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Arthurian Legends Poetry 1Poetry 2 Shakespeare Hamlet 10 20 30 40 50.

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2 Arthurian Legends Poetry 1Poetry 2 Shakespeare Hamlet 10 20 30 40 50

3 Question 1 - 10 What does the word “romance” mean in literature?

4 Answer 1 – 10 Tales of chivalric deeds and loves of noble knights and ladies.

5 Question 1 - 20 What kind of motif shows up in Arthurain legends?

6 Answer 1 – 20 A test or ordeal motif.

7 Question 1 - 30 How did Arthur become king?

8 Answer 1 – 30 He pulled a sword out of a stone.

9 Question 1 - 40 Who is the real King Arthur?

10 Answer 1 – 40 We do not know who the real King Arthur is.

11 Question 1 - 50 What are three things that are a part of the Code of Chivalry?

12 Answer 1 – 50  Live to serve King and Country  Live one’s life so that it is worthy of respect and honor  Live for freedom, justice, and all that is good  Never attack an unarmed foe  Never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack  Avoid lying to your fellow man  Avoid cheating  Avoid torture  Protect the innocent  Exhibit self control  Show respect to authority  Respect women

13 Question 2 - 10 “You are the apple of my eye” is an example of what type of figurative language?

14 Answer 2 – 10 Metaphor

15 Question 2 - 20 “The parking lot is like an ice skating rink” is an example of what type of figurative language?

16 Answer 2 – 20 Similie

17 Question 2 - 30 “The wind whispered through the trees” is an example of what type of figurative language?

18 Answer 2 – 30 Personification and/or alliteration

19 Question 2 - 40 If you say, “My backpack weighs a ton!” you are using what type of figurative language?

20 Answer 2 – 40 Hyperbole

21 Question 2 - 50 If you have a nail sticking out of your head, and you say, “It’s only a small injury,” you are using what type of figurative language?

22 Answer 2 – 50 Understatement

23 Question 3 - 10 The phrase “A fork in the road” is what type of figurative language?

24 Answer 3 – 10 Idiom

25 Question 3 - 20 Phrases like “jumbo shrimp” and “the living dead” are known as what?

26 Answer 3 – 20 Oxymorons

27 Question 3 - 30 Give an example of onomatopoeia.

28 Answer 3 – 30 Mrs. Bzdawka will determine if you are correct.

29 Question 3 - 40 What is tone?

30 Answer 3 – 40 The way the author wants you to read the poem or passage. Determined by specific words and phrases.

31 Question 3 - 50 What is mood?

32 Answer 3 – 50 The way the reader feels when reading a particular passage.

33 Question 4 - 10 What were Elizabethan theaters made out of?

34 Answer 4 – 10 Timber and thatch.

35 Question 4 - 20 Who played women’s roles?

36 Answer 4 – 20 Young boys.

37 Question 4 - 30 What was a main threat to the English theaters?

38 Answer 4 – 30 Fire, Bubonic Plague, the Puritan Movement

39 Question 4 - 40 What system did the actors use?

40 Answer 4 – 40 A repertory system

41 Question 4 - 50 A Shakespearean Tragedy follows what kind of format? (What do each of the acts represent?)

42 Answer 4 – 50 A typical plot map. – Act 1 – Exposition – Act 2 – Rising Action – Act 3 – Climax – Act 4 – Falling Action – Act 5 – Resolution

43 Question 5 - 10 What are two reasons Hamlet is upset?

44 Answer 5 – 10 His father has died, and his mother has married his uncle.

45 Question 5 - 20 What is Polonius’ plan to find out what is making Hamlet go crazy?

46 Answer 5 – 20 He and Claudius will spy on Hamlet and Ophelia’s conversation.

47 Question 5 - 30 What was Claudius’s reaction to the play?

48 Answer 5 – 30 He got upset and left.

49 Question 5 - 40 How do Claudius and Laertes plan to kill Hamlet?

50 Answer 5 – 40 Laertes will duel Hamlet and hit him with a poisoned sword. If that doesn’t work, Claudius will give him a poison drink.

51 Question 5 - 50 What are the big speeches Hamlet gives when he’s on stage by himself? What is it called when a character says something to the audience and no one else on stage can “hear” him?

52 Answer 5 – 50 Soliloquy Aside

53 Final Jeopardy How do each of the following characters die? Claudius (The King) Hamlet Laertes Gertrude (The Queen)

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Claudius – Hamlet forces him to drink the poison drink, and Hamlet cuts him Hamlet – Cut by Laertes’ sword Laertes – Cut by his own sword Gertrude – Drank the poison drink

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