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Japanese & European Swords: A Comparison of Values Frank Hedin – Game of Go – 12/3/03.

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Presentation on theme: "Japanese & European Swords: A Comparison of Values Frank Hedin – Game of Go – 12/3/03."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japanese & European Swords: A Comparison of Values Frank Hedin – Game of Go – 12/3/03

2 Introduction & Overview Who was a Samurai? What the Medieval European knight carried What the Japanese Samurai Carried The design of the swords

3 Samurai Spirituality Three vital characteristics Kamakura Era Zen Buddhism –Detachment –Self Discipline –Responsiveness Bushido Code – “Way of the Warrior” –Seppuku –fearlessness

4 Values Obedience to a cause VS. individuality Ritualistic –Battles Conquest Honor Pride In One’s Craftsmanship –Construction of swords –Ignorance by the West

5 Sources Cited Clements, John. "The Medieval European Knight vs. The Feudal Japanese Samurai." 2001. The Association of Renaissance Martial Arts. 18 Nov. 2003. Dutch, Steven. "Japan, its History, Values, and Technology." 22 May 1997. University of Greenbay: Natural and Applied Sciences. 18 Nov. 2003. Irvine, Gregory. The Japanese Sword: The Soul of the Samurai. Weatherhill, 2000. "Japanese Swords and Sword Arts." 11 May 1996. 16 Nov. 2003 " History - Samurai." 2003. 18 Nov. 2003. Jones, Mark. "Helpful Information about Japanese Samurai Swords." 2000. Comtech Research. 15 Nov. 2003 Kyle, Kristen. "The Last Warrior: Samurai Culture." 2003. 17 Nov. 2003 Kyle, Kristen. "The Last Warrior: Swords and Swordfighting." 2003. 15 Nov. 2003. "What is Bushido?" 2001. Shotokai Karate Budo. 18 Nov. 2003. Yumoto, John M. The Samurai Sword: A Handbook. New York: Charles E. Tuttle, 1958.

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