Etc.

18 Quiz 1.What is the code of honor observed by the knights? 2.The Arthurian legends are examples of what form of writing? 3.What are the two different versions for how Arthur received Excalibur? 4.Who was Arthur’s foster father? His real father?

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