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The Art of Growing Winegrapes to Make Great Wine.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art of Growing Winegrapes to Make Great Wine."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art of Growing Winegrapes to Make Great Wine

2 Growing Winegrapes ArtWay of LifeEconomics Jobs Exports Tax Revenues Tourism GREAT WINE! Science

3 Production in Over 40 States

4 Rural Renaissance More than 2,000 wineries in America A winery in every state Central part of the Rural Renaissance

5 Great Wine Begins with Top-Quality Grapes Long-Term Investment: $1 million investment to get started 3 years before vines produce viable crop Even longer to produce positive cash flow.

6 Climate and Geography Soil type Average rainfall Temperature Humidity Sunshine Winds Other Climatic Factors

7 Soil Sample Tuscan Stony Loam: Well-drained Pebbles & cobbles Low fertility Scarce water …Makes for good grapes!

8 Choices: Site and Varietals Site determines quality Choosing the wrong site can be a costly mistake. Anticipating market demand is key.

9 Spring Frost protection Vine, bud protection Cover crops Mowing and chemical weed control Growing Practices:

10 Summer Canopy Management Moisture control Pest management Sulfur application Irrigation

11 Fall Harvest Timing is key Birds love grapes, too! Busy time for growers and wineries.

12 Winter Cover crops Controlled burns Pruning Weed control Grapes are dormant

13 Growing with Care Dealing with the elements Water supply Weeds Protecting wildlife habitat Insect invasion

14 Integrated Pest Management Ecology and dynamics of the crop Ecology and dynamics of the pests Assessing levels of pests & natural enemies Establishing economic thresholds Use most appropriate controls –chemical –cultural –biological –behavioral –genetic

15 Water Conservation Drip irrigation Accurate fertilizer application Vineyards use less water than other farms and housing developments

16 Soil Quality Add organic matter Build soil structure Micro-organisms Improve water penetration Minimize erosion and water run-off

17 Owl Boxes and Raptor Perches

18 Growing Responsibly Reducing herbicide use Using advanced technology Sound labor practices Reduced-risk pesticides

19 World Wine Production U.S. is fourth largest wine producer in the world. Argentina, Germany, Australia and South Africa follow. U.S. share: 7.2%

20 World Wine Consumption The United States ranks third in world wine consumption. But per capita consumption is a lowly 34th!

21 U.S. Wine Exports Exports have climbed 16-fold from $35 million in 1986 to $560 million today. California accounts for more than 90% of the nation’s wine exports.

22 U.S. Wine Export Markets

23 California 90% of US wine production 565,000 acres in 45 counties 847 commercial wineries - family owned Economic Impact: $33 billion Fourth largest wine producer in the world

24 Wine grape acreage- approximately 1500 acres (2000 data) 24% increase since 1997 Michigan wineries produce more than 200,000 cases of wine annually Approximately two million liters High proportion from Michigan Grown Grapes Michigan

25 Michigan has 30 wineries (up from 17 in 1995) Open to the public for tours and tasting There are an additional 14 tasting rooms affiliated with the wineries around the state Recent MSU study determined economic impact in 2000 was $75 million $16.6 million attributed to tourist spending on non-winery products and services in those communities

26 New York 121 wineries, 100 are new since 1985 2.7 million winery visitors last year 31,400 acres of grapes - 13,000 in winegrapes 40.8 million gallons of wine annually

27 Washington Rapid Growth 30,000 acres of winegrapes 170 wineries $2.4 million economic impact “Wine Region of the Year”

28 Oregon More than 180 wineries 11,000 winegrape acres Threefold growth since 1990 $120 million in wine sales

29 Texas 1.6 million gallons produced in 1997 40 wineries and growing 2 million gallon potential Annual economic impact: $100 million

30 Pennsylvania 68 family-owned wineries 14,000 acres of winegrapes Mild winter climates

31 Ohio Long history of winemaking 60 new wineries since 1965 State encourages growth in quality and quantity

32 North Carolina 550,000 gallons annually 850 bearing acres Farmgate value: $2.66 million Muscadines date back to Colonial days $25 million wine sales from 22 wineries

33 Maryland 76 vineyards 200 growers 90,000 gallons

34 Missouri 37 registered wineries $26 million in wine sales 256 jobs 450,000 gallons

35 Virginia 200 commercial growers 71 licensed wineries 2,100 bearing acres 500,000 visitors

36 Adding Value Rural Renaissance

37 Adding Value Rural Renaissance

38 Adding Value Rural Renaissance

39 Adding Value Rural Renaissance

40 Adding Value Rural Renaissance

41 Appellation Denotes all-important geography and microclimate Informs the consumer Encourages quality standards Indicates unique climate, soil, topography and history

42 Great Wine Comes from Top-Quality Grapes

43 Acknowledgments Project Director: Karen Ross, President California Association of Winegrape Growers Author and Art Director: Anne Chadwick The Chadwick Company American Vintners Association Fetzer Vineyards Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission North Carolina Department of Agriculture Ohio Wine Producers Association Oregon Wine Advisory Board Pennsylvania Wine Association Sonoma Valley Vintners and Growers Alliance Sonoma County Grape Growers Association Texas Department of Agriculture University of California Washington Wine Commission Winegrape Growers of America Wine Institute WineVision Facts and Photography:

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